Il y a quatre âges dans la vie de l'homme : celui où il croit au père Noël, celui où il ne croit plus au père Noël, celui où il est le père Noël et celui où il ressemble au père Noël !
lundi 27 décembre 2010
4875. LU
Ça me rappelle ce cadeau idiot qu'une ex m'avait fait; elle m'avait acheté un étoile, si, si, avec certificat et carte de l'univers indiquant sa position. Pour ma part, un superbe Porto Tawny de 30 ans d'âge m'aurait laissé de meilleurs souvenirs et apporté beaucoup plus de satisfaction.
[C'est ce qui arrive quand le romantisme fait oublier les différences de quotient intellectuel. Ou mademoiselle choisira dorénavant quelqu'un de son niveau ou elle continuera à s'illusionner sur les possibilités de rééducation des classes inférieures et, si elle est poète, elle y trouvera l'inspiration pour une oeuvre émouvante sur le thème de l'incompréhension immémoriale entre les sexes. On dit que la souffrance inspire les artistes et les femmes.]
25 décembre 2010
[C'est ce qui arrive quand le romantisme fait oublier les différences de quotient intellectuel. Ou mademoiselle choisira dorénavant quelqu'un de son niveau ou elle continuera à s'illusionner sur les possibilités de rééducation des classes inférieures et, si elle est poète, elle y trouvera l'inspiration pour une oeuvre émouvante sur le thème de l'incompréhension immémoriale entre les sexes. On dit que la souffrance inspire les artistes et les femmes.]
25 décembre 2010
The Global registry Services for Naming Stars
Un cadeau unique: Nommez une étoile avec le nom d'une personne qui compte pour vous!
4874. LU
Allons, faut pas désespérer,voyons...
C'est juste une petite préparation psychologique supplémentaire pour, qu'entre autre les salariés n'aient pas la mauvaise idée de revendiquer une augmentation salariale.
Continuons à nous endetter,c'est pas grave car cela fait le bonheur de certaines institutions.
Mais de grâce,une augmentation,quelques peanuts en plus ?
Enlevez-vous ça de la tête,les temps sont durs!
Enfin,pas pour tout le monde,évidemment.
Je suis impatient d'entendre ce que les adeptes du système vont encore nous servir comme explications sans rougir le moins du monde.
27 décembre 2010
C'est juste une petite préparation psychologique supplémentaire pour, qu'entre autre les salariés n'aient pas la mauvaise idée de revendiquer une augmentation salariale.
Continuons à nous endetter,c'est pas grave car cela fait le bonheur de certaines institutions.
Mais de grâce,une augmentation,quelques peanuts en plus ?
Enlevez-vous ça de la tête,les temps sont durs!
Enfin,pas pour tout le monde,évidemment.
Je suis impatient d'entendre ce que les adeptes du système vont encore nous servir comme explications sans rougir le moins du monde.
27 décembre 2010
Différence entre riche et pauvre ?
4873. LU
N'importe quoi, pourvu que l'annonce face en sorte que l'on puisse licencier, augmenter les prix et les taxes et continuer de faire croire que ça va mal alors que les corporations n'ont jamais fait autant de profits et ce, depuis les 60 dernières années (titrait le New York Times, début décembre).
De la propagande pour continuer à enrichir les riches et soutirer le plus d'argents possible de la poche des pauvres.
Il n'y a pas un mois de cela qu'une nouvelle sur ce site mentionnait que la productivité au Québec n'avait jamais été aussi élevée !
Propagande honteuse !
Hein!! S.V.P. branchez-vous. En octobre l'économie a connu une croissance phénoménale, selon les dires de la presse, personnellement j'en doute bien sure, et maintenant les prévisions sont sombres pour le 2011?
Je sais que la science économique (science??) n'est pas une science exacte mais quand même!!!
27 décembre 2010
27 déc. 2010
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce
La Chambre de Commerce du Canada
De la propagande pour continuer à enrichir les riches et soutirer le plus d'argents possible de la poche des pauvres.
Il n'y a pas un mois de cela qu'une nouvelle sur ce site mentionnait que la productivité au Québec n'avait jamais été aussi élevée !
Propagande honteuse !
Hein!! S.V.P. branchez-vous. En octobre l'économie a connu une croissance phénoménale, selon les dires de la presse, personnellement j'en doute bien sure, et maintenant les prévisions sont sombres pour le 2011?
Je sais que la science économique (science??) n'est pas une science exacte mais quand même!!!
27 décembre 2010
27 déc. 2010
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce
La Chambre de Commerce du Canada
Bouba la Princesse en live
J’aime, J’aime pas, Ma life, Mes humeurs
Je n'aime pas les gens
Les riches moins sympa que les pauvres
4872. LU
Quand est-ce que les économistes et autres brasseux d'argent enlèveront-ils leurs œillères?
Un récent documentaire diffusé sur RDI disait que si tous les humains consommeraient comme les Occidentaux, il faudrait l'équivalent de 5 planètes terre pour subvenir à leurs besoins.
Sommes-nous devenus fous ou aveugles ou les deux?
Ce n'est pas 2.5% de croissance qu'il faut mais -10%
pendant des années pour rétablir une harmonie entres les espèces peuplant la terre et les mers.
La croissance est la nourriture du capitalisme sans laquelle il est en crise.
Cessons de se mettre la tête dans le sable en répétant les mêmes vieilles rengaines économiques. C'est le système en entier qui est périmé et qu'il est urgent de changer.
Et je ne dis pas cela par idéalisme dogmatique mais par pur instinct de survie.
Une année 2011 remplie de saine réflexion et d'harmonie pour tous.
27 décembre 2010
Un récent documentaire diffusé sur RDI disait que si tous les humains consommeraient comme les Occidentaux, il faudrait l'équivalent de 5 planètes terre pour subvenir à leurs besoins.
Sommes-nous devenus fous ou aveugles ou les deux?
Ce n'est pas 2.5% de croissance qu'il faut mais -10%
pendant des années pour rétablir une harmonie entres les espèces peuplant la terre et les mers.
La croissance est la nourriture du capitalisme sans laquelle il est en crise.
Cessons de se mettre la tête dans le sable en répétant les mêmes vieilles rengaines économiques. C'est le système en entier qui est périmé et qu'il est urgent de changer.
Et je ne dis pas cela par idéalisme dogmatique mais par pur instinct de survie.
Une année 2011 remplie de saine réflexion et d'harmonie pour tous.
27 décembre 2010
1 La richesse est elle un gâteau ?
2 Les pauvres sont-ils pauvres parce que les riches sont riches ?
3 Les capitalistes sont-ils contents de voler la part des autres ?
4 Les pauvres sont juste et humbles ?
5 Pour rentrer dans le royaume des Cieux, vaut-il mieux être blanc et riche ou pauvre et noir ?
dimanche 26 décembre 2010
Image: Yunwoo Jeong
Révolue l’image d’Epinal dévoilant le Père Noël et son sempiternel traineau tiré par des rênes. Au vingt-et-unième siècle, le barbu du grand Nord change de monture délaissant la puissance animale pour un moyen de locomotion plus en rapport avec son époque.
Le média anglais Car a demandé à quatre designers de donner leur vision du traineau moderne. Cocasse, drôle et parfois intriguant.
Des designers de Bentley (cf illustration du billet), Nissan, Ford et Rolls-Royce ont donc joué le jeu répondant à l’invitation lancée par Car. Le plus classique de ces délires futuristiques est sans conteste la vision de Bentley. Sympathique que d’imaginer le Père Noël mû par un traineau propulsé par un V12 et 460 rênes sous le capot.
Toutes les illustrations sont à découvrir chez Car (...) . Un peu de sourire et de bonne humeur en ces temps de crise, sympathique moment de détente.
Révolue l’image d’Epinal dévoilant le Père Noël et son sempiternel traineau tiré par des rênes. Au vingt-et-unième siècle, le barbu du grand Nord change de monture délaissant la puissance animale pour un moyen de locomotion plus en rapport avec son époque.
Le média anglais Car a demandé à quatre designers de donner leur vision du traineau moderne. Cocasse, drôle et parfois intriguant.
Des designers de Bentley (cf illustration du billet), Nissan, Ford et Rolls-Royce ont donc joué le jeu répondant à l’invitation lancée par Car. Le plus classique de ces délires futuristiques est sans conteste la vision de Bentley. Sympathique que d’imaginer le Père Noël mû par un traineau propulsé par un V12 et 460 rênes sous le capot.
Toutes les illustrations sont à découvrir chez Car (...) . Un peu de sourire et de bonne humeur en ces temps de crise, sympathique moment de détente.
Image: John Paul Gregory
By Tim Pollard
17 December 2008
We reckon Father Christmas is probably a bit of a Bentley guy: he has a large number of miles to cover in speed and in great comfort – and he needs something big and plush to look after all those presents. What better solution than something mixing the design class of a Bentley with the snow-covering ability of a downhill toboggan?
Bentley designers John Paul Gregory imagined a futuristic Santa Azure Sleigh (complete with rifled tailpipes and exposed Bentley Blitzen powerplant), while Yunwoo Jeong turned the Continental GTC cabrio into a sleigh with quad-outrigged headlamps and begoggled Santa.
‘This includes a classic piece of Bentley form and function with Rudolph’s nose providing extra illumination!’
By Tim Pollard
17 December 2008
We reckon Father Christmas is probably a bit of a Bentley guy: he has a large number of miles to cover in speed and in great comfort – and he needs something big and plush to look after all those presents. What better solution than something mixing the design class of a Bentley with the snow-covering ability of a downhill toboggan?
Bentley designers John Paul Gregory imagined a futuristic Santa Azure Sleigh (complete with rifled tailpipes and exposed Bentley Blitzen powerplant), while Yunwoo Jeong turned the Continental GTC cabrio into a sleigh with quad-outrigged headlamps and begoggled Santa.
‘This includes a classic piece of Bentley form and function with Rudolph’s nose providing extra illumination!’
Image: Andreas Thurner
What would happen if car companies designed Santa’s sleigh? It’s a question that’s been keeping us at CAR Online awake recently, so we decided to find out. We could all do with some cheering up right now, and we asked various leading designers at British car companies for their vision of Father Christmas’s wheels... with intriguing results!
Bentley, Ford, Nissan and Rolls-Royce all contributed their designs.
[Ici, Rolls Royce. Quoique le professeur Bulle en homme de goût (toujours le bon, évidemment) préfère la Bentley, la Rolls est plutôt destinée à la reine ou à la Mafia Russe.]
