samedi 15 mai 2010




5/15/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 15) - An Afghan-international combined force killed several militants and captured several as they searched for a Taliban leader in Baghlan last night.

The security force went to a compound in a rural area of the Baghlan-e Jedid district after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. At the compound, the Afghan members of the assault force called for the insurgents to surrender, but the individuals refused to lay down their arms and engaged the security force.

The combined force returned fire and several militants were killed. Other insurgents surrendered and were detained. Two of the militants, including one woman who attempted to engage the assault force with an automatic rifle, were wounded. All wounded individuals were medically evacuated to a nearby hospital.

No civilians were harmed, and the search team found multiple automatic rifles, grenades and tactical communications equipment.

In Kandahar last night, a joint security force searched a compound west of Seyyedan, in the Kandahar district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. During the search the security force detained several suspected insurgents for further questioning.

No shots were fired and no Afghan citizens were harmed during the operation.

In Logar last night, an Afghan-international security force detained a few suspected insurgents as they searched for a Taliban improvised explosive device (IED) cell commander.

The combined force went to the town of Sejawand, in the Baraki Barak district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity and detained the suspected militants for further questioning.

No shots were fired and no Afghan citizens were harmed during the operation.

A joint security force yesterday recovered a coalition helicopter that had been on a landing site in Kandahar for 24 hours.

The helicopter was part of an operation Thursday night north of the village of Mian, in the Kandahar district. As it landed the aircraft was damaged. No one was injured and the troops continued their mission.

After landing, it was determined the helicopter could not be flown and despite occasional harassing fire from insurgents, maintenance personnel were able to configure the aircraft to be externally loaded below another helicopter and flown intact back to a base.

Additionally, the coalition helicopter damaged during a hard landing in northern Kandahar province, as reported in IJC News Release 2010-05-CA-057, was destroyed on site by ISAF forces yesterday.

Enemy forces were not responsible for either of these accidents.

Afghan National Security Forces with ISAF partners conducted a combined operation early Thursday morning in Malmand Chinnah, Helmand Province. Two compounds were identified as possible locations for a known senior insurgent commander.

The operation was conducted in order to search the compounds and locate the insurgent commander. After the combined force secured both compounds, Afghan Special Police conducted numerous callouts in local dialects. Multiple men, women and children came out of the compounds and were moved to a safe area for the duration of the operation.

The operation resulted in the capture of several insurgents, seizure of a small consignment of narcotics and an assault rifle.

In another operation, ISAF forces found eight IEDs in the Kuhak school courtyard in Kandahar Province Tuesday. The IEDs were found during a security patrol in the Arghandab district conducted in support of Hamkari. The patrol also found 56 kilograms (125 pounds) of homemade explosives and two anti-personnel mines in the schoolyard.

U.N. reports have noted that a vast majority of civilian casualties are the result of insurgent IEDs. The motivation for the insurgents' decision to again emplace IEDs in and around an Afghan children's school remains unclear.



5/15/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 14) - A joint Afghan-international patrol discovered a weapons cache in the Zeerko Valley, Shindand district, Wednesday.

The cache consisted of 20 Russian 122mm artillery rounds and two launching charge cases.

“This is the second seizure of ordnance in the last two weeks in our area of operations,” said Col. Giulio Lucia, Italian Task Force Centre commander. “Together with our Afghan partners we will continue to provide security and safety to the local population.”

The safety of Afghan citizens is at the forefront of every coalition forces’ operation. With this is mind, coalition forces destroy weapons and explosive caches to prevent accidental harm to Afghan citizens who may discover the items and to deny the use of them by insurgents, who bring harm to Afghan National Security Forces, Coalition Forces and Afghan citizens, who comprise about 30 percent of IED casualties.

The cache was destroyed and no citizens or property was damaged during this operation.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 14) - A Taliban sub-commander and other insurgents were killed, and two insurgents were captured, by an Afghan-international security force in Nangarhar last night.

The combined force went to a compound outside the village of Qal'eh-ye Allah Nazar, in the Surkh Rod district, after intelligence information verified insurgent activity.

As the joint force approached the compound they received automatic gunfire. During the firefight the security force attempted several callouts without success. After the fighting ended it was discovered that one of the militants killed was a Taliban sub-commander responsible for rocket attacks and ambushes against ISAF forces.

The two militants captured were wounded, and were evacuated to a local ISAF medical treatment facility. Reports indicate no civilians were harmed during the operation.

The combined force found multiple automatic rifles, a shotgun, pistols and communications equipment in and around the compound.

In Zabul last night, multiple insurgents were killed after intelligence assets tracked a group of insurgents in a rural area east of Chakar Kheyl, in the Tarnak-wa Jeldak district, for several hours. Using precision aerial fires, the armed insurgents were killed.

A joint security force found an anti-tank mine, multiple improvised explosive device (IED) components, multiple rocket propelled grenade launchers, rocket rounds, automatic rifles and communications equipment.

Reports indicate no civilians were harmed during this operation.

In a separate operation in Zabul yesterday, two Taliban commanders were killed by an Afghan-international security force after intelligence assets tracked a vehicle in a rural area of the Tarnak-wa Jeldak district after finding indications of militant activity. As the assault force approached the vehicle they received hostile fire. The joint force returned fire and killed the two occupants, both Taliban commanders. These Taliban were responsible for several IED attacks and small arms ambushes on Afghan and ISAF forces. The assault force searched the vehicle and found automatic rifles and communications equipment.

Reports indicate no civilians were harmed during this operation.

Another Afghan-international security force captured a Haqqani-network IED facilitator and several other militants in Khost last night while acting on intelligence information that led the force to a compound north of Mehdi Kheyl, in the Tereyzai district. The IED facilitator is responsible for purchasing and building IEDs used against ISAF and Afghan forces.

The assault force found IED materials, blasting caps and demolition cord at the site. A local madrassa, normally meant for religious instruction, was used as the weapons storage facility.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during the operation.

A separate Afghan-international security force captured a Haqqani-network commander and multiple suspected insurgents in Khost Province yesterday.

The combined force went to a compound in the Terayzai district after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity and captured the Haqqani-network commander responsible for training and making electronics used in detonating IEDs, and the other insurgents.

During the search, an armed insurgent tried to flee the compound. As the assault force attempted to capture the insurgent, he open-fired on the assault force and was shot and killed.

The search team found multiple AK-47s, rifles, grenades and ammunition in the compound. Reports indicate no civilians were harmed during this operation.

