lundi 15 février 2010

2326. SPÉCIMEN 2

Although I have french-canadian heritage [?], I am so sick of french Canada's whining. It is never ending. I don't know what would make them happy, perhaps if the opening ceremony had been entirely in french without a single word of english that might have been enough? , -But no wait,- i expect they still would have found something to complain about, perhaps there would not have been enough french culture or french entertainers, - I know - maybe if the olympics had been held in quebec with the rest of the country footing the entire bill, but excluded in every other way , that might have been enough. THey seriously need to get over themselves, it is beyond tiresome. I thought the amount of french (language culture and artists) involved at the ceremonies was more than sufficient and tastefully done. However, I strongly beleive that the the translation should have been in English first, not french. The. last time i checked Vancouver is located in BC, an English speaking -part of the country, and BC taxpayers are footing the majority of the bill for these olympics , not quebec.