By Tim Pollard
17 December 2008
Today CAR has an unusual scoop on our hands – as we publish the Rolls-Royce sleigh. This amazing artwork was produced exclusively for CAR by Rolls designer Andreas Thurner, who perfectly captures the regal magic of a Rolls-Royce driven by a stately Santa.
Just check out the Greek temple-style, architectural front end of the sleigh – and the hints of top-end speedboats in the profile. It’s the indulgent Phantom meets upmarket Sledges R Us.
We think you’ll agree that Santa would be extremely comfortable in this Rolls-Royce of sleighs.
So how about it Goodwood? The man has a difficult task, and he needs pampering at this busy time of year. We can think of no more comfortable transport for Father Christmas!
Image: Tony Fox
By Tim Pollard
17 December 2008
Blue Oval designers at Dunton in Essex, UK, penned this trio of Ford-inspired sleighs to help fashion Santa’s just-in-time delivery system. It’s a job they’re familiar with, working on successive series of Transit vans in the past – and they’ve put their practical skills to good use on their Ford sleighs.
These sledges are seen through the prism of Ford’s latest ‘kinetic design’ mantra. Just check out the sweptback, Fiesta-style headlamps and the latest Ford grille at ease on Paul Wraith’s red Kuga-style sleigh with pop-out silver snowboards. Simon Collins’ cool white Rudolph model is captured here in our latest spy photos beamed straight from Lapland where it’s terrorising polar bears with its Star Wars-inspired design. And Tony Fox’s Santapod red bullet bears the RS badge denoting that this is the fastest sleigh to be in when airspace gets busy around 24 December.
23 décembre 2010
Nous sommes le 23 Décembre et demain ou plutôt le 25 Décembre à 00h01, arriveront les petits cadeaux commandés au père Noel parce-que tout le monde a été bien sage cette année. Je suppose que certains d'entre vous ont commandé une belle petite Saab au 1/43 ou à l'échelle 1. Xerox à tellement été gentil, qu'il a déjà reçu sa 9-5 Aero
Mais pour ammener les cadeaux, il faut bien des traineaux et à la vue de ces images et vidéo, on se rend compte que Saab est un partenaire de choix
Si vous étiez le père noël, vous prendriez une saab 96, une Aero X avec réacteurs ou la toute dernière Saab 9-5 ?
23 décembre 2010
Nous sommes le 23 Décembre et demain ou plutôt le 25 Décembre à 00h01, arriveront les petits cadeaux commandés au père Noel parce-que tout le monde a été bien sage cette année. Je suppose que certains d'entre vous ont commandé une belle petite Saab au 1/43 ou à l'échelle 1. Xerox à tellement été gentil, qu'il a déjà reçu sa 9-5 Aero
Mais pour ammener les cadeaux, il faut bien des traineaux et à la vue de ces images et vidéo, on se rend compte que Saab est un partenaire de choix
Si vous étiez le père noël, vous prendriez une saab 96, une Aero X avec réacteurs ou la toute dernière Saab 9-5 ?
Image. Florian Dobe
Publié dans Concept Car, Insolite, News par autopulp le 19 décembre, 2009
Pour se déplacer sur la neige qui vient tout juste de tomber, mieux vaut un engin approprié. Le traditionnel traîneau du Père Noël étant tombé en rade, il s’est offert un petit bijou qu’il a directement commandé chez Land Rover. C’est son cadeau d’avant Noël en quelques sorte.
Designé par Florian Dobe, ce bolide à 2 places est équipé d’une option essentielle pour le père Noël, une sorte de gps holographique présentant le globe terrestre et les itinéraires à suivre.
Land Rover
Publié dans Concept Car, Insolite, News par autopulp le 19 décembre, 2009
Pour se déplacer sur la neige qui vient tout juste de tomber, mieux vaut un engin approprié. Le traditionnel traîneau du Père Noël étant tombé en rade, il s’est offert un petit bijou qu’il a directement commandé chez Land Rover. C’est son cadeau d’avant Noël en quelques sorte.
Designé par Florian Dobe, ce bolide à 2 places est équipé d’une option essentielle pour le père Noël, une sorte de gps holographique présentant le globe terrestre et les itinéraires à suivre.
Land Rover
samedi 25 décembre 2010
Image: Keven Robertston
Image: Max
Artist’s rendering of NORAD engaging Santa during his Christmas Eve errands
Into the Void
Back off, man, I'm co-creating my reality.
Artist’s rendering of NORAD engaging Santa during his Christmas Eve errands
Into the Void
Back off, man, I'm co-creating my reality.
Image. Mark R. Ransom, North Carolina State University
25 déc. 2010
Santa's annual whirl around the world for many years proved an unsolved puzzle — how does he visit the homes of all the girls and boys around the globe so quickly in a creaky old sled jam-packed with presents? The answer: honeycombed titanium alloy runners, reindeers outfitted with jet-packs and a sleek nano-toymaker magic sack, according to researcher Larry Silverberg.
In a visiting scholar exchange, Silverberg — a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at North Carolina's State University — learned of new technologies Santa is continuing to develop.
"As the first scholar to participate in the SW-NPL program, I learned that we have a long way to go to catch up with Santa in fields ranging from aerodynamics and thermodynamics to materials science." Silverberg said in a 2009 release.
Aerodynamic, lightweight runners help move the sleigh quickly on land and cut through the air in flight. Laser sensors on the sleigh help Santa navigate the winter skies and a nano-structured sleigh skin reduces drag by nearly 90 per cent.
Silverberg also describes Santa's magic sack, crafted with carbon-based soot from chimneys. A reversible thermodynamic processor helps Santa create toys for children on site, thereby cutting down Santa's load of gifts.
Relativity clouds also help Santa meet his deadline, Silverberg explains.
"Based on his advanced knowledge of the theory of relativity, Santa recognizes that time can be stretched like a rubber band, space can be squeezed like an orange and light can be bent," he said. "Relativity clouds are controllable domains — rips in time — that allow him months to deliver presents while only a few minutes pass on Earth. The presents are truly delivered in a wink of an eye."
Dec. 24, 2009
Story Source:
The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by North Carolina State University.
Santa's sleigh uses technologies that we are not yet able to recreate in our own labs, according to NC State's Dr. Larry Silverberg.
Santa skeptics have long considered St. Nick's ability to deliver toys to the world's good girls and boys on Christmas Eve a scientific impossibility. But new research shows that Santa is able to make his appointed rounds through the pioneering use of cutting-edge science and technology.
"Santa is using technologies that we are not yet able to recreate in our own labs," explains North Carolina State University's Dr. Larry Silverberg, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering who just completed a six month visiting-scholar program at Santa's Workshop-North Pole Labs (SW-NPL). "As the first scholar to participate in the SW-NPL program, I learned that we have a long way to go to catch up with Santa in fields ranging from aerodynamics and thermodynamics to materials science."
For example, Silverberg says that Santa's sleigh is far more advanced than any modern form of air transportation. "The truss of the sleigh, including the runners, are made of a honeycombed titanium alloy that is very lightweight and 10 to 20 times stronger than anything we can make today," Silverberg says. The truss can also morph, Silverberg adds, altering its shape slightly to improve its aerodynamics and "allowing it to cut through the air more efficiently. The runners on the sleigh, for example, have some flexure. This allows them to tuck in to be more aerodynamic during flight, and then spread out to provide stability for landing on various surfaces -- such as steeply pitched roofs."
The sleigh is equipped with state of the art electronics, including laser sensors that can detect upcoming thermals and wind conditions to find the optimal path. "This makes the flight smoother and more energy efficient," Silverberg says. "Efficiency is key, because a lot of the ongoing research at SW-NPL focuses on whether magic is a renewable resource." The focus on efficiency and a smooth ride has also led to the development of a nanostructured "skin" for the sleigh that is porous and contains its own low-pressure system, which holds the air flowing around the airborne sled onto the body, reducing drag by as much as 90 percent.
A key finding from Silverberg's visit to the North Pole is that Santa uses a reversible thermodynamic processor -- a sort of nano-toymaker known as the "magic sack" -- that creates toys for good girls and boys on site, significantly cutting down on the overall weight of the sleigh. The magic sack uses carbon-based soot from chimneys, together with other local materials, to make the toys. The magic sack works by applying high-precision electromagnetic fields to reverse thermodynamic processes previously thought to be irreversible.
The sleigh is driven by Santa's well-known team of reindeer, which is equipped with side-mounted jetpacks. The reindeer and jetpacks, which are powered by cold fusion, "are arrayed in such a way as to create a stable reindeer-sleigh system," Silverberg says. "The sleigh's reins are used to not only direct the heads of the reindeer, but to direct the orientation of the jetpacks for precision flight."
Silverberg explains that the sleigh is also equipped to make use of so-called "relativity clouds" to help ensure Santa and his reindeer can travel approximately 200 million square miles, making stops in some 80 million homes, in one night. "Based on his advanced knowledge of the theory of relativity, Santa recognizes that time can be stretched like a rubber band, space can be squeezed like an orange and light can be bent," Silverberg says. "Relativity clouds are controllable domains -- rips in time -- that allow him months to deliver presents while only a few minutes pass on Earth. The presents are truly delivered in a wink of an eye."
Silverberg says the experience was "an eye-opener. I appreciate the opportunity Santa has given me to visit his sleighport and work alongside the elves at SW-NPL. It was a unique learning experience and a tremendous honor." He notes that the principles of cold fusion are still a closely guarded secret.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
25 déc. 2010
Santa's annual whirl around the world for many years proved an unsolved puzzle — how does he visit the homes of all the girls and boys around the globe so quickly in a creaky old sled jam-packed with presents? The answer: honeycombed titanium alloy runners, reindeers outfitted with jet-packs and a sleek nano-toymaker magic sack, according to researcher Larry Silverberg.
In a visiting scholar exchange, Silverberg — a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at North Carolina's State University — learned of new technologies Santa is continuing to develop.
"As the first scholar to participate in the SW-NPL program, I learned that we have a long way to go to catch up with Santa in fields ranging from aerodynamics and thermodynamics to materials science." Silverberg said in a 2009 release.
Aerodynamic, lightweight runners help move the sleigh quickly on land and cut through the air in flight. Laser sensors on the sleigh help Santa navigate the winter skies and a nano-structured sleigh skin reduces drag by nearly 90 per cent.
Silverberg also describes Santa's magic sack, crafted with carbon-based soot from chimneys. A reversible thermodynamic processor helps Santa create toys for children on site, thereby cutting down Santa's load of gifts.