An Afghan-International security force killed an insurgent and captured a foreign fighter facilitator and other militants in an operation east of Barakat, in the Ab Band district of Ghazni Province last night.

When the assault force approached the targeted area an armed militant was seen running away. As a security force pursued the insurgent, he turned to fire on the joint force and was shot and killed.

Automatic rifles and ammunition were found on site. Reports indicate no civilians were harmed during this operation.

An Afghan-international security force killed multiple militants and captured another in Ghazni Province Thursday morning.

After receiving intelligence information of militant activity, the combined force went to a compound north of Qara Bagh, Khanjari district. As the assault force approached, a group of armed militants were observed moving from the compound to a nearby tree line, likely to establish ambush positions. As the security force cleared the area they came under enemy fire. The security force returned fire, killing the insurgents. Examination of the militant fighting positions in the tree line found machine guns, rocket propelled grenades and automatic rifles.

Reports indicate no civilians were harmed, and the weapons were destroyed on site.

A Taliban commander, responsible for planning and executing attacks against coalition forces, and several other militants were captured by an Afghan-international security force in Helmand Province last night while searching a small compound approximately five miles west of Marjeh after intelligence information revealed insurgent activity. No shots were fired and no civilians were harmed in this operation.

A coalition helicopter conducting joint Afghan-international security force operation was damaged during a hard landing earlier today in northern Kandahar Province.

No one was killed, but several coalition and Afghan servicemembers were injured and were medically evacuated to a nearby ISAF medical treatment facility.

Enemy actions were not responsible for this accident.

Afghan commandos, with coalition partners, have secured the crash site, and the cause of the accident is being investigated.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 14) - An ISAF servicemember died following an IED strike in southern Afghanistan yesterday.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 14) - An ISAF servicemember died following an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

Feature News Release

By USAF Master Sgt. Christopher DeWitt
RC-North Public Affairs Advisory Team

PUZA-I-ESAN, Afghanistan (May 14) - Afghan National Army soldiers are now helping to rid northern Afghanistan of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and mines. Soldiers from Camp Shaheen's 209th Corps Route Clearing Company (RCC) recently completed certification under the training and direction of U.S. soldiers and have begun conducting autonomous missions in Northern provinces.

The RCC team recently completed a 10-day mission in Kunduz Province, northern Afghanistan's most active area of enemy activity, resulting in the successful identification and removal of 17 IEDs and mines.

"We are making the area safe," said Capt. Mohammad Ali Yazdani, 209th RCC commander. "We successfully found many IEDs and all of our team did amazing."

Hoping to build on their initial success, the team immediately continued into another mission in the Baghlan province, another area in the north where insurgents are becoming more active.

"Over the past 21 days we've found 40 IEDs and mines in Baghlan," Yazdani said. "The roads are now safe for the people and Afghan and coalition soldiers."

One member of the Afghan 4th Kandak 1st Brigade Explosive Ordinance Disposal Platoon was extremely excited about his involvement in the successful mission.

"I'm very happy because I can now help others," said Staff Sgt. Gholam Mohammad, EOD platoon team member. "Our mission is very important because we keep ANA, coalition forces, and the people of the local villages safe. We are together in this mission; we have one target and one mission."

Joining the ANA during their mission, 10th Mountain 1st Brigade Special Troop Battalion 2nd Platoon Alpha Company engineers continued the mentoring process.

"You couldn't hope for a better RCC team," said 1st Lt. John Marhevsky, Alpha Company platoon leader. "They have successfully completed three missions on their own, two of which have been without any casualties and have found numerous IEDs."

Marhevsky said his team was excited to work with the ANA and see how they utilized the training received from the previous mentoring team, adding, "We can't build a good working relationship without going out on missions together."

"We were very glad to see [10th Mountain] join with us, and we look forward to working together with them," Yazdani said concerning U.S. and Afghan teams working together for the remainder of their mission.

The 209th Corps RCC's newfound capabilities have provided local and coalition forces with a safer environment, as well as, the much-needed security for those that inhabit the Baghlan province.

"We've opened roads for civilians and cleared IEDs for construction workers who are now able to continue their work," Yazdani said of the accomplishments his team had made in the area.

When not searching for IEDs, Alpha Company soldiers filled their time by instructing the ANA on vehicle maintenance, battle drills, and combat life saving techniques to increase their self-sustainability when on mission.

"We want to teach them things they don't know, as well as learn their capabilities and previous training, it's like a two way street," said Sgt. 1st Class James Williams, Alpha Company platoon sergeant. "It helps build confidence between the two groups.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 13) - An Afghan-international security force killed several insurgents and detained almost a dozen others as the patrol searched for a Pakistani-based Taliban commander in Helmand Province last night.

Based on intelligence information, the combined force went to the village of Kheyl Kalizeh, in the Sangin district. As the combined force approached the compound they began receiving fire, and several armed individuals were seen moving to a nearby tree line, and were engaged and killed. The security force captured several other militants as they searched in and around the compound.

Multiple automatic rifles and chest racks were found. Also, a tunnel system in the compound was discovered and cleared. The targeted militant is a Pakistani-based Taliban commander responsible for attacks against ISAF forces and involved in training and moving foreign fighters.

In Kandahar last night, a combined force searched a compound south of Bahram, in the Ghorak district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. During the search they captured a Taliban commander responsible for attacks on coalition force patrols and bases. He has also been involved in emplacing improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and the movement of foreign fighters.

When the Taliban commander was confronted, he immediately surrendered and identified himself as the targeted militant. Two other militants were also captured.

During the search the security force found multiple automatic rifles and approximately 45 kilograms (100 pounds) of heroin.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during the operation.

In Logar last night, several suspected militants were detained by an Afghan-international security force as they pursued a Taliban commander.

The combined force searched a compound in the village of Karut, in the Charkh district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity and detained the suspected militants for further questioning.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during the operation.

The targeted insurgent is a Taliban sub-commander, heavily involved with IED emplacements and small-arms ambushes against coalition forces.

In the Nad-e Ali district of Helmand yesterday, a joint patrol found a weapons and drug cache consisting of an 82mm rocket, a rocket-propelled grenade tail fin, a 105mm shell casing, a 30mm shell casing and 11 kg (24 lbs) of opium. The cache was destroyed on site.

