We are spiraling into an abyss as black as Vietnam in Afganistan. As in all wars, miguied or just, the inocent and our soilders will bear the brunt of the impacts.
One vehicle was the Afghan Police, the other was a motorcycle that was scared away after being shot at. There is no evidence whatsoever of enemy activity.
It seems most Afghan drivers--and probably a lot of other drivers in that part of the world--drive in ways that we would consider wild and reckless. It's their country after all, and how are they to know what they are coming upon in the dark (not too much streetlighting in Afghanistan!).
The bald fact is that our troops are fighting a war right in the middle of a civilian population going about its daily life in a primitive, impoverished society halfway around the world.
The Afghans didn't ask them to be there; they are there because our government put them there--for reasons that have never been clear (after eight years there are still ten different goals, policies and strategies within the Coalition).
This kind of tragedy is bound to happen in such a muddled campaign.