Relativity clouds also help Santa meet his deadline, Silverberg explains.
"Based on his advanced knowledge of the theory of relativity, Santa recognizes that time can be stretched like a rubber band, space can be squeezed like an orange and light can be bent," he said. "Relativity clouds are controllable domains — rips in time — that allow him months to deliver presents while only a few minutes pass on Earth. The presents are truly delivered in a wink of an eye."
Dec. 24, 2009
Story Source:
The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by North Carolina State University.
Santa's sleigh uses technologies that we are not yet able to recreate in our own labs, according to NC State's Dr. Larry Silverberg.
Santa skeptics have long considered St. Nick's ability to deliver toys to the world's good girls and boys on Christmas Eve a scientific impossibility. But new research shows that Santa is able to make his appointed rounds through the pioneering use of cutting-edge science and technology.
"Santa is using technologies that we are not yet able to recreate in our own labs," explains North Carolina State University's Dr. Larry Silverberg, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering who just completed a six month visiting-scholar program at Santa's Workshop-North Pole Labs (SW-NPL). "As the first scholar to participate in the SW-NPL program, I learned that we have a long way to go to catch up with Santa in fields ranging from aerodynamics and thermodynamics to materials science."
For example, Silverberg says that Santa's sleigh is far more advanced than any modern form of air transportation. "The truss of the sleigh, including the runners, are made of a honeycombed titanium alloy that is very lightweight and 10 to 20 times stronger than anything we can make today," Silverberg says. The truss can also morph, Silverberg adds, altering its shape slightly to improve its aerodynamics and "allowing it to cut through the air more efficiently. The runners on the sleigh, for example, have some flexure. This allows them to tuck in to be more aerodynamic during flight, and then spread out to provide stability for landing on various surfaces -- such as steeply pitched roofs."
The sleigh is equipped with state of the art electronics, including laser sensors that can detect upcoming thermals and wind conditions to find the optimal path. "This makes the flight smoother and more energy efficient," Silverberg says. "Efficiency is key, because a lot of the ongoing research at SW-NPL focuses on whether magic is a renewable resource." The focus on efficiency and a smooth ride has also led to the development of a nanostructured "skin" for the sleigh that is porous and contains its own low-pressure system, which holds the air flowing around the airborne sled onto the body, reducing drag by as much as 90 percent.
A key finding from Silverberg's visit to the North Pole is that Santa uses a reversible thermodynamic processor -- a sort of nano-toymaker known as the "magic sack" -- that creates toys for good girls and boys on site, significantly cutting down on the overall weight of the sleigh. The magic sack uses carbon-based soot from chimneys, together with other local materials, to make the toys. The magic sack works by applying high-precision electromagnetic fields to reverse thermodynamic processes previously thought to be irreversible.
The sleigh is driven by Santa's well-known team of reindeer, which is equipped with side-mounted jetpacks. The reindeer and jetpacks, which are powered by cold fusion, "are arrayed in such a way as to create a stable reindeer-sleigh system," Silverberg says. "The sleigh's reins are used to not only direct the heads of the reindeer, but to direct the orientation of the jetpacks for precision flight."
Silverberg explains that the sleigh is also equipped to make use of so-called "relativity clouds" to help ensure Santa and his reindeer can travel approximately 200 million square miles, making stops in some 80 million homes, in one night. "Based on his advanced knowledge of the theory of relativity, Santa recognizes that time can be stretched like a rubber band, space can be squeezed like an orange and light can be bent," Silverberg says. "Relativity clouds are controllable domains -- rips in time -- that allow him months to deliver presents while only a few minutes pass on Earth. The presents are truly delivered in a wink of an eye."
Silverberg says the experience was "an eye-opener. I appreciate the opportunity Santa has given me to visit his sleighport and work alongside the elves at SW-NPL. It was a unique learning experience and a tremendous honor." He notes that the principles of cold fusion are still a closely guarded secret.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
vendredi 24 décembre 2010
December 23, 2010
CBC News
Gone are the days of children huddling around the radio on Christmas Eve waiting for the latest on Santa's travel progress.
Now media-savvy children can track the jolly fellow through any number of ways including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
For the 55th year in a row, Norad (North American Aerospace Defence Command) is tracking the flight pattern of Santa. This year will include streaming video of his journey.
Through the Norad Tracks Santa website, children will be able to follow his route by watching streamed videos captured by Norad "Santa Cams" from various cities.
Children will be able to track Santa through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and TroopTube. He can also be tracked using Google Maps and Google Earth plug-ins.
"There are a lot of people who follow this in different ways," said Lt. Desmond James, a public affairs officer with Norad, in Colorado.
Last year the site saw some 13 million users around the world log on to track all things related to Santa, with more than 400,000 using Facebook and another 3,400 followers on Twitter.
And this year the numbers are growing even more. As of Thursday morning, James said, they have seen some 465,000 users on Facebook.
Canada Post, which for decades has been offering the chance for children to write to Santa at the North Pole using its HOH OHO postal code, included an email option in 2002 to help to get their letters to him a lot quicker.
Since then, it has handled more than 300,000 emails including 45,000 alone in 2009.
Jennifer Arnott, a spokeswoman for Canada Post for the Toronto area, said it is too early to tell how many have emailed Santa this year.
Meanwhile, Portable North Pole, a project launched by Montreal-based video web developer UgroupMedia, sends kids personalized videos from Santa — even those who deserve a lump of coal. Tell the site your kid hasn't been so good, and the video Santa peers over his glasses and tells the child: "You're on my naughty watch."
Another site,, expects to send out close to 100,000 texts this year.
But the unfettered access can also lead to problems, as spoiled kids can be tempted to be naughtier than nice in their messages to Santa.
"Some people have texted Santa that aren't so happy with Santa," said Drew Olanoff, who plays Santa on a U.S.-based text messaging system. "They've been a little rude. I've let them know that would be considered bad behaviour. You really shouldn't talk to Santa like that."
Despite the number of options for keeping in touch with Santa, most are not worried that the tradition of writing a letter will ever end.
"I think there will always be a place for writing a letter to Santa. Kids love to send Santa pictures that they have drawn. Sometimes they cut out pictures from the catalog of items that they particularly want," Canada Post's Arnott said.
"There is always a place for a letter to Santa, especially children that don't get around to writing to Santa until right before Christmas, email is a good option."
With files from Associated Press Post a comment
58Comments have been posted.
•Norad Santa Tracker.
•Norad tracks Santa on Facebook.
•Google maps of Santa's route.
•Canada Post email address.
•Portable North Pole address.
December 23, 2010
CBC News
Gone are the days of children huddling around the radio on Christmas Eve waiting for the latest on Santa's travel progress.
Now media-savvy children can track the jolly fellow through any number of ways including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
For the 55th year in a row, Norad (North American Aerospace Defence Command) is tracking the flight pattern of Santa. This year will include streaming video of his journey.
Through the Norad Tracks Santa website, children will be able to follow his route by watching streamed videos captured by Norad "Santa Cams" from various cities.
Children will be able to track Santa through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and TroopTube. He can also be tracked using Google Maps and Google Earth plug-ins.
"There are a lot of people who follow this in different ways," said Lt. Desmond James, a public affairs officer with Norad, in Colorado.
Last year the site saw some 13 million users around the world log on to track all things related to Santa, with more than 400,000 using Facebook and another 3,400 followers on Twitter.
And this year the numbers are growing even more. As of Thursday morning, James said, they have seen some 465,000 users on Facebook.
Canada Post, which for decades has been offering the chance for children to write to Santa at the North Pole using its HOH OHO postal code, included an email option in 2002 to help to get their letters to him a lot quicker.
Since then, it has handled more than 300,000 emails including 45,000 alone in 2009.
Jennifer Arnott, a spokeswoman for Canada Post for the Toronto area, said it is too early to tell how many have emailed Santa this year.
Meanwhile, Portable North Pole, a project launched by Montreal-based video web developer UgroupMedia, sends kids personalized videos from Santa — even those who deserve a lump of coal. Tell the site your kid hasn't been so good, and the video Santa peers over his glasses and tells the child: "You're on my naughty watch."
Another site,, expects to send out close to 100,000 texts this year.
But the unfettered access can also lead to problems, as spoiled kids can be tempted to be naughtier than nice in their messages to Santa.
"Some people have texted Santa that aren't so happy with Santa," said Drew Olanoff, who plays Santa on a U.S.-based text messaging system. "They've been a little rude. I've let them know that would be considered bad behaviour. You really shouldn't talk to Santa like that."
Despite the number of options for keeping in touch with Santa, most are not worried that the tradition of writing a letter will ever end.
"I think there will always be a place for writing a letter to Santa. Kids love to send Santa pictures that they have drawn. Sometimes they cut out pictures from the catalog of items that they particularly want," Canada Post's Arnott said.
"There is always a place for a letter to Santa, especially children that don't get around to writing to Santa until right before Christmas, email is a good option."
With files from Associated Press Post a comment
58Comments have been posted.
•Norad Santa Tracker.
•Norad tracks Santa on Facebook.
•Google maps of Santa's route.
•Canada Post email address.
•Portable North Pole address.
Image : Garnotte
Commission d'enquête, ou pas de commission d'enquête?
jeudi 23 décembre 2010
4855. LU
Lorsque je traverse la sécurité des aéroports, j'ouvre une fenêtre dans mon esprit et je me dis:
"ok, pour le prochain 10 minutes, je suis un esclave totalement à la merci de ce représentant de la sécurité qui veille à mes intérêts supérieurs même si cela se fait au prix de ma fierté immédiate. Je n'ai aucun controle sur ce qui va se passer et je devrai accepter avec respect tout ce qu'il me dira".
Vous savez quoi? Je n'ai jamais eu de problèmes.
Faites porter un uniforme à quelqu'un et vous obtenez automatiquement le résultat suivant
a) la casquette lui rapetisse le cerveau
b) le reste de l'uniforme lui gonfle les muscles et la testostérone .
Donner un fusil a un ados il se prend pour un mafioso. Donner du pouvoir a une personne qui nas rien u dans sa vie il peut se passer bien des choses.
23 décembre 2010
"ok, pour le prochain 10 minutes, je suis un esclave totalement à la merci de ce représentant de la sécurité qui veille à mes intérêts supérieurs même si cela se fait au prix de ma fierté immédiate. Je n'ai aucun controle sur ce qui va se passer et je devrai accepter avec respect tout ce qu'il me dira".
