dimanche 23 mai 2010



Panther Pest Control provide discreet, expert Pest Control & Prevention for the East Midlands. Driven by reliability and service; our aim is to provide your home, or business, with Professional Pest Control, by BPCA qualified technicians, at an affordable price to deliver 'Pest Defence For Your Home & Business'. Rapid Response, Free Callout & Free Survey for all pest species, clearance & proofing work.

Residential customers can enjoy a fast, friendly and discreet service response for all household pests and can choose from bespoke treatment programs, to budget beating packages and even one off treatments (where possible). Our aim is to provide a one call service that will swiftly and sympathetically deal with what can be a traumatic experience for many householders. Initial treatments can be carried out immediately after survey, to ensure that no time is wasted in dealing with your uninvited visitors, and all aspects of the treatment/survey will be discussed at each stage, to ensure full understanding and commitment with regard to the control measures required for successful pest elimination.

Business customers can expect the very highest level of commitment, with emphasis on communication and service provision to ensure your site, your staff and your customers are protected from the effects of pest activity, whilst at the same time your accounts department will be protected from unpleasantly high bills, with our range of affordable contract packages, tailored to suit the nature of your business.

Panther Pest Control is committed to using pesticide as the last resort, rather than the first. To protect the environment and wildlife as much as possible; Integrated Pest Management is practised in all possible situations.

What is Integrated Pest Management? Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a more forward thinking approach to pest control, focusing more on pest prevention rather than eradication. In other words; if your property and its environment becomes unattractive to pest species then this significantly reduces the possibility of infestation. For example: an overgrown garden can provide ideal harbourage for Rodents and, if you like to throw food out for the birds and haven't got round to sorting those old pots out behind the shed which are slowly filling with rain water, you have unwittingly created the perfect Rodent habitat.

Now, remove all of these factors and 'proof' your property and in essence, you have just carried out pest control without using a single chemical! Correct environment management and proofing is paramount in preventing pest infestation or re infestation and Panther Pest Control can carry out all forms of clearance and proofing works, from overrun gardens to lopping back overhanging trees, proofing buildings against ingress to clearing out buildings where ingress has already occurred, such as that old loft that Pigeons have spent the last year living in!

In the case of infestation already being present, IPM can still be practiced by carrying out alternative forms of control such as biological (the introduction of a predator) and physical (trapping ) before the introduction of pesticide. In fairness, pesticide will probably be required to totally eradicate an infestation but by adopting the alternative controls first, could reduce the amount required and the risks to the environment.