An ISAF patrol discovered a weapons cache containing three rocket propelled grenades, three shotguns, two grenades, and two mortar rounds in the Zharay district of Kandahar yesterday. The cache was destroyed.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


Feature News Release

By LTjg. Nick Kalman
and MC2 Daniel Stevenson,
RC-North Public Information Office

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 13) - Fourteen American soldiers made history yesterday by becoming the first foreigners to receive Germany's Gold Cross medal, one of its highest awards for valor, in a ceremony in Kunduz.

The U.S. medical evacuation crewmen were honored for risking their lives to come to the rescue of German soldiers who were ambushed by more than 200 Taliban fighters during a patrol north of Kunduz, April 2.

Eleven German soldiers were critically wounded in the fighting, and the battle was still raging when the U.S. Black Hawk evacuation helicopters arrived on the scene.

"We came under very heavy fire," said Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jason LaCrosse. "We couldn't land at first, but we came back in a second time and loaded two casualties, brought them back to the hospital, then we went back to get more."

Three of the soldiers injured in the battle died from their wounds.

"We've had a strong partnership with the German soldiers. These guys are like family to us, so we took it personally when they got injured and just went out there and did what we had to do," said Sgt. Antonio Gattis.

The Americans are all members of the U.S. Army's 12th Combat Aviation Brigade. They are Capt. Robert McDonough, Chief Warrant Officers 3 Jason LaCrosse, Steven Husted and Nelson Visaya, Chief Warrant Officers 2 Jason Brown, Sean Johnson and Eric Wells, Staff Sgt. Travis Brown, Sergeants William Ebel, Antonio Gattis and Steven Shumaker, and Specialists Matthew Baker, Todd Marchese and Gregory Martinez.

Germany announced the decision to award the medals last month in Berlin.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 12) - An ISAF servicemember died following an IED strike in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 12) - There was a release shura yesterday at the Regional Operational Coordination Center in Herat Province for three insurgents who were previously held in the Detention Facility in Parwan.

The former insurgents adhered to the reintegration program led and advised by the Afghan government to persuade insurgents to terminate their fight and assume a legitimate role in their communities.

The shura was attended by the relevant Afghan authorities including more than 40 elders from the communities who are going to reintegrate the three ex-detainees.

The former insurgents pledged before the shura their commitment to reject violence and be reintegrated into their communities, to which they will grant support. In return, village elders and leaders signed guarantor statements in which they committed to supporting those who had rejoined their communities.

Brig. Gen. Mohibullah, Joint Task Force 435 deputy commander, stressed the importance of the Afghan-led program, which not only supports social and economic opportunities for the former insurgents, but for their communities as well.

"One of the key elements for success of the reintegration is the community empowerment, as important issues within Afghan society are generally resolved at the community level," said Vice Adm. Robert Harward, JTF-435 commander.

The three men who were released from the Detention Facility in Parwan will return to their villages in the western provinces of Afghanistan. They were accompanied by their relatives and community elders and will be offered a peaceful opportunity to be contributing members of their communities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 13) - An Afghan-international security force killed more than two dozen insurgents and captured several others while pursuing a senior Taliban commander in Kunduz last night.

The combined force went to a compound in the village of Kharid-e Olya, Kunduz district, after intelligence information confirmed the Taliban were staging for a large attack. As the Afghan-led element moved into the target area they immediately began receiving fire from a mosque and surrounding woods, and then returned defensive fires. Shortly after, several armed individuals ran toward and fired on the combined force. They were engaged and killed.

The insurgents were killed as they continued to fire on the combined force with machine guns, automatic rifles and hand grenades. Close air support was used, but not on the mosque and compound which received minor damage.

No civilians were harmed during this operation.

Joint Afghan-international operations in Kunduz continue to counter Taliban efforts to facilitate movement of fighters, weapons, and explosives into the area to disrupt legitimate government and security in the region.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

Feature News Release

By Sgt. Maj. Paul Hicks

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 10) - Afghan and ISAF officials inaugurated a mosque at Camp Marmal, in Mazar-e-Sharif, Thursday.

The inauguration of the house of prayer gives Muslim soldiers and civilian employees of Regional Command-North as well as the many Afghan workers at the camp the opportunity to pray and practice their faith.

The governor of Balkh Province, Atta Mohammed Noor; numerous spiritual dignitaries from Mazar-e-Sharif; Brig. Gen. Frank Leidenberger, RC-North commander; and Maj. Gen. Abdul Rahman Rahmani, the Afghan National Army 209th Corps chief of staff attended the event.

“I would like to thank Governor Noor, in particular, who always seeks a dialogue with us and underscores our friendship,” said General Leidenberger in his opening speech. “The international community will continue to be on Afghanistan's side in order to guarantee a more secure and more stable future. I am very proud that today we can inaugurate this mosque together as a symbol of our friendship.”

The mosque took six months to complete and cost €50,000.

Governor Noor, too, pointed out that the presence of the ISAF troops in Afghanistan was highly important for the development and the progress of the country.

“It is the small steps like the construction of this mosque and today’s inauguration that build trust and confidence and let the different cultures grow closer together,” said the Governor.

Governor Noor also pointed out that the good cooperation was important for economic prosperity so Afghanistan could be able to stand on its own feet soon. He said the international community had already started to set a positive course.

“We have had traditional ties with Germany for a long time, a tradition which stands for a successful future,” said Governor Noor.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 12) - An ISAF servicemember died following a small-arms attack in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

Feature Release

By 2nd Lt. Jordan Breau
1st Battalion,
101st Field Artillery Regiment

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 12) - An ISAF embedded training team conducted a humanitarian assistance mission to Naswan Pansat School in Kabul, with help from Afghan police and the Afghan soldiers to honor a fallen comrade recently killed.

This unique humanitarian mission was the first time Embedded Training Team 6-1 (ETT 6-1), from A Battery, 1st Battalion, 101st Field Artillery Regiment (1-101 FA), which is out of Danvers, Mass., simultaneously worked with both branches of the Afghan National Security Forces.

The Afghan policemen and soldiers distributed donated school supplies, blankets, and clothing to the students.

Some of the supplies and toys were donated by the family of U.S. Army Sgt. Robert Barrett of the ETT, who was killed while on a training mission by a suicide bomber, April 19.

The school's students are taught primarily by females. Under Taliban rule Afghan women were banned from receiving an education. Now women are leading the charge for education.

According to United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization, only 28 percent of the Afghanistan population can read and write.