Vous savez quoi? Je n'ai jamais eu de problèmes.
Faites porter un uniforme à quelqu'un et vous obtenez automatiquement le résultat suivant
a) la casquette lui rapetisse le cerveau
b) le reste de l'uniforme lui gonfle les muscles et la testostérone .
Donner un fusil a un ados il se prend pour un mafioso. Donner du pouvoir a une personne qui nas rien u dans sa vie il peut se passer bien des choses.
23 décembre 2010
REVUE 2010
23 décembre 2010
Russell Williams, ex-colonel des Forces canadiennes condamné à la prison à vie pour le meurtre de deux femmes, est la personnalité ayant le plus marqué l'actualité en 2010, selon un sondage annuel de La Presse canadienne effectué auprès des médias du pays.
Il a été choisi par 29 % des médias qui ont pris part au sondage.
Russell Williams a été condamné en octobre dernier à deux peines concurrentes de prison à vie sans possibilité de libération avant 25 ans pour les meurtres de Jessica Lloyd et de Marie-France Comeau.
Il a devancé le joueur de hockey Sidney Crosby, dont le but gagnant aux Jeux olympiques de Vancouver a déclenché une vague d'hystérie à travers le pays, à la mesure de la médaille d'or gagnée du même coup par l'équipe canadienne.
Le premier ministre Stephen Harper, qui détenait le titre de personnalité de l'année en 2008 et en 2009, est arrivé au troisième rang, avec 9 % des votes, devant Jean Charest (8 %).
Ce dernier a d'ailleurs été le premier ministre provincial le plus souvent nommé dans le sondage, devant l'ex-premier ministre de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, Danny Williams (7 %), et celui de la Saskatchewan, Brad Wall (5 %).
Russell Williams avait amorcé l'année 2010 en tant que colonel décoré et officier responsable de la plus grande base militaire au pays, celle de Trenton. C'était une étoile montante en voie d'atteindre les plus hauts rangs de sa profession.
Avant la fin de l'année, il était cependant devenu un paria, un violeur et un meurtrier avoué, désormais emprisonné dans l'une des prisons les plus célèbres du pays.
Son uniforme a même été saisi puis brûlé par les Forces canadiennes, qui veulent effacer toute trace de son passage dans leurs rangs.
La sombre déchéance du militaire, racontée en détail devant la justice, s'est révélée un drame qui a choqué le pays, dominé les manchettes et fait trembler les fondations mêmes des Forces canadiennes. avec Presse canadienne
December 23, 2010
The Canadian Press
Russell Williams began 2010 as a decorated colonel and ended it as a confessed rapist and murderer, expelled from the Canadian Forces.
Russell Williams entered 2010 as a decorated colonel, a rising star in the ranks of the air force who ran Canada's largest military airfield and even ferried the prime minister on VIP flights.
He ended the year as a pariah — a confessed rapist and murderer languishing behind bars in one of the country's most notorious prisons, his uniform seized and burned by a shaken military anxious to erase all traces of him.
The story of Williams's dark and twisted fall from grace — told in court in unrelenting and excruciating detail — shocked the country, dominated headlines and rocked the Canadian Forces to its very foundations.
So massive was his betrayal, the sex killer and disgraced former commander of CFB Trenton has emerged as Canada's Newsmaker of the Year in an annual survey of the nation's newsrooms by The Canadian Press.
Some may recoil at the thought of Williams as 2010's top newsmaker, but it's an "act of news judgment," not an award, said April Lindgren, a veteran reporter who now teaches journalism at Toronto's Ryerson University.
"People have to understand, he wasn't selected Newsmaker of the Year because he's a great guy,"
Lindgren said.
"He was selected Newsmaker of the Year because of the magnitude of his evil, and because of the news his deeds generated."
In the long history of The Canadian Press year-end survey, criminals rarely draw many votes from those who produce the country's newspapers, newscasts and news websites.
Despite their notoriety, killers like Clifford Olson, Paul Bernardo and Robert Pickton were never selected.
"It is a dark choice, and maybe counterintuitive, but it is hard to deny the impact of the story on Canadians," said Jennifer McGuire, general manager and editor-in-chief of CBC News.
"It made us all look at the world a little differently. And we reacted to it viscerally and emotionally."
Williams was picked by 29 per cent of the newsrooms in the newsmaker survey. The Canadian with the second highest total — 15 per cent — was hockey superstar Sidney Crosby, whose overtime goal in the gold medal game at the Vancouver Olympics set off a wave of national delirium.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the newsmaker for 2008 and 2009, was next with nine per cent.
And for the first time, The Canadian Press conducted a parallel survey in conjunction with Yahoo! Canada to allow the public to make its own choices for Newsmaker of the Year.
The public results were the inverse of the top two newsroom choices: Yahoo! Canada readers picked Crosby as the top newsmaker with 21 per cent of the votes, with Williams tied for second with pop superstar Justin Bieber, both with 14 per cent. Bieber came in sixth in the newsroom survey.
Still, it was clear from both surveys that for news people and the public alike, the colonel's shocking double life set the story apart from other horrific trials Canadians have been exposed to over recent years.
The lurid details of that abuse of privilege were laid bare over four gripping October days in an eastern Ontario courtroom after Williams pleaded guilty to all 88 charges against him.
Few could tune out the sickening details of his depraved crimes, which began with fetish break-ins to steal the underwear of women and girls as young as 11.
It eventually escalated to the brutal sex slayings of 38-year-old Cpl. Marie-France Comeau, who served under his command, and 27-year-old Jessica Lloyd, whose disappearance triggered a police search that eventually led to Williams's capture and confession.
His "rise to infamy" was also fuelled by the vast amount of information that emerged in court, from instantaneous tweets to photos of the high-ranking officer in girls' underwear that were splashed across the front pages from coast to coast, Lindgren said.
"Those two photographs, to me, told the story of Russell Williams's sickness and evilness of his act … in a way that I don't think even stories could convey," she said.
Maria Babbage
December 23, 2010
Canadian Press
Russell Williams entered 2010 as a decorated colonel, a rising star in the ranks of the air force who ran Canada's largest military airfield and even ferried the prime minister on VIP flights.
He ended the year as a pariah — a confessed rapist and murderer languishing behind bars in one of the country's most notorious prisons, his uniform seized and burned by a shaken military anxious to erase all traces of him.
The story of Williams's dark and twisted fall from grace — told in court in unrelenting and excruciating detail — shocked the country, dominated headlines and rocked the Canadian Forces to its very foundations.
So massive was his betrayal, the sex killer and disgraced former commander of CFB Trenton has emerged as Canada's Newsmaker of the Year in an annual survey of the nation's newsrooms by The Canadian Press.
Some may recoil at the thought of Williams as 2010's top newsmaker, but it's an "act of news judgment," not an award, said April Lindgren, a veteran reporter who now teaches journalism at Toronto's Ryerson University.
"People have to understand, he wasn't selected Newsmaker of the Year because he's a great guy," Lindgren said.
"He was selected Newsmaker of the Year because of the magnitude of his evil, and because of the news his deeds generated."
In the long history of The Canadian Press year-end survey, criminals rarely draw many votes from those who produce the country's newspapers, newscasts and news websites. Despite their notoriety, killers like Clifford Olson, Paul Bernardo and Robert Pickton were never selected.
"It is a dark choice, and maybe counterintuitive, but it is hard to deny the impact of the story on Canadians," said Jennifer McGuire, general manager and editor-in-chief of CBC News.
"It made us all look at the world a little differently. And we reacted to it viscerally and emotionally."
The Williams case was a "glimpse into the horrendous darkness" that exists in humans, said Murray Langdon, news director at radio station CFAX in Victoria.
"The story revealed a stark contrast; a strong, charismatic and dependable leader, and twisted, depraved and sadistic hunter," Langdon wrote.
While there was little argument about the journalistic importance of the story, some voters admitted they couldn't bring themselves to cast a ballot for Williams.
"I just couldn't vote for Russell Williams — it would be like when Time (magazine) declared Hitler 'Man of The Year,'" said Murray Wood, news director of radio stations CJME in Regina and CKOM in Saskatoon.
Wood cast his vote for Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall, whose fight over the future of the province's potash industry pushed his Prairie brand of diplomacy onto the national stage.
Williams was picked by 29 per cent of the newsrooms in the Newsmaker survey. The Canadian with the second highest total — 15 per cent — was hockey superstar Sidney Crosby, whose overtime goal in the gold medal game at the Vancouver Olympics set off a wave of national delirium.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Newsmaker for 2008 and 2009, was next with nine per cent.
And for the first time, The Canadian Press conducted a parallel survey in conjunction with Yahoo! Canada to allow the public to make its own choices for Newsmaker of the Year.
The public results were the inverse of the top two newsroom choices: Yahoo! Canada readers picked Crosby as the top newsmaker with 21 per cent of the votes, with Williams tied for second with pop superstar Justin Bieber, both with 14 per cent. Bieber came in sixth in the newsroom survey.
Still, it was clear from both surveys that for news people and the public alike, the colonel's shocking double life set the story apart from other horrific trials Canadians have been exposed to over recent years.
Unmasking a pillar of society as a monstrous sexual predator shatters public trust and "corrodes" the fabric of society, said Elliott Leyton, a social anthropologist and author of "Hunting Humans," a book on serial killers.
"No other serial killer... has mixed with the prime minister and so many dignitaries in society — in fact, was part of that society," Leyton said.
"That's the distinctive thing about him... He had a lot of prestige and power which he abused to the full."
The lurid details of that abuse of privilege were laid bare over four gripping October days in an eastern Ontario courtroom after Williams pleaded guilty to all 88 charges against him.
Few could tune out the sickening details of his depraved crimes, which began with fetish break-ins to steal the underwear of women and girls as young as 11.
It eventually escalated to the brutal sex slayings of 38-year-old Cpl. Marie-France Comeau, who served under his command, and 27-year-old Jessica Lloyd, whose disappearance triggered a police search that eventually led to Williams's capture and confession.
His "rise to infamy" was also fuelled by the vast amount of information that emerged in court, from instantaneous tweets to photos of the high-ranking officer in girls' underwear that were splashed across the front pages from coast to coast, Lindgren said.
Some found it too much to take, but Lindgren argued that the photos — one newspaper juxtaposed an image of a saluting Williams in full uniform with another of him posing in what appeared to be a girl's pink bathing suit — were justified.
"Those two photographs, to me, told the story of Russell Williams's sickness and evilness of his act... in a way that I don't think even stories could convey," she said.
