dimanche 26 décembre 2010


What would happen if car companies designed Santa’s sleigh? It’s a question that’s been keeping us at CAR Online awake recently, so we decided to find out. We could all do with some cheering up right now, and we asked various leading designers at British car companies for their vision of Father Christmas’s wheels... with intriguing results!

Bentley, Ford, Nissan and Rolls-Royce all contributed their designs.

[Ici, Rolls Royce. Quoique le professeur Bulle en homme de goût (toujours le bon, évidemment) préfère la Bentley, la Rolls est plutôt destinée à la reine ou à la Mafia Russe.]


By Tim Pollard

17 December 2008

Today CAR has an unusual scoop on our hands – as we publish the Rolls-Royce sleigh. This amazing artwork was produced exclusively for CAR by Rolls designer Andreas Thurner, who perfectly captures the regal magic of a Rolls-Royce driven by a stately Santa.

Just check out the Greek temple-style, architectural front end of the sleigh – and the hints of top-end speedboats in the profile. It’s the indulgent Phantom meets upmarket Sledges R Us.

We think you’ll agree that Santa would be extremely comfortable in this Rolls-Royce of sleighs.

So how about it Goodwood? The man has a difficult task, and he needs pampering at this busy time of year. We can think of no more comfortable transport for Father Christmas!