"Seeing schools packed with both male and female students is a fantastic sight because these students are the future of Afghanistan, and they understand the importance of education and envision hope for their nation," said 1st Lt. Louis Santillo, B Battery, 1-101 FA.

The conditions of the school are not comparable to that of the average American or European public school. Many of the classrooms are hollowed-out metal shipping containers, most without desks or chairs. Some classes do not have a room at all but are being taught inside a dark hallway.

Members of the training unit have already provided 100 desks and chairs and are working to supply the school with 300 additional desks and chairs within the month.

"We are so happy you are here, and we are so grateful for what you have done for our school," said Habibula Hamdard, principal of the Naswan Pansat School.

"It is amazing how disciplined the students are," said Spc. Robert Hopkins, ETT 6-1, training mentor. "They take their education very seriously, but on the other hand it was heartwarming to see them smile as well, I felt we did a great thing today."

This was the team's first mission since the death of their teammate, and the humanitarian mission was a step in easing the hearts and minds of the ETT and begins the process to heal the scars from the loss of Sergeant Barrett.

"It was good to get out there and help the Afghan National Army and shake some of the anxiety and nerves," said Pfc. Christopher Capozzoli, an ETT 6-1 training mentor.

"We wanted to get out there as soon as possible," said Staff Sgt. Anthony Lacerda, ETT 6-1, training mentor. "Sergeant Barrett refused to stop working even when he was sick, he was always highly motivated and soldiered on through the toughest of times. We wanted to pay homage to the spirit of Sergeant Barrett and carry on the mission; he would have wanted us to continue to help the people of this nation."

"The mission must go on, we must go on, we took a devastating loss, but we must continue to advance and support the Afghan nation," said 1st Lt. Jeffrey Hartline, ETT 6-1 team leader.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 12) - An ISAF servicemember died following an IED strike in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 12) - Several suspected militants were detained by an Afghan-international security force as they searched for a Taliban commander in Helmand Province last night.

A combined security force moved to a compound near Nangazi, in the Sangin district after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. During the search the assault team detained the suspected militants for further questioning.

No shots were fired and no Afghan citizens were harmed during the operation.

Yesterday in Malmand Chinnah district, of Helmand Province, Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF) with ISAF partners conducted a combined operation. Several compounds were identified as possible locations for a known senior insurgent commander. This operation was conducted to search the compounds and find the insurgent commander.

As the combined force approached the first compound, several insurgents fled the area. One fled to an adjacent compound, which was also occupied by women and children, while the other two hid in a nearby treeline.

The combined force secured a total of three compounds, and Afghan Special Police conducted numerous callouts in local dialects. Several men, women, and children vacated the compounds and were moved to a safe area for the duration of the operation.

Once they assured the civilians were safe, the combined force proceeded to the treeline to apprehend the insurgents who had fled the first compound. The insurgents ignored numerous callouts by Afghan Special Police and instead presented a credible threat to the combined force, which consequently shot and killed both insurgents.

This operation resulted in the confirmed death of a leading Taliban commander and suicide attack facilitator known as "Amid," and is expected to disrupt the training facilitation of an active Taliban network in the Malmand district. Additionally, several men were detained in this operation.

A total of eight women and 23 children were protected throughout this operation and returned safely to their homes.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 11) - Afghan and international patrols successfully conducted operations in southern and eastern Afghanistan during the past 24 hours that targeted improvised explosive device (IED) facilitators and weapons used to attack security forces.

A couple of insurgents were killed when they fired on an Afghan-international security force as it pursued a Taliban commander in the Ghazni Province last night.

The combined force went to an open field southeast of Zarah Sharan, in the Qara Bagh district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. As the security force approached a small camp they were confronted by several armed insurgents. Two of the militants were killed in a firefight.

The search team interviewed one of the tent owners, who said the insurgents were outsiders and had forced their way into the camp. The combined force found rocket-propelled grenades, an automatic rifle and fragmentation grenades.

The targeted Taliban commander is involved in approving attacks against coalition forces and recruiting new militant fighters.

Two suspected insurgents were detained for further questioning.

In Helmand Province last night, a joint force searched a compound west of Marjah, in the Nawa district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. During the search the security force captured a Taliban IED expert and a few other militants.

The Taliban explosives facilitator operates an IED and mine production facility, supplying insurgent networks with IEDs. When confronted by the assault force he surrendered immediately and identified himself as the sought-after militant.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during the operation.

Also in Helmand last night, an Afghan-international security force detained almost a dozen suspected insurgents as it searched for a senior Taliban commander.

The combined force searched a series of compounds in a rural area of the Nawah-ye Barakzai district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity, and detained the suspected militants for further questioning.

The targeted Taliban commander is a member of a commission directing IED attacks and ambushes against coalition forces.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during the operation.

In Kandahar last night, a joint security force found explosive components and captured a suspected militant as the patrol pursued a Taliban commander.

The combined force went to a compound in the village of Maku, in the Zharay district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. While searching the compound the assault force captured a suspected militant and detained him for further questioning.

The search team also uncovered multiple 155mm shells, ammonium nitrate and sulfur, all used to make explosives.

The targeted Taliban commander is involved in purchasing weapons and IEDs for attacks on coalition forces.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during the operation.

In Khost last night, several insurgents were killed and one was wounded by an Afghan-international security force searching for a Haqqani network facilitator.

Following a close air support mission, that killed some insurgents, a combined force went to a rural area in the Terezayi district. As the security force approached the area they were confronted by an armed individual. The security force attempted several times to get the insurgent to drop his weapon and comply with instructions. The militant refused, attempted to engage the assault force and was shot and killed.

The targeted Haqqani leader is responsible for facilitating and storing IED making materials, emplacing IEDs for attacks against coalition forces, and giving and receiving reports on coalition force movements.

An IED was found near one of the insurgents and, for safety reasons, was later detonated in place.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 11) - Two ISAF servicemembers died in an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 10) - An ISAF patrol found a cache this morning in the Tarin Kot district of Uruzgan. The cache contained a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) launcher with two rounds, two RPG fuel cells and multiple .50 caliber rounds. The cache was destroyed.

In Kunduz last night an Afghan-international security force searched a compound in Nowabad, in the Chahar Dara district, after intelligence information indicted insurgent activity. During the search the combined force detained several suspected insurgents for further questioning.

The patrol was searching for a Taliban commander directly involved with attacks on coalition forces and Afghans and believed to have held prisoners for the local Taliban.