Those images perhaps made the greatest impact in the community where Williams committed his crimes.
For one local news director who watched the horrific case unfold from January until late October, Williams clearly stood out as the newsmaker of the year.
"CFB Trenton is at the centre of everything our military does, and to have its top officer commit these crimes was a shocking reminder that evil can lurk anywhere no matter what the responsibility, income or rank," wrote Todd Smith, news director at Quinte Broadcasting.
The former colonel's crimes had a lasting effect on everyone in the communities of Belleville and Trenton, he added.
"Williams terrorized the local region for several months and committed some of the most heinous acts our country has ever seen while in a position which holds the responsibility of protecting all of us."
Vote totals to determine The Canadian Press Newsmaker of the Year for 2010:
Russell Williams: 29 per cent
Sidney Crosby: 15 per cent
Stephen Harper: 9 per cent
Jean Charest: 8 per cent
Danny Williams: 7 per cent
Justin Bieber, John Furlong: 6 per cent
Joannie Rochette, Brad Wall: 5 per cent
Others who received votes: Bill Vander Zalm; Michaelle Jean; Omar Khadr; Rob Ford; Johanna Skibsrud; Brother Andre.
Quotes from voters who chose sex killer Russell Williams as Canada's top newsmaker for 2010 in the annual poll of news organizations by The Canadian Press:
"This story shocked and horrified anyone who read it and also raised the whole issue in the media of how much news is too much when it comes to graphic or disturbing content or photographs." - Craig Albrecht, co-managing editor, Lethbridge Herald.
"The Russell Williams case stunned the country and had a lasting effect on all residents in the Quinte Region. It has also shaken the military, which plays a vital role in our local area, the country and around the world. CFB Trenton is at the centre of everything our military does and to have its top officer commit these crimes was a shocking reminder that evil can lurk anywhere no matter what the responsibility, income or rank." Todd Smith, news director, Quinte Broadcasting CJBQ, CIGL, CJTN, Belleville and Trenton, Ont.
"It is a dark choice, and maybe counter-intuitive, but it is hard to deny the impact of the story on Canadians. Certainly our audiences were drawn to it. There were the crimes, heinous as they were. But I think his dark character and the duality of the trusted military leader, a protector, being a predator was part of the strange curiosity of it. It raised questions about the military and its screening processes. It made us all look at the world a little differently. And we reacted to it viscerally and emotionally. It also had an interesting impact on the media. With the unprecedented access given to the court materials, you also saw the media debate its role - to censor or not - in the context of this story. That is why we chose Williams. At the end of the day, it is a story that will be remembered for a very long time." Jennifer McGuire, general manager and editor-in-chief, CBC News.
"I chose Williams because I was fascinated by the unexpected nature of his notoriety. You expect athletes to win medals and games and you expect politicians to make popular or unpopular comments or decisions. But I don't think anyone could have anticipated that a ranking Canadian military officer would be responsible for such crimes or lead such a secret, demented second life. The story got more intriguing, albeit disturbing, as details of his arrest and subsequent court appearances emerged. For me it culminated with the tape of the police interview, which seemed like something out of a TV cop drama." Andrew MacDonald, senior news editor, Yahoo! Canada.
"The Russell Williams case was one of a surreal nature; a punishing blow for the image of Canada's Armed Forces, but a glimpse into the horrendous darkness that exists in humans. The case is one that had a pronounced impact on not only the surrounding community, but the country as a whole. The story revealed a stark contrast: a strong, charismatic and dependable leader and twisted, depraved and sadistic hunter." Murray Langdon, news director, CFAX radio, Victoria.
"These sex crimes that included two murders were horrific and unimaginable, and done by a high-ranking Canadian air force colonel who is now disgraced and has been officially stripped of his rank. From the time of Russell Williams's arrest to him becoming the first officer in Canadian military history to have his commission revoked by the Governor General, the story was front-page news. Nothing else came close." Philip Croucher, managing editor, Metro Halifax
"What stood out about the Williams story were the brutality of the crimes and the near mythical arc of the story. Williams wasn't just respected, he was among the most respected of an institution that Canadians are in the habit of thinking of as above reproach. That this man could have sank to these depths of depravity - and that the military, whose purpose it is to sniff out enemies, didn't uncover him - increased both the horror and the fascination of the case. But even the worst stories need a hero and this one had Jim Smythe, the police official who took Williams from a confident executive to a confessed killer in one long police interview." Jim Poling, managing editor, Hamilton Spectator.
"Canadians were stunned by the details surrounding the double life of this soldier … By day, he was a star in the Forces and a leader in his community. By night, he was a compulsive sexual sadist and a serial killer. The revelations that emerged were beyond comprehension. How was he able to fool his entourage for so many years? We haven't finished talking about this case." Maurice Cloutier, managing editor, Sherbrooke La Tribune
"Even though it was disgusting, Canadians couldn't put it down." Doug Farraway, sports director, FAN590 radio, Toronto.
A list of Canada's Newsmaker of the Year, as determined in the annual poll of newsrooms across the country by The Canadian Press:
2010: Russell Williams, sex killer
2009: Stephen Harper, politician
2008: Stephen Harper, politician
2007: The Mounties
2006: The Canadian Soldier
2005: John Gomery, Quebec judge
2004: Paul Martin, politician
2003: Paul Martin, politician
2002: Jean Chretien, politician
2001: Stockwell Day, politician
2000: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1999: Pierre Trudeau, politician (named Canadian Newsmaker of the 20th Century)
1998: Jean Chretien, politician
1997: Sheldon Kennedy, hockey player
1996: Donovan Bailey, sprinter
1995: Lucien Bouchard, politician
1994: Jacques Parizeau, politician
1993: Kim Campbell, politician
1992: The Constitution
1991: Brian Mulroney, politician
1990: Elijah Harper, politician
1989: Michael Wilson, politician
1988: Ben Johnson, sprinter
1987: Rick Hansen, cross-country wheelchair athlete
1986: Rick Hansen, cross-country wheelchair athlete
1985: Steve Fonyo, cross-country runner
1984: Brian Mulroney, politician
1983: Brian Mulroney, politician
1982: Wayne Gretzky, hockey player
1981: Terry Fox, cross-country runner
1980: Terry Fox, cross-country runner
1979: Joe Clark, politician
1978: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1977: Rene Levesque, politician
1976: Rene Levesque, politician
1975: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1974: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1973: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1972: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1971: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1970: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1969: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1968: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1967: Lester Pearson, politician
1966: John Diefenbaker, politician
1965: Lucien Rivard, drug smuggler
1964: Lester Pearson, politician
1963: Lester Pearson, politician
1962: Real Caouette, politician
1961: James Coyne, Bank of Canada governor
1960: John Diefenbaker, politician
1959: John Diefenbaker, Joey Smallwood, politicians
1958: John Diefenbaker, politician
1957: John Diefenbaker, politician
1956: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1955: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1954: Marilyn Bell, marathon swimmer
1953: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1952: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1951: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1950: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1949: Louis St. Laurent, politician
1948: Mackenzie King, politician
1947: Barbara Ann Scott, figure skater
1946: Igor Gouzenko, Soviet embassy cipher clerk
Quelle triste liste de personnalités marquantes: un meurtrier, un sportif et 3 politiciens. A la place de La Presse canadienne, je me serais abstenu d'en publier les résultats. publie la liste beaucoup plus inspirante des 10 bénévoles de l'année. Le public est même invité à participer au choix. Ça, ça vaut la peine d'en parler.
Personnalite mon oeil.Les dirigeants des medias nous balancent ce qu'ils veulent.
Les lecteurs du Time avait choisi Assange mais une autre personne a ete choisi par la direction. [Ce fut le fondateur de Facebook.]
De la mise en scene tout ca.
[L'information est économique et politique. On dit que la presse est le cinquième pouvoir, c'est plutôt la cinquière roue du carosse de l'État qui sert à le féliciter, le soutenir et à faire avaler ou rende rendre plus digérable ses décisions. Se souvenir du rôle du Times, du Washington Post et du New York Times dans la guerre d'Irak. Ne pas penser que seuls les hystériques de Foxnews jouent un rôle.]
on ne devrait pas pouvoir nommer un meurtrier comme personnalité de quoi que ce soit.
Le bandit sont les héros des médias...
J'ai créé mon théâtre contre la violence en 1998, j'ai travaillé six ans avec les jeuens de la rue par le biais de mon théâtre et 70% des groupes de jeunes ont quitté la rue et je devais, chaque année, quêter le fric pour y arriver...
Avez-vous entendu parler de mon Théâtre et des jeunes qui furent heureux de quitter la rue ! Je ne serai jamais la personnalité de l'année, je suis bien trop honnête !
Russell Williams ne mérite pas d'attention et n'en a pas vraiment ici au Québec si ce n'est pour nous montrer ce qu'un esprit humain pris par ses propres convictions peut être amené à faire, peut être amené à commettre comme crime en s'estimant libre, se justifiant lui-même et passant aux actes, à condition bien sûr de ne pas s'y faire prendre.
Y a-t-il quelque chose là de révélateur concernant notre civilisation actuelle basée sur le concept de consommation de tout ce qui existe, même les autres, aux fins de ses propres loisirs.
N'est-ce pas le même genre d’esprit qui a amené Research In Motion (RIM) a s'accaparer le travail de d'autres pour finalement régler hors cour en payant environ 350 millions de dollars US ? [Blackberry]
Je le pense. N'est-ce pas aussi le même genre d'esprit qui prévaut chez ceux refusant de regarder en face la réalité des changements climatiques ? Je le pense aussi.
La réalité basée sur les connaissances doit primée dans notre ère moderne sinon, d'autres crimes très graves et ceux-là sans Justice pratiquement applicable, seront commis.
N’oublions donc pas ce qu'un esprit humain pris par ses propres convictions peut être amené à faire !!
Les vrais personnalités de l'année ne sont pas celles que les média nous ont dévoilé. Ce sont, comme Steven l'a mentionné plus tôt dans ce forum, les personnes qui travaillent bénévolement pour venir en aide à ceux et celles qui sont dans le besoin, soit dans leur entourage ou partout dans le monde.
Ce sont aussi les gens qui travaillent fort toute l'année pour subvenir honnêtement à leurs besoins et à ceux de leur famille, et dont les impôts servent à financer les programmes aident ceux et celles de notre société qui souffrent et qui ont besoin d'aide. [Et à acheter pour des milliards d'armes! Pour tuer d'autres pauves!]
