(...) I can’t help wonder just what the structure of his ideal monarchy would be. (Demande un lecteur curieux de la position de m. Lind qui se déclare régulièrement en faveur d'une monarchie à la place d'une démocratie comme régime politique idéal.)
As conservatives know, there is no ideal structure, in the abstract, for any government. A country’s government must be shaped by its own culture and traditions. For Saudi Arabia, that means an absolute monarchy, and for Britain, a constitutional monarchy, although Commons has grown so powerful compared to the Queen and Lords that it has effectively abolished the British constitution.
I also suspect Heaven wants two countries to be republics, Switzerland, to show that it can be made to work, and the United States, as a warning to everyone else.
Finally, as the rector of my church in Cleveland (St. James’ Anglican Catholic Church; if you want to see how a high mass should be done, visit us some Sunday) says, “I am a monarchist because God is.”
And I am by choice a subject of Kaiser Wilhelm II because, in all probability, the very last chance Western civilization had of surviving was a victory by the Central Powers in World War I. (Dans ses analyses géopolitiques, il inclut souvent le fantôme du Kaiser comme conseiller pour détendre l'atmosphère.) William S. Lind. March 17, 2009
Défense and National Interet. http://www.d-n-i.net/dni/2009/03/17/on-war-296-responses/