mercredi 7 juillet 2010


MBDA’s family of EXOCET missiles comprises a range of easy to use, stand-off “fire and forget” stealthy missiles with skimming flight for engaging high value naval targets with the flexibility to be fired from all maritime platforms – surface ships, submarines, fixed wing aircraft, helicopters and coastal batteries.

EXOCET, in production since 1972, was the West’s first long range anti-ship missile with "fire and forget" and skimming flight capabilities.

EXOCET is a complete family of all-weather heavy anti-ship missiles suitable for all types of carriers. It is available in several versions:

• surface to surface (MM) for ships

• air-to-sea (AM 39) for aircraft and helicopters

• submarine-surface (SM 39) for submerged submarines

• land-sea (BC) for coastal batteries.

EXOCET has an OTH (Over The Horizon) firing capacity and a range of other operational benefits including :

• low radar signature

• late seeker activation

• sea-skimming at very low altitude

• enhanced target selection and ECCM

• high penetrative power against modern naval air defences.

MBDA is also currently developing the latest generation of this highly successful family of missiles with the EXOCET MM40 Block3 which is compatible with existing MM40launchers. MM40 Block3 has a significantly extended range out to 180km and will feature open ocean, littoral and coastal land attack capabilities. It is available for surface ships and coastal batteries.

EXOCET AM39 can be launched from a range of platforms: fighter aircraft, maritime patrol aircraft and medium or heavy helicopters at stand-off ranges.

EXOCET SM39 is launched from a submarine’s torpedo tubes enclosed in a VSM (Véhicule Sous Marin). The VSM, a self-propelled and guided container, manœuvres before surfacing so as not to reveal the position of the submarine. Once in the air, the EXOCET missile leaves the VSM and proceeds to the target like a normal surface variant of the missile.


Since entering service in 1972, 3,500 EXOCET missiles, in all configurations, have been sold to 35 countries.

EXOCET MM40 Block2, 70 km class, is in service with the French Navy and many other navies worldwide. MM40 Block3 has been ordered by the French Navy and will equip its variant of the Franco-Italian FREMM frigate. It has also been ordered by several other export customers. In April 2007, MM40 Block3 successfully carried out its final qualification firing.

EXOCET AM39 is in service with the French armed forces and the navies of 11 other countries. In January 2004, the French DGA (Délégation Générale pour l’Armement) awarded MBDA with the contract covering the development of both the Exocet AM39 Block2 Mod2 and the Exocet MM40 Block3. In June 2007, the latest Mod2 development of the Exocet AM39 Block2 completed its final validation firing from a naval Rafale F3 combat aircraft. The firing also served as the validation firing for the Rafale in its F3 standard. The Mod2 evolution has seen the digitisation of Exocet AM39 Block2, an adaptation called for by the requirements of the latest generation of rotary and fixed wing aircraft such as the Rafale F3.

EXOCET SM39 is in service with the French Navy and abroad. It has also been ordered by several export customers (including India) to equip Scorpène class killer submarines.