Je crois que c'est une honte de vouloir hisser au palmarès des personnalités de l'année des gens comme cet ancien colonel que je ne nommerai même pas pour ne pas lui faire de publicité supplémentaire.
Pour établir cette liste, on prend les personnes qui ont défrayé la manchette le plus souvent.
Bien entendu, les mauvaises nouvelles, les crimes, les fraudes, etc. attirent plus l'attention que les actions moins spectaculaires.
Ce qui revient à dire que notre société valorise plus le sensationnaliste que la vraie valeur des gens ou des actions.
Je ne dis pas que c'est une bonne chose, il faudrait peut-être changer cette liste pour en faire une qui comprendrait les noms des personnes qui ont le plus contribué à l'avancement de la société, au progrès, à l'amélioration.
(...) la première place à ce militaire est un vrai affront à la famille des victimes. Dans tous les nommés, il n'y a pas grand-chose de positif à part Sidney Crosby.
On devrait décerner le premier prix de la morbidité aux medias qui ont élu le colonel assassin et à ceux qui lui décernent le prix.
Je savais pas que Russell William était un humain, et vous?
Misere,,, quelle choix que cé ca.....Russell Williams est un animal par une personalitée.
La personnalité médiatique du siècle dernier est attribué à Adolf Hitler qui est responsable «direct» du massacre de plus de 5 millions de personnes en plus des quelques 55 millions de la 2e Guerre. Gandhi arrive (malheureusement) à la 66e place derrière Céline Dion.
[Monsieur Hitler, fut l'homme de l'année 1938 du Times US. Et il a laissé un souvenir inoubliable à bien des gens. Les grands de ce monde sont ainsi. Ce sont eux qui font l'Histoire et on aime parler de leurs légendes, leur ériger des statues et admirer leur création. Il va de soi qu'on préfère ses grands hommes à ceux des autres. Mais aucun pays ne s'est fait sans eux. Ils sont les maîtres de la cartographie. Et c'est la participation anonyme de millions de gens de bonne volonté qui les fait ainsi et leur donne tout ce pouvoir. Il y aurait une étude à faire sur la docilité innée de la masse (et du peuple si on aime ce mot plus joli que «foule») programmable à merci. Et si on parle un peu de monsieur Staline qui a tué bien plus de gens que lui, on ne parle jamais des autres ogres, monsieur churchill et Roosevelt et Truman, sauf pour en dire du bien. Pour en revenir à monsieur Hitler, il est une création de la première guerre mondiale provoquée par l'empire Britannique. Après tout, on eut sans doute aimé qu'il reste poète et pacifiste. Et monsieur Staline moinillon. Gandhi, tout pacifiste qu'il soit à partir du moment où il mettait en branle l'indépendance de son pays est le responsable direct de son explosion, de la création du Paskistan et du Bangladesh et des millions de morts qui ont suivi. Sans compter les «déplacés». Comme quoi les meilleures intentions dans le monde réel ne donnent pas nécessairement les meilleurs résultats. Et Jésus, personnalité médiatique de notre civilisation, avec ses 12 amis, a provoqué la création de l'Église Catho et des millions de morts qui ont suivi. ]
[Que dire de monsieur Bush père et fils, Blair, Harper et de la quantité de morts provoquées par leur intervention.]
[Si on parle de monsieur Harper et des meurtres commis en son nom, n'oublions pas que monsieur Williams est un soldat canadien. Soldat, c'est à dire, tueur professionnel. Il y aurait beaucoup à dire au sujet de la naïveté des gens qui croient que l'on peut entraîner quelqu'un dans ce domaine bien particulier de la boucherie sans qu'il en reste des séquelles. Du moins sur certains individus. On les envoie faire ce pour quoi ils ont été formés et on veut rien savoir de leurs activités. Et, à leur retour, on veut encore moins qu'ils en parlent. Le dossier est clos. Que l'aventure guerrière se soit bien ou mal terminé (logiquement: si ça se passe bien, ce sera le contraire pour eux, les autres, là-bas.) Il n'a fait que ce pourquoi il était entraîné. Ce qui est intéressant, c'est qu'il s'en soit pris à des femmes, il faudrait étudier la carrière de l'individu, ce qu'on évitera évidemment de faire. Le sens commun dirait que c'est un fou et qu'il est bon pour l'asile mais comme on ne mêt presque plus personne dans ces immenses institutions vides jadis remplis de milliers de «malades». Il allait donc de soi que les psychiâtres proclameraient toute sa raison, ce qui lui vaut l'emprisonnement avec des criminels professionnels maladroits.]
[Et pour le médias dont le rôle principal est de vendre des annonces, c'est un spectacle de plus dans la catégorie chiens écrasés ou écrapou. $ $ $ $. Ce dont les lecteurs, auditeurs, télespectateurs raffolent sinon ils réclameraient les nouvelles les plus urgences au sujet de l'orchestres symphonique de Montréal. Contrairement à ce que les naïfs imaginent, les médias connaissent très bien leur public. Et ce dont ils ont envie sans même oser se l'avouer. Comme le producteur de porno connaît ses money shot. ]
Vous voyez bien que ce concours ne tient pas la route ou du moins pour moi qui est dans la moyenne de l'intelligence. Mais je dois être un con comme des millions de personnes au Canada.
23 décembre 2010
Russell Williams, ex-colonel des Forces canadiennes condamné à la prison à vie pour le meurtre de deux femmes, est la personnalité ayant le plus marqué l'actualité en 2010, selon un sondage annuel de La Presse canadienne effectué auprès des médias du pays.
Il a été choisi par 29 % des médias qui ont pris part au sondage.
Russell Williams a été condamné en octobre dernier à deux peines concurrentes de prison à vie sans possibilité de libération avant 25 ans pour les meurtres de Jessica Lloyd et de Marie-France Comeau.
Il a devancé le joueur de hockey Sidney Crosby, dont le but gagnant aux Jeux olympiques de Vancouver a déclenché une vague d'hystérie à travers le pays, à la mesure de la médaille d'or gagnée du même coup par l'équipe canadienne.
Le premier ministre Stephen Harper, qui détenait le titre de personnalité de l'année en 2008 et en 2009, est arrivé au troisième rang, avec 9 % des votes, devant Jean Charest (8 %).
Ce dernier a d'ailleurs été le premier ministre provincial le plus souvent nommé dans le sondage, devant l'ex-premier ministre de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, Danny Williams (7 %), et celui de la Saskatchewan, Brad Wall (5 %).
Russell Williams avait amorcé l'année 2010 en tant que colonel décoré et officier responsable de la plus grande base militaire au pays, celle de Trenton. C'était une étoile montante en voie d'atteindre les plus hauts rangs de sa profession.
Avant la fin de l'année, il était cependant devenu un paria, un violeur et un meurtrier avoué, désormais emprisonné dans l'une des prisons les plus célèbres du pays.
Son uniforme a même été saisi puis brûlé par les Forces canadiennes, qui veulent effacer toute trace de son passage dans leurs rangs.
La sombre déchéance du militaire, racontée en détail devant la justice, s'est révélée un drame qui a choqué le pays, dominé les manchettes et fait trembler les fondations mêmes des Forces canadiennes. avec Presse canadienne
December 23, 2010
The Canadian Press
Russell Williams began 2010 as a decorated colonel and ended it as a confessed rapist and murderer, expelled from the Canadian Forces.
Russell Williams entered 2010 as a decorated colonel, a rising star in the ranks of the air force who ran Canada's largest military airfield and even ferried the prime minister on VIP flights.
He ended the year as a pariah — a confessed rapist and murderer languishing behind bars in one of the country's most notorious prisons, his uniform seized and burned by a shaken military anxious to erase all traces of him.
The story of Williams's dark and twisted fall from grace — told in court in unrelenting and excruciating detail — shocked the country, dominated headlines and rocked the Canadian Forces to its very foundations.
So massive was his betrayal, the sex killer and disgraced former commander of CFB Trenton has emerged as Canada's Newsmaker of the Year in an annual survey of the nation's newsrooms by The Canadian Press.
Some may recoil at the thought of Williams as 2010's top newsmaker, but it's an "act of news judgment," not an award, said April Lindgren, a veteran reporter who now teaches journalism at Toronto's Ryerson University.
"People have to understand, he wasn't selected Newsmaker of the Year because he's a great guy,"
Lindgren said.
"He was selected Newsmaker of the Year because of the magnitude of his evil, and because of the news his deeds generated."
In the long history of The Canadian Press year-end survey, criminals rarely draw many votes from those who produce the country's newspapers, newscasts and news websites.
Despite their notoriety, killers like Clifford Olson, Paul Bernardo and Robert Pickton were never selected.
"It is a dark choice, and maybe counterintuitive, but it is hard to deny the impact of the story on Canadians," said Jennifer McGuire, general manager and editor-in-chief of CBC News.
"It made us all look at the world a little differently. And we reacted to it viscerally and emotionally."
Williams was picked by 29 per cent of the newsrooms in the newsmaker survey. The Canadian with the second highest total — 15 per cent — was hockey superstar Sidney Crosby, whose overtime goal in the gold medal game at the Vancouver Olympics set off a wave of national delirium.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the newsmaker for 2008 and 2009, was next with nine per cent.
And for the first time, The Canadian Press conducted a parallel survey in conjunction with Yahoo! Canada to allow the public to make its own choices for Newsmaker of the Year.
The public results were the inverse of the top two newsroom choices: Yahoo! Canada readers picked Crosby as the top newsmaker with 21 per cent of the votes, with Williams tied for second with pop superstar Justin Bieber, both with 14 per cent. Bieber came in sixth in the newsroom survey.
Still, it was clear from both surveys that for news people and the public alike, the colonel's shocking double life set the story apart from other horrific trials Canadians have been exposed to over recent years.
The lurid details of that abuse of privilege were laid bare over four gripping October days in an eastern Ontario courtroom after Williams pleaded guilty to all 88 charges against him.
Few could tune out the sickening details of his depraved crimes, which began with fetish break-ins to steal the underwear of women and girls as young as 11.
It eventually escalated to the brutal sex slayings of 38-year-old Cpl. Marie-France Comeau, who served under his command, and 27-year-old Jessica Lloyd, whose disappearance triggered a police search that eventually led to Williams's capture and confession.
His "rise to infamy" was also fuelled by the vast amount of information that emerged in court, from instantaneous tweets to photos of the high-ranking officer in girls' underwear that were splashed across the front pages from coast to coast, Lindgren said.
