vendredi 11 juin 2010







6/10/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 11) - An Afghan-international security force detained several individuals suspected of insurgent activity in Logar Province last night.

The individuals were detained as the combined force searched a compound in Padkhvab-e Shaneh, Pul-e 'Alam district, after intelligence information revealed militant activity.

Another Afghan-international force used aircraft and ground forces to stop two vehicles and detained multiple individuals suspected of insurgent activity in Zabul Province yesterday.

The security force was pursuing a Taliban commander in the village of Zakuri, Shah Joy district, after intelligence information revealed insurgent activity.

The vehicles were stopped without incident, and several women and children in the vehicles were protected.

Individuals suspected of insurgent activity were detained by a separate Afghan-international force in Zabul Province yesterday.

The combined force detained two suspected insurgents while searching a compound in the village of Jonubi Garay, Shah Joy district, after intelligence information found insurgent activity.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during the above operations.

An Afghan-international security force found a large amount of explosives and detained an individual suspected of insurgent activity in Kandahar Province last night.

The security force searched a series of compounds near the village of Zarif Kheyl, Zharay district, after intelligence information verified militant activity.

A Russian-made anti-aircraft weapon, several artillery rounds used for making improvised explosive devices (IED), completed IEDs and automatic rifles were found.

A number of insurgents were killed and large weapons caches were found by a separate Afghan-international security force during a two-day clearing operation that ended in Khost Province last night.

The operation took place southwest of Kowte Kheyl, Shamul district, after intelligence reports confirmed insurgent activity in an area known for extensive Haqqani network involvement and facilitation.

The security force came under fire several times over the course of the operation and returned fire, killing a number of insurgents.

Several of the insurgent strongholds were mined with IEDs and precision air strikes were used to eliminate weapon storage areas. The security force also recovered multiple rocket propelled grenades, mortar rounds, hand grenades, automatic rifles and IED components.



6/6/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

International Security Assistance Force – Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 10) – Numerous Afghan civilians were killed and injured in an indiscriminate attack at a wedding party in the Arghandab district of Kandahar Province yesterday.

Afghan National Police immediately secured the site and evacuated all casualties and civilians from the area of the incident. ISAF provided elements of medical assistance.

The Afghan authorities are working to determine the cause of this attack and ISAF is ready to assist them in any way we possibly can.

“This ruthless violence brought to the Afghan people at what should have been a time for celebration demonstrates the Taliban’s sickening and indiscriminate tactics to try to intimidate the citizens of Afghanistan. However, it only proves they have no regard for human life,” said Lt. Gen. Nick Parker, Deputy Commander, International Security Assistance Force.

“Our sincere condolences and sympathy goes out to the families and friends affected by the loss of their loved ones in this horrible attack.”

“ISAF stands shoulder to shoulder with our Afghan partners, we will continue to drive the insurgents out of areas where they can hurt the Afghan people,” said Parker.

There were no ISAF servicemembers involved in the incident.



6/10/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 10) - A Haqqani network weapons facilitator and several suspected insurgents were captured by an Afghan-international security force in Khost Province last night.

The suspects were captured in a series of buildings in the village of Zemica, Shamul district, after intelligence confirmed insurgent activity. The assault force had to call for the individuals to surrender several times before apprehending them peacefully and no shots were fired and no one was harmed.

The facilitator operated mainly out of the Shamul and Nadir Shah Kot districts. He is responsible for acquiring IED materials and small arms for attacks against coalition forces, and has also supported suicide bombing operatives.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 10) - An ISAF servicemember died following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer casualty-identification procedures to the relevant national authority.



6/10/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

Regional Command - East

By U.S. Army Staff Sgt.
Whitney Hughes

PAKTIKA PROVINCE, Afghanistan (June 8) - Although the children sat patiently in their seats, the looks of anticipation were written all over their wide-eyed faces as they eagerly watched security forces from three nations hand out colorful backpacks.

Members of the Afghan National Police, U.S. Army 4th Platoon, Company D, 3rd Battalion, 172nd Infantry Regiment, and Macedonian Ranger Platoon distributed the backpacks and other school supplies to children at the Sar Hawza village school.

“This is the way that we can do something for this country. If the kids go to school and learn, after a few years they will carry laptop computers and not weapons,” said Macedonian Army 1st Lt. Vlatko Karanfilov from Skopje, Macedonia, the information operations officer for the Macedonian Ranger Platoon.

The team of Macedonian and D Company Soldiers helped hand out 40 boxes of school supplies including backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils and folders.

“It made the children happy, and I hope they can come again and bring more next time,” said Tajuddin Samad Samar, a Sar Hawza school official.

Samar said that he is very grateful for the supplies and that he thinks they will help the children in their studies.

The supplies came from D Company’s headquarters at Forward Operating Base Rushmore, and they worked with the Afghan National Police and school officials to coordinate the distribution.

Donating school supplies to the students in Sar Hawza shows Coalition Forces are here to help, but ultimately shows the lasting role the Afghan National Security Forces, like the ANP, must play in developing the country, said U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Dan Silver from Dover, N.H., the platoon leader for 4th Platoon, D Company.

“Our mission was completed successfully today because we found out a lot about students, teachers and classrooms,” said Karanfilov.

When the distribution was complete, the Soldiers sat down with school officials and village elders to find out how they could help the children in the future. The elders asked them for more supplies for the girls’ school in the village, which the Soldiers plan to bring on their next trip.

“I have supplies here, so that will definitely happen,” said Karanfilov. Not only was the mission a success for the children, but it was also a meaningful experience for the Soldiers involved.

“I like hanging out with the little kids,” said U.S. Army Spc. David Carrier, an infantryman from Claremont, N.H., with D Company. “Doing missions like these is a nice break from the daily combat operations, and it was one of the best memories I will take away from Afghanistan.”