In the Nad-e Ali district of Helmand Province yesterday, an ISAF patrol was clearing a suspected insurgent position from a previous engagement when they discovered a weapons cache containing more than a thousand rounds of 7.62mm ammunition, nine RPG warheads and 22 kilograms (50 pounds) of opium. The cache was destroyed.

In the Spin Boldak district of Kandahar Province yesterday, an Afghan National Security Force searched a house after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. In the house they found 2,100 kilograms (4,629 lbs.) of ammonium nitrate, 1,775 kg. (3,913 lbs) of chemicals and 4,590 liters of acid used in heroin production.

Ammonium nitrate based home-made explosives continue to be used in the production of IEDs causing the majority of civilian and ISAF casualties in Afghanistan.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during these operations.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 10) - An MH-60 helicopter made a controlled landing after being hit by enemy fire in Helmand Province this afternoon. All crewmembers have been safely returned to base.

The helicopter was supporting a combined Afghan-international assault force on a targeted compound near Nangazi, in the Sangin district, and had just begun its return flight when it was hit by enemy fire and forced to make a controlled landing.

After landing, the helicopter crew was immediately picked up by additional aircraft. The helicopter could not be recovered and was destroyed in place with close air support. Multiple enemy fighters were engaged by the combined force and several suspected militants were captured at the targeted compound.

The assault force and remaining crew have safely returned to base.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 10) - An ISAF servicemember died following an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan yesterday.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 9) - An ISAF servicemember died following an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 9) - Afghan citizens fought off an unprovoked insurgent attack in Parmakan village, Shindand district, Herat Province yesterday.

A large group of insurgents surrounded villagers who were guarding the community, in an attempt to intimidate the villagers and threaten their families with violence. When the village defenders refused to give in to their demands the insurgents opened fire upon the guards and the surrounding community with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades. Several civilians were killed and one villager was injured by the gunfire. During the fighting several insurgents were killed.

As the Afghan citizens continued to defend themselves by returning fire and out maneuvering the much larger group of approximately 20 insurgents, village leaders requested assistance from a nearby Afghan Commando unit and its partnered U.S. Special Operation Forces (USSOF).

When the Commandos and USSOF arrived to assist the villagers, they were engaged by insurgents firing small arms from four cars and a motorcycle. Together, the Afghan citizens and the combined force engaged the insurgents, killing several, while medical personnel treated the injured citizens and provided transportation to local medical facilities for further treatment and evaluation.

The remaining insurgents fled, hiding in the local community. A village patrol searched the area to expel remaining insurgents and discovered several residents were killed by insurgents.

In response to the insurgent attack, local, district and provincial leaders have joined with Afghan National Security Forces, assisted by USSOF, to protect their community from further violence, increase security in the area and expand economic development in the Shindand district.

"The defense of the village by local citizens' marks a turn in the establishment of support by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for self-governance," said Capt. Rebecca Lykins, a spokesperson for the Combined Joint Special Operation Task Force-Afghanistan.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 9) - An Afghan-international security force discovered an IED factory and detained two suspected insurgents while pursuing a Taliban commander in Helmand Province last night.

As the combined force searched a compound in the village of Do Sang, Now Zad district, they uncovered the IED factory. The team found two assembled IEDs, multiple pressure plates and dozens of rocket propelled grenades. RPGs are often disassembled so their explosives can be used in IEDs.

As the joint force searched the area they came under small arms and RPG fire. The force restrained return fire out of concern of possible civilian casualties, and no civilians were injured. In a separate operation, Afghan national security forces with their ISAF partners seized a large quantity of drugs and killed several suspected insurgents while conducting an operation in Helmand Province yesterday.

When the combined force stopped a suspect vehicle approximately 40 kilometers north of the Pakistan border, several armed men fled and then concealed themselves in nearby positions. They ignored numerous Afghan police verbal warnings issued in local dialects, and were killed after presenting a threat to the combined force.

The patrol discovered 2,250 kilograms of opium resin, 150 kg of wet opium, 60 kg of morphine, 20 kg of heroin, two assault rifles and two pistols. All narcotics were destroyed on site and no civilians were injured in the operation.

In Chorah district, Uruzgan Province, an ISAF patrol confiscated a weapons cache yesterday.

The cache contained six hand grenades, three grenade fuses, nearly 1,000 7.62mm rounds, 50 machine gun rounds, two AK-47s, a pistol, a radio and several types of magazines and weapon holsters.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 8) - An Afghan-international security force killed two insurgents and captured another while pursuing a Taliban improvised explosive device (IED) facilitator in Zabul last night.

The combined force went to a compound south of Musa Zay, in the Shajoy district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. As the security force searched the compound they came under fire from a nearby compound that was later discovered to be a mosque. The Taliban militants, who were leaving the mosque, fired automatic weapons against coalition troops. The combined force returned fire and killed two insurgents as they advanced towards the patrol. The combined force conducted a call out in the other buildings and captured another suspected militant. Several women and children were protected during the operation.

The Afghan members of the combined team searched the mosque, found weapons, multiple blasting caps and IED materials.

The targeted insurgent was involved in suicide bombings and IED attacks that killed and wounded Afghan nationals.

In Kunduz last night, a joint security force went to a compound in the village of Aq Saray, in the Chahar Dara district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity in a car traveling to the compound. During a search of the compound the joint force detained several insurgents for further questioning.

The search team found three anti-personnel mines, including one in the militant's car. The mines were removed to prevent innocent Afghans from being injured later.

No shots were fired and no one was injured during the operation.

In the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand Province yesterday, Afghan National Police directed an ISAF patrol to a cache they had found containing five mortar rounds and 18 kilograms (40 pounds) of homemade explosives. The cache was destroyed.

In the Now Zad district of Helmand yesterday, an Afghan-international patrol found a cache in an open field containing 45 kg (100 lbs) of ammonium nitrate and 4.5 kg (10 lbs) of homemade explosive. The cache was destroyed.

Ammonium nitrate based home-made explosives continue to be used in the production of IEDs causing the majority of civilian and ISAF casualties in Afghanistan.

Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) with ISAF partners conducted a combined operation Wednesday in the Nad-e Ali district of Helmand. The operation was intended to capture insurgents responsible for roadside-bombing attacks against ANSF and civilians.

After surrounding the compound in which several suspects were located, Afghan Special Police were able to ensure all residents safely exited the compound. The operation resulted in the detention of two men and the seizure of weapons and approximately 15 kg (33 1bs) of wet opium.