"Those two photographs, to me, told the story of Russell Williams's sickness and evilness of his act … in a way that I don't think even stories could convey," she said.
Maria Babbage
December 23, 2010
Canadian Press
Russell Williams entered 2010 as a decorated colonel, a rising star in the ranks of the air force who ran Canada's largest military airfield and even ferried the prime minister on VIP flights.
He ended the year as a pariah — a confessed rapist and murderer languishing behind bars in one of the country's most notorious prisons, his uniform seized and burned by a shaken military anxious to erase all traces of him.
The story of Williams's dark and twisted fall from grace — told in court in unrelenting and excruciating detail — shocked the country, dominated headlines and rocked the Canadian Forces to its very foundations.
So massive was his betrayal, the sex killer and disgraced former commander of CFB Trenton has emerged as Canada's Newsmaker of the Year in an annual survey of the nation's newsrooms by The Canadian Press.
Some may recoil at the thought of Williams as 2010's top newsmaker, but it's an "act of news judgment," not an award, said April Lindgren, a veteran reporter who now teaches journalism at Toronto's Ryerson University.
"People have to understand, he wasn't selected Newsmaker of the Year because he's a great guy," Lindgren said.
"He was selected Newsmaker of the Year because of the magnitude of his evil, and because of the news his deeds generated."
In the long history of The Canadian Press year-end survey, criminals rarely draw many votes from those who produce the country's newspapers, newscasts and news websites. Despite their notoriety, killers like Clifford Olson, Paul Bernardo and Robert Pickton were never selected.
"It is a dark choice, and maybe counterintuitive, but it is hard to deny the impact of the story on Canadians," said Jennifer McGuire, general manager and editor-in-chief of CBC News.
"It made us all look at the world a little differently. And we reacted to it viscerally and emotionally."
The Williams case was a "glimpse into the horrendous darkness" that exists in humans, said Murray Langdon, news director at radio station CFAX in Victoria.
"The story revealed a stark contrast; a strong, charismatic and dependable leader, and twisted, depraved and sadistic hunter," Langdon wrote.
While there was little argument about the journalistic importance of the story, some voters admitted they couldn't bring themselves to cast a ballot for Williams.
"I just couldn't vote for Russell Williams — it would be like when Time (magazine) declared Hitler 'Man of The Year,'" said Murray Wood, news director of radio stations CJME in Regina and CKOM in Saskatoon.
Wood cast his vote for Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall, whose fight over the future of the province's potash industry pushed his Prairie brand of diplomacy onto the national stage.
Williams was picked by 29 per cent of the newsrooms in the Newsmaker survey. The Canadian with the second highest total — 15 per cent — was hockey superstar Sidney Crosby, whose overtime goal in the gold medal game at the Vancouver Olympics set off a wave of national delirium.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Newsmaker for 2008 and 2009, was next with nine per cent.
And for the first time, The Canadian Press conducted a parallel survey in conjunction with Yahoo! Canada to allow the public to make its own choices for Newsmaker of the Year.
The public results were the inverse of the top two newsroom choices: Yahoo! Canada readers picked Crosby as the top newsmaker with 21 per cent of the votes, with Williams tied for second with pop superstar Justin Bieber, both with 14 per cent. Bieber came in sixth in the newsroom survey.
Still, it was clear from both surveys that for news people and the public alike, the colonel's shocking double life set the story apart from other horrific trials Canadians have been exposed to over recent years.
Unmasking a pillar of society as a monstrous sexual predator shatters public trust and "corrodes" the fabric of society, said Elliott Leyton, a social anthropologist and author of "Hunting Humans," a book on serial killers.
"No other serial killer... has mixed with the prime minister and so many dignitaries in society — in fact, was part of that society," Leyton said.
"That's the distinctive thing about him... He had a lot of prestige and power which he abused to the full."
The lurid details of that abuse of privilege were laid bare over four gripping October days in an eastern Ontario courtroom after Williams pleaded guilty to all 88 charges against him.
Few could tune out the sickening details of his depraved crimes, which began with fetish break-ins to steal the underwear of women and girls as young as 11.
It eventually escalated to the brutal sex slayings of 38-year-old Cpl. Marie-France Comeau, who served under his command, and 27-year-old Jessica Lloyd, whose disappearance triggered a police search that eventually led to Williams's capture and confession.
His "rise to infamy" was also fuelled by the vast amount of information that emerged in court, from instantaneous tweets to photos of the high-ranking officer in girls' underwear that were splashed across the front pages from coast to coast, Lindgren said.
Some found it too much to take, but Lindgren argued that the photos — one newspaper juxtaposed an image of a saluting Williams in full uniform with another of him posing in what appeared to be a girl's pink bathing suit — were justified.
"Those two photographs, to me, told the story of Russell Williams's sickness and evilness of his act... in a way that I don't think even stories could convey," she said.
Those images perhaps made the greatest impact in the community where Williams committed his crimes.
For one local news director who watched the horrific case unfold from January until late October, Williams clearly stood out as the newsmaker of the year.
"CFB Trenton is at the centre of everything our military does, and to have its top officer commit these crimes was a shocking reminder that evil can lurk anywhere no matter what the responsibility, income or rank," wrote Todd Smith, news director at Quinte Broadcasting.
The former colonel's crimes had a lasting effect on everyone in the communities of Belleville and Trenton, he added.
"Williams terrorized the local region for several months and committed some of the most heinous acts our country has ever seen while in a position which holds the responsibility of protecting all of us."
Vote totals to determine The Canadian Press Newsmaker of the Year for 2010:
Russell Williams: 29 per cent
Sidney Crosby: 15 per cent
Stephen Harper: 9 per cent
Jean Charest: 8 per cent
Danny Williams: 7 per cent
Justin Bieber, John Furlong: 6 per cent
Joannie Rochette, Brad Wall: 5 per cent
Others who received votes: Bill Vander Zalm; Michaelle Jean; Omar Khadr; Rob Ford; Johanna Skibsrud; Brother Andre.
Quotes from voters who chose sex killer Russell Williams as Canada's top newsmaker for 2010 in the annual poll of news organizations by The Canadian Press:
"This story shocked and horrified anyone who read it and also raised the whole issue in the media of how much news is too much when it comes to graphic or disturbing content or photographs." - Craig Albrecht, co-managing editor, Lethbridge Herald.
"The Russell Williams case stunned the country and had a lasting effect on all residents in the Quinte Region. It has also shaken the military, which plays a vital role in our local area, the country and around the world. CFB Trenton is at the centre of everything our military does and to have its top officer commit these crimes was a shocking reminder that evil can lurk anywhere no matter what the responsibility, income or rank." Todd Smith, news director, Quinte Broadcasting CJBQ, CIGL, CJTN, Belleville and Trenton, Ont.
"It is a dark choice, and maybe counter-intuitive, but it is hard to deny the impact of the story on Canadians. Certainly our audiences were drawn to it. There were the crimes, heinous as they were. But I think his dark character and the duality of the trusted military leader, a protector, being a predator was part of the strange curiosity of it. It raised questions about the military and its screening processes. It made us all look at the world a little differently. And we reacted to it viscerally and emotionally. It also had an interesting impact on the media. With the unprecedented access given to the court materials, you also saw the media debate its role - to censor or not - in the context of this story. That is why we chose Williams. At the end of the day, it is a story that will be remembered for a very long time." Jennifer McGuire, general manager and editor-in-chief, CBC News.
"I chose Williams because I was fascinated by the unexpected nature of his notoriety. You expect athletes to win medals and games and you expect politicians to make popular or unpopular comments or decisions. But I don't think anyone could have anticipated that a ranking Canadian military officer would be responsible for such crimes or lead such a secret, demented second life. The story got more intriguing, albeit disturbing, as details of his arrest and subsequent court appearances emerged. For me it culminated with the tape of the police interview, which seemed like something out of a TV cop drama." Andrew MacDonald, senior news editor, Yahoo! Canada.
"The Russell Williams case was one of a surreal nature; a punishing blow for the image of Canada's Armed Forces, but a glimpse into the horrendous darkness that exists in humans. The case is one that had a pronounced impact on not only the surrounding community, but the country as a whole. The story revealed a stark contrast: a strong, charismatic and dependable leader and twisted, depraved and sadistic hunter." Murray Langdon, news director, CFAX radio, Victoria.
"These sex crimes that included two murders were horrific and unimaginable, and done by a high-ranking Canadian air force colonel who is now disgraced and has been officially stripped of his rank. From the time of Russell Williams's arrest to him becoming the first officer in Canadian military history to have his commission revoked by the Governor General, the story was front-page news. Nothing else came close." Philip Croucher, managing editor, Metro Halifax
"What stood out about the Williams story were the brutality of the crimes and the near mythical arc of the story. Williams wasn't just respected, he was among the most respected of an institution that Canadians are in the habit of thinking of as above reproach. That this man could have sank to these depths of depravity - and that the military, whose purpose it is to sniff out enemies, didn't uncover him - increased both the horror and the fascination of the case. But even the worst stories need a hero and this one had Jim Smythe, the police official who took Williams from a confident executive to a confessed killer in one long police interview." Jim Poling, managing editor, Hamilton Spectator.
"Canadians were stunned by the details surrounding the double life of this soldier … By day, he was a star in the Forces and a leader in his community. By night, he was a compulsive sexual sadist and a serial killer. The revelations that emerged were beyond comprehension. How was he able to fool his entourage for so many years? We haven't finished talking about this case." Maurice Cloutier, managing editor, Sherbrooke La Tribune
"Even though it was disgusting, Canadians couldn't put it down." Doug Farraway, sports director, FAN590 radio, Toronto.