Four women and 18 children were protected throughout this operation, in which no civilians were injured.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 7) - An ISAF servicemember died following an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan yesterday.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 7) - An ISAF servicemember died following an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 7) - An ISAF servicemember died as the result of an indirect fire attack in eastern Afghanistan yesterday.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 7) - A Haqqani network improvised explosive device (IED) commander and two other militants were captured this morning by an Afghan-international security force in Khost.

The combined force went to a compound northeast of Ghunday, in the Terayzai district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. During the search the security force captured an insurgent commander responsible for direct attacks on coalition bases and a local bazaar. He was also involved in suicide IEDs and buying weapons and supplies. Two other militants were also captured.

The joint team found multiple automatic rifles, pistols and a large amount of money.

In the Maiwand district of Kandahar Province this morning, a joint patrol found a cache containing an AK-47 rifle and 30 bags of wet opium. One individual was detained by Afghan authorities in relation to the find. The drugs will be destroyed.

In Nangahar Province this morning, an ISAF explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) team responded to an Afghan National Police report of an IED. The device consisted of a mine and two 82mm mortars. The EOD team destroyed the IED.

In Kandahar last night, an Afghan-international security force went to a compound west of Kukaran, in the Arghandab district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. When the security force entered the compound two suspected militants initially refused to come out of a building. After several callouts the insurgents eventually surrendered. Several suspected insurgents were captured without violence.

The search team recovered several weapons, including an automatic rifle, a fragmentation grenade, a shotgun, multiple blasting caps and a large amount of money.

In the Garm Ser district of Helmand Province yesterday, an Afghan civilian led a joint patrol to a weapons cache containing 20 rocket-propelled grenades. The cache was destroyed by an EOD team.

No shots were fired and no Afghan citizens were harmed during these operations.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 6) - A Taliban commander and a few other insurgents were captured by an Afghan-international security force in Kandahar last night.

The combined force searched a compound in the village of Jazah, in the Khakrez district, after intelligence information indicated militant activity. During the search the security force captured the Taliban commander responsible for planning and executing attacks against coalition forces. He is also heavily involved in organizing suicide attacks, mortar attacks and buying IED components. A few other insurgents were also captured during the search.

In Helmand last night, a joint security force searched a compound in Marjah, in the Nad-e Ali district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. During the search the force detained several suspected militants for further questioning.
In the Nadir Shah Kot district of Khost Province yesterday, a joint Afghan-international patrol discovered a weapons cache consisting of seven rocket-propelled grenades, a machine gun, three AK-47s, a rifle, nine AK-47 magazines, two AK-47 magazine holders, four bandoleers, 200 rifle rounds, and 30 machine gun rounds. The Afghan National Army (ANA) determined the weapons were from two tribes that had been fighting. The ANA detained five individuals from each tribe for questioning. There were no damages or injuries.

In the Maiwand district of Kandahar Province Tuesday, an ISAF patrol stopped a suspicious vehicle and found a large amount of money and three kilograms (seven pounds) of opium. Three individuals were detained by Afghan authorities in relation to the find.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during any of these operations.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 6) - An ISAF servicemember died in an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



International Security Assistance Force - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May. 5) – ISAF condemns the suicide attack in the Zaranj District of Nimroz Province on Wednesday killing and wounding Afghan citizens and police forces.

The suicide bombers apparently targeted the governor’s house and provincial court building in their attack.

Afghan security forces responded to the scene of the attack and engaged the remaining bombers.

“We condemn this callous attack against the Afghan people,” said Brigadier General Josef Blotz, ISAF Spokesperson. “The professionalism of the Afghan National Police (ANP) in defeating the attack is a demonstration of their capability to respond to security challenges. This attack further indicates the insurgents’ disregard for human life and progress towards a better future for all Afghans.”



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 5) - An ISAF servicemember died following a small-arms attack in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 4) - An ISAF servicemember died as a result of a vehicle accident in southern Afghanistan yesterday.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 4) - An ISAF servicemember died following an IED strike in southern Afghanistan yesterday.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 4) - This morning in the Musa Qalah district of Helmand Province, an Afghan civilian notified an Afghan-international security patrol of unexploded ordnance. The patrol responded and found two rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), a suicide vest with C-4 explosive, and detonation cord. An explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) team destroyed the cache.

A variety of programs encourage Afghan civilians to report weapons caches, explosive devices, explosive-making materials, criminals and suspicious activities in exchange for monetary and non-monetary rewards. In Regional Command South, more than 300 Afghan civilians have come forward with tips this quarter. As a result, hundreds of potentially deadly explosive devices and related components have been destroyed by ISAF forces.

In the Tarin Kot district of Uruzgan Province today, an ISAF patrol found a cache containing a grenade, two RPG rounds, an RPG launcher, an AK-47 rifle and small-arms ammunition. The cache was confiscated.

Yesterday, an Afghan-international security patrol observed two people running from a moped in the Nad-e Ali district, Helmand Province. After investigating, the patrol discovered weapons on the moped consisting of several machine guns, three RPGs, an RPG launcher, and 300 rounds of machine gun ammunition. The cache was destroyed.

In the Chorah district of Uruzgan yesterday, a joint patrol found a cache containing a grenade, an AK-47 rifle, an anti-personnel mine shell and small-arms ammunition.

Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF) with ISAF partners conducted a combined operation Sunday in the Baghran Valley, Helmand Province. The operation was intended to capture insurgents responsible for road-side bombing attacks against ANSF and civilians.

After surrounding the compound in which several suspects were located, Afghan Special Police were able to get all residents to exit the compound. Several men were detained and 25 kilograms (55 pounds) of wet opium was found along with two assault rifles with two boxes of 7.62mm ammunition, two RPGs, one pistol and several IED detonators and components.

Thirteen women and 15 children were protected throughout this operation, in which no civilians were injured.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 4) - Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers assisted by coalition forces recovered a large weapons and explosives cache in Farah Province Saturday.

Several concerned Farah citizens contacted local ANA soldiers and provided information regarding the suspected cache. ANA soldiers, with minimal help from the coalition partners, planned and organized the operation to recover and destroy the cache.

The cache included four mines and more than one hundred 82mm mortar rounds, and various types of ammunition. These munitions are often used in roadside bombs that have killed Afghan civilians. ANA soldiers destroyed the cache.

While insurgents continue to increase their use of mines and other indirect weapons that often harm innocent civilians and destroy property, many civilians have begun providing information that often leads to the recovery of weapons and explosive caches, and the detention of insurgents.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 3) - A civilian contract helicopter crashed while making an emergency landing due to mechanical problems on an ISAF base in Nuristan Province this afternoon.

There were no passengers on board. All crewmembers survived and have received medical treatment.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 3) - An ISAF servicemember died as a result of an IED strike in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 3) - An Afghan Border Patrol unit stopped a truck during a random check and discovered four tons of a substance believed to be ammonium nitrate. The material was confiscated. The unit sent a sample of the material for testing. If tests confirm that it is the banned substance, the material will be destroyed.

Ammonium nitrate based home-made explosives continue to be used in the production of improvised explosive devices (IED's) causing the majority of civilian and ISAF casualties in Afghanistan. A Presidential Decree signed Jan. 29 banned the use, production, storage or sale of ammonium nitrate.

In the Garm Ser district of Helmand Province yesterday, an Afghan-international security patrol received a tip from an Afghan citizen about the location of a weapons cache. The patrol discovered more than 65 rockets, and an explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) team subsequently destroyed the cache.

While patrolling in the Chorah district of Uruzgan Province yesterday, a joint patrol discovered a weapons cache containing a command-wire IED, a 107mm rocket, three rocket-propelled grenades, small-arms ammunition, and a 107mm round casing and motor. The ammunition was confiscated and the rest of the cache destroyed.

In the Yahya Khel district of Paktika yesterday, an ISAF patrol found an IED consisting of five 82mm mortar rounds. An EOD team destroyed the device.

In the Shindand district of Herat Province yesterday, an Afghan-international patrol found a cache containing nine hand grenades, 600 rounds of small-arms ammunitions, an anti-personnel mine, three boxes of launcher charges, 14 fuses and 10 kg of ammonium nitrate. The cache was destroyed by an EOD team.


ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 2) - An ISAF servicemember died as a result of an IED strike in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 2) - An Afghan-international security force detained two suspected insurgents while searching for a Taliban facilitator in Kabul Province this morning.

The men were captured in a compound near the village of Payandeh Khel, Mosahi district after intelligence reports of militant activity. They were detained for further questioning.

Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) discovered 240 kilograms (520 lbs.) of home-made explosives in Kandahar city yesterday. ISAF forces assisted ANSF in the removal of the explosives.

A separate Afghan-international patrol found a weapons cache in the Nad-e Ali district, Helmand Province yesterday. The cache contained four rocket propelled grenade boosters, two hand grenades, three fuses, 10 radio antennas, a rifle, IED making materials, and documents. The cache was destroyed on site.

ISAF forces detained several suspected IED facilitators in the Garm Ser district, Helmand Province yesterday. The suspects were in possession of IED making materials including a cell phone containing Taliban propaganda.

Joint forces strive to avoid using lethal force in searches, and no shots were fired and no civilians were harmed during any of these operations.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 2) - An ISAF servicemember died following an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

HERAT, Afghanistan (May 1) – The partnership between Afghan National Army units and Italian troops of ISAF RC-W has led to a successful operation aimed at countering the Insurgents’ presence in the Zeerko Valley, in the area of operations of RC-W Task Force Center.

A cordon & search operation took place in the district of Shindand, where a weapons and explosive cache was found. A number of weapons and ordnance was subsequently disposed: 9 hand grenades, 600 cartridges, 1 anti-personnel mine, 3 boxes of launcher charges, 14 fuses, 10 kg of ammonium nitrate, and some batteries.

Part of the ordnance found in the cache was likely to be used to make improvised explosive devices, which constitute the main threat to innocent Afghan people or ANSF and Coalition forces.

ISAF Troops ensured that the disposal was conducted safely without inadvertently harming civilians.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 1) - An ISAF servicemember died following an indirect-fire attack in eastern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



4/30/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


Feature News Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (April 30) - An Afghan National Army (ANA) soldier in Helmand Province holds the record for finding the most improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in Afghanistan.

Ajab Han, a sergeant in the ANA working with British troops from the 1st battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland at a patrol base in the Sangin valley, has found 177 IEDs during his three years in Helmand.

"I know where they put them now," says Sergeant Ajab. "It helps to know the terrain. I can also think like the insurgents, stay one step ahead of them, and keep my soldiers, and ISAF soldiers safe."

While detecting equipment is very useful, he says just staying alert can be equally effective.

"I can just see them," he says. "There might be a tell-tale trace, or something just not quite right, or a piece of wire or wood showing, and that is when I know I have found another one. IEDs often come in many parts so we have to find all the bits in the ground." His successes are etched on a beam on a watchtower next to the place where he sleeps, along with his army number and the description "IED TEAM Sangin Special Force," written in English.

When asked if British soldiers are getting better at finding IEDs too he smiles and nods his head, "Yes, they are very good. But they are still very happy that we are here to help them."

The allied forces have awarded Ajab for his efforts with a certificate which he prizes. "I always have it on me," he said. "They know how much I am doing for them. And I am very pleased they are here, helping Afghanistan, too."

Capt. Will Wright, the platoon commander from 1 Scots mentoring team, working alongside Sergeant Ajab and his soldiers said, "Patrolling with the ANA gives us such an advantage. They see things we sometimes don't, they are brave beyond words, and we learn so much from them every day. Sergeant Ajab's skills are definitely much valued within this patrol base."

Sergeant Ajab is due to end his tour with the ANA in the next few months, but he says he is not ready to go home just yet.

"Now I have so much information about IEDs I want to be a teacher. I want to share my experience with the new soldiers joining the army. I want to teach them all they need to stay safe."




ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (April 30) - ISAF and Afghan National Security Forces responded to an attack in the Musa Qaleh bazaar, Helmand Province, today.

Initial reports indicate eight Afghan citizens were wounded in an improvised explosive device strike that occurred as the bazaar was opening.

The troops that responded provided medical care to the injured civilians. The wounded were evacuated to a medical facility for additional treatment.




ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (April 30) - A Taliban improvised explosive device (IED) facilitator and two other militants were captured by an Afghan-international security force in Kandahar Province last night.

The combined force searched a compound in northwest Kandahar City after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. During the search the combined force captured the Taliban IED facilitator responsible for delivering IED components to other local militant networks and securing vehicle-borne IEDs. Two other insurgents were also detained.

In the Kandahar City district of Kandahar Province yesterday, ISAF forces discovered a weapons cache containing six 102mm artillery shells, six mortars and a rocket-propelled grenade. The cache was destroyed.

While patrolling in the Nad-e Ali district of Helmand Province yesterday, ISAF forces saw a yellow jug protruding from the ground, which turned out to be a victim operated IED with 40 pounds of homemade explosives. The IED was destroyed.

An ISAF patrol met with Afghan National Police in the Spin Boldak district of Kandahar Province yesterday to retrieve 42 mines, two receiver/transmitters, and a bag full of miscellaneous IED electronics secured at the ANP checkpoint. The mines were in various stages of disrepair. The materials were destroyed.

In the Now Zad district of Helmand yesterday, an ISAF patrol found a rocket and some homemade explosives in an open field. The materials were destroyed.

In the Bala Morghab area of Badghis Province, an Afghan civilian turned in an anti-tank mine to an ISAF patrol. The mine was destroyed.

No shots were fired and no Afghan citizens were harmed during these operations.




ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (April 29) - An ISAF servicemember died as a result of an IED strike in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (April 29) - An Afghan-international security force recently captured a Taliban cell leader who had emplaced IEDs in and around an Afghan children's school in Kandahar.

The joint force had received intelligence that a Taliban IED cell was operating around Kuhak, in Kandahar Province. During the subsequent operation the security force captured the Taliban IED leader and several other cell members. A search of the area uncovered command detonation wires in a field across the road from the Kuhak children's school. The joint patrol followed the command wires and discovered nine buried IEDs.

Four of the IEDs were buried on the side of the road running beside Kuhak school. Two more of the IEDs were buried outside the gate of the school. Three IEDs were uncovered in the school courtyard, where the students congregate.

ISAF explosive experts said if the IEDs had been detonated while the school was in session numerous casualties would likely have occurred. The roadside IEDs were determined to be too dangerous to move and were blown in place creating large craters. The IEDs immediately around the school and in the student courtyard were dug up and safely removed by ISAF forces.

U.N. reports have noted that a vast majority of civilian casualties are the result of insurgent IEDs. The motivation for the Taliban's decision to emplace IEDs in and around an Afghan children's school remains unclear.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


Feature News Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (April 29) - ISAF bomb disposal experts from the Joint Force Counter Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) Taskforce have cleared the road to the market town of Shahzad in southwest Helmand. The road was littered with improvised explosive devices and surrounded by insurgent positions, and was previously impassable for the local population in an area controlled by the Taliban until Operation Moshtarak.

The task took five weeks to complete, with the team painstakingly clearing improvised explosive devices from five and a half kilometres of ground. At each stage, soldiers of Fire Support Company, 1st Battalion the Royal Welsh cleared insurgents from compounds at the sides of the road to provide a circle of protection so the C-IED teams could continue their task.

"My team and I were tasked to clear IEDs from the area," said Ammunition Technical Officer (ATO), Capt. Ciaron Dyer who commanded the C-IED team. "We were working alongside the Royal Engineer Search Team who was providing a high assurance search of the road so we could then clear any devices and make the route clear for future traffic."

Like many of the IEDs in Helmand, the devices were created from homemade explosives, ranging in size from 15-25 kilograms. They were then buried in the road to indiscriminately target ISAF forces and civilians.

Lance Corporal Kofi Dzando, a Territorial Army soldier from London who is currently attached to the bomb disposal team said, "As an infantry escort, my job is to go there and make sure the guy who clears the device is safe. It is my job to ensure any threat is eliminated and support the Number 2, who is the assistant to the boss, helping him with his equipment."

"The hardest part is when the boss goes out there to do his job," he said. "We don't know what to expect, apart from the fact that we know there is a device down there. It's a hard time because anything can happen at any point."

As Captain Dyer and his team move on to other tasks, members of Fire Support Company, 1st Battalion the Royal Welsh continue to provide security to the local population around the area, and ensure the road remains open.




ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (April 29) - Two Haqqani facilitators and two other militants were captured by an Afghan-international security force in Khost Province this morning.

A combined force searched a series of compounds near the village of Kurru, in the Terayzai district after intelligence information indicated militant activity. During the search the joint force captured the Haqqani facilitators responsible for the movement of weapons to fighters and improvised explosive device (IED) emplacements. One facilitator is involved in funding attacks on collation forces. Two other insurgents were also captured.

The combined force found shotguns, an automatic rifle and a grenade during the search.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during the operation.

In Nimroz this morning, a combined security force searched a compound outside of Shesh Aveh, in the Khash Rod district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. During the search the security force detained a few suspected insurgents for further questioning. No shots were fired and no Afghan citizens were harmed during the operation.

In Kunduz last night, an Afghan-international security force went to a compound near Durman, in the Ghor Tepa district, after intelligence information indicated militant activity. As the assault force approached the compound one insurgent left and attempted to maneuver around the security team. After the combined force told him to surrender the insurgent pulled out a concealed pistol and was shot and killed.

At the compound the security force detained several suspected insurgents for further questioning.

Taliban commanders continually seek to disrupt legitimate governance and establish strongholds to facilitate the movement of fighters, explosives and weapons into the country.

In Kandahar yesterday, a joint security force went to an area north of Khaneh Gerdab, in the Arghandab district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity and captured a Taliban sub-commander. The Taliban leader is known to direct the production, strategy, tactical coordination and emplacement of IEDs and ambushes against coalition forces in the area. Several other suspected insurgents were also detained for further questioning.

No shots were fired and no Afghan citizens were harmed during the operation.

In the Nad-e Ali district of Helmand Province yesterday, a joint patrol received a tip about a weapons cache in a mosque. ISAF patrols cordoned off the area while Afghan National Army (ANA) and National Directorate of Security (NDS) searched the mosque where they found 32 82mm mortar rounds, six grenades, a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, a machinegun, an AK-47 rifle, 50 blasting caps, hundreds of rounds of small-arms ammunition, 20 feet of detonation cord and 11 mine fuses. The cache was moved to a safe location and destroyed.

Also in the Nad-e Ali district yesterday, a joint patrol found a grenade, a G-3 rifle, four magazines, 80 rounds .308mm and miscellaneous IED-making materials buried along a compound wall. The items were confiscated.

While patrolling in the Musa Qalah district of Helmand Province, ISAF forces received a tip from an Afghan citizen about a cache in a local compound. After a search of the compound they found three 155mm artillery shells, a large number of small-arms shell casings, syringes and medical supplies buried with empty bags of ammonium nitrogen fertilizer. The materials were confiscated.