A list of Canada's Newsmaker of the Year, as determined in the annual poll of newsrooms across the country by The Canadian Press:
2010: Russell Williams, sex killer
2009: Stephen Harper, politician
2008: Stephen Harper, politician
2007: The Mounties
2006: The Canadian Soldier
2005: John Gomery, Quebec judge
2004: Paul Martin, politician
2003: Paul Martin, politician
2002: Jean Chretien, politician
2001: Stockwell Day, politician
2000: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1999: Pierre Trudeau, politician (named Canadian Newsmaker of the 20th Century)
1998: Jean Chretien, politician
1997: Sheldon Kennedy, hockey player
1996: Donovan Bailey, sprinter
1995: Lucien Bouchard, politician
1994: Jacques Parizeau, politician
1993: Kim Campbell, politician
1992: The Constitution
1991: Brian Mulroney, politician
1990: Elijah Harper, politician
1989: Michael Wilson, politician
1988: Ben Johnson, sprinter
1987: Rick Hansen, cross-country wheelchair athlete
1986: Rick Hansen, cross-country wheelchair athlete
1985: Steve Fonyo, cross-country runner
1984: Brian Mulroney, politician
1983: Brian Mulroney, politician
1982: Wayne Gretzky, hockey player
1981: Terry Fox, cross-country runner
1980: Terry Fox, cross-country runner
1979: Joe Clark, politician
1978: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1977: Rene Levesque, politician
1976: Rene Levesque, politician
1975: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1974: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1973: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1972: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1971: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1970: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1969: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1968: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1967: Lester Pearson, politician
1966: John Diefenbaker, politician
1965: Lucien Rivard, drug smuggler
1964: Lester Pearson, politician
1963: Lester Pearson, politician
1962: Real Caouette, politician
1961: James Coyne, Bank of Canada governor
1960: John Diefenbaker, politician
1959: John Diefenbaker, Joey Smallwood, politicians
1958: John Diefenbaker, politician
1957: John Diefenbaker, politician
1956: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1955: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1954: Marilyn Bell, marathon swimmer
1953: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1952: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1951: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1950: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1949: Louis St. Laurent, politician
1948: Mackenzie King, politician
1947: Barbara Ann Scott, figure skater
1946: Igor Gouzenko, Soviet embassy cipher clerk
Quelle triste liste de personnalités marquantes: un meurtrier, un sportif et 3 politiciens. A la place de La Presse canadienne, je me serais abstenu d'en publier les résultats. publie la liste beaucoup plus inspirante des 10 bénévoles de l'année. Le public est même invité à participer au choix. Ça, ça vaut la peine d'en parler.
Personnalite mon oeil.Les dirigeants des medias nous balancent ce qu'ils veulent.
Les lecteurs du Time avait choisi Assange mais une autre personne a ete choisi par la direction. [Ce fut le fondateur de Facebook.]
De la mise en scene tout ca.
[L'information est économique et politique. On dit que la presse est le cinquième pouvoir, c'est plutôt la cinquière roue du carosse de l'État qui sert à le féliciter, le soutenir et à faire avaler ou rende rendre plus digérable ses décisions. Se souvenir du rôle du Times, du Washington Post et du New York Times dans la guerre d'Irak. Ne pas penser que seuls les hystériques de Foxnews jouent un rôle.]
on ne devrait pas pouvoir nommer un meurtrier comme personnalité de quoi que ce soit.
Le bandit sont les héros des médias...
J'ai créé mon théâtre contre la violence en 1998, j'ai travaillé six ans avec les jeuens de la rue par le biais de mon théâtre et 70% des groupes de jeunes ont quitté la rue et je devais, chaque année, quêter le fric pour y arriver...
Avez-vous entendu parler de mon Théâtre et des jeunes qui furent heureux de quitter la rue ! Je ne serai jamais la personnalité de l'année, je suis bien trop honnête !
Russell Williams ne mérite pas d'attention et n'en a pas vraiment ici au Québec si ce n'est pour nous montrer ce qu'un esprit humain pris par ses propres convictions peut être amené à faire, peut être amené à commettre comme crime en s'estimant libre, se justifiant lui-même et passant aux actes, à condition bien sûr de ne pas s'y faire prendre.
Y a-t-il quelque chose là de révélateur concernant notre civilisation actuelle basée sur le concept de consommation de tout ce qui existe, même les autres, aux fins de ses propres loisirs.
N'est-ce pas le même genre d’esprit qui a amené Research In Motion (RIM) a s'accaparer le travail de d'autres pour finalement régler hors cour en payant environ 350 millions de dollars US ? [Blackberry]
Je le pense. N'est-ce pas aussi le même genre d'esprit qui prévaut chez ceux refusant de regarder en face la réalité des changements climatiques ? Je le pense aussi.
La réalité basée sur les connaissances doit primée dans notre ère moderne sinon, d'autres crimes très graves et ceux-là sans Justice pratiquement applicable, seront commis.
N’oublions donc pas ce qu'un esprit humain pris par ses propres convictions peut être amené à faire !!
Les vrais personnalités de l'année ne sont pas celles que les média nous ont dévoilé. Ce sont, comme Steven l'a mentionné plus tôt dans ce forum, les personnes qui travaillent bénévolement pour venir en aide à ceux et celles qui sont dans le besoin, soit dans leur entourage ou partout dans le monde.
Ce sont aussi les gens qui travaillent fort toute l'année pour subvenir honnêtement à leurs besoins et à ceux de leur famille, et dont les impôts servent à financer les programmes aident ceux et celles de notre société qui souffrent et qui ont besoin d'aide. [Et à acheter pour des milliards d'armes! Pour tuer d'autres pauves!]
Je crois que c'est une honte de vouloir hisser au palmarès des personnalités de l'année des gens comme cet ancien colonel que je ne nommerai même pas pour ne pas lui faire de publicité supplémentaire.
Pour établir cette liste, on prend les personnes qui ont défrayé la manchette le plus souvent.
Bien entendu, les mauvaises nouvelles, les crimes, les fraudes, etc. attirent plus l'attention que les actions moins spectaculaires.
Ce qui revient à dire que notre société valorise plus le sensationnaliste que la vraie valeur des gens ou des actions.
Je ne dis pas que c'est une bonne chose, il faudrait peut-être changer cette liste pour en faire une qui comprendrait les noms des personnes qui ont le plus contribué à l'avancement de la société, au progrès, à l'amélioration.
(...) la première place à ce militaire est un vrai affront à la famille des victimes. Dans tous les nommés, il n'y a pas grand-chose de positif à part Sidney Crosby.
On devrait décerner le premier prix de la morbidité aux medias qui ont élu le colonel assassin et à ceux qui lui décernent le prix.
Je savais pas que Russell William était un humain, et vous?
Misere,,, quelle choix que cé ca.....Russell Williams est un animal par une personalitée.
La personnalité médiatique du siècle dernier est attribué à Adolf Hitler qui est responsable «direct» du massacre de plus de 5 millions de personnes en plus des quelques 55 millions de la 2e Guerre. Gandhi arrive (malheureusement) à la 66e place derrière Céline Dion.
[Monsieur Hitler, fut l'homme de l'année 1938 du Times US. Et il a laissé un souvenir inoubliable à bien des gens. Les grands de ce monde sont ainsi. Ce sont eux qui font l'Histoire et on aime parler de leurs légendes, leur ériger des statues et admirer leur création. Il va de soi qu'on préfère ses grands hommes à ceux des autres. Mais aucun pays ne s'est fait sans eux. Ils sont les maîtres de la cartographie. Et c'est la participation anonyme de millions de gens de bonne volonté qui les fait ainsi et leur donne tout ce pouvoir. Il y aurait une étude à faire sur la docilité innée de la masse (et du peuple si on aime ce mot plus joli que «foule») programmable à merci. Et si on parle un peu de monsieur Staline qui a tué bien plus de gens que lui, on ne parle jamais des autres ogres, monsieur churchill et Roosevelt et Truman, sauf pour en dire du bien. Pour en revenir à monsieur Hitler, il est une création de la première guerre mondiale provoquée par l'empire Britannique. Après tout, on eut sans doute aimé qu'il reste poète et pacifiste. Et monsieur Staline moinillon. Gandhi, tout pacifiste qu'il soit à partir du moment où il mettait en branle l'indépendance de son pays est le responsable direct de son explosion, de la création du Paskistan et du Bangladesh et des millions de morts qui ont suivi. Sans compter les «déplacés». Comme quoi les meilleures intentions dans le monde réel ne donnent pas nécessairement les meilleurs résultats. Et Jésus, personnalité médiatique de notre civilisation, avec ses 12 amis, a provoqué la création de l'Église Catho et des millions de morts qui ont suivi. ]
[Que dire de monsieur Bush père et fils, Blair, Harper et de la quantité de morts provoquées par leur intervention.]
[Si on parle de monsieur Harper et des meurtres commis en son nom, n'oublions pas que monsieur Williams est un soldat canadien. Soldat, c'est à dire, tueur professionnel. Il y aurait beaucoup à dire au sujet de la naïveté des gens qui croient que l'on peut entraîner quelqu'un dans ce domaine bien particulier de la boucherie sans qu'il en reste des séquelles. Du moins sur certains individus. On les envoie faire ce pour quoi ils ont été formés et on veut rien savoir de leurs activités. Et, à leur retour, on veut encore moins qu'ils en parlent. Le dossier est clos. Que l'aventure guerrière se soit bien ou mal terminé (logiquement: si ça se passe bien, ce sera le contraire pour eux, les autres, là-bas.) Il n'a fait que ce pourquoi il était entraîné. Ce qui est intéressant, c'est qu'il s'en soit pris à des femmes, il faudrait étudier la carrière de l'individu, ce qu'on évitera évidemment de faire. Le sens commun dirait que c'est un fou et qu'il est bon pour l'asile mais comme on ne mêt presque plus personne dans ces immenses institutions vides jadis remplis de milliers de «malades». Il allait donc de soi que les psychiâtres proclameraient toute sa raison, ce qui lui vaut l'emprisonnement avec des criminels professionnels maladroits.]
[Et pour le médias dont le rôle principal est de vendre des annonces, c'est un spectacle de plus dans la catégorie chiens écrasés ou écrapou. $ $ $ $. Ce dont les lecteurs, auditeurs, télespectateurs raffolent sinon ils réclameraient les nouvelles les plus urgences au sujet de l'orchestres symphonique de Montréal. Contrairement à ce que les naïfs imaginent, les médias connaissent très bien leur public. Et ce dont ils ont envie sans même oser se l'avouer. Comme le producteur de porno connaît ses money shot. ]
Vous voyez bien que ce concours ne tient pas la route ou du moins pour moi qui est dans la moyenne de l'intelligence. Mais je dois être un con comme des millions de personnes au Canada.
L'assassin est un mercenaire qui accomplit froidement sa tache, avec un détachement tout professionnel, mais c'est aussi un espion, un chasseur de primes et un terroriste. Artiste craint, entraîné à tuer de nombreuses manières, il joue de la mort comme d'un instrument. Si presque n'importe qui est capable de devenir un assassin, les roublards sont les plus à même de remplir ce rôle de par leurs compétences et leur vision des choses. Ce sont de précieux alliés au cœur de la mêlée, mais ils excellent surtout dans des situations plus clandestines.
L'assassin est un mercenaire qui accomplit froidement sa tache, avec un détachement tout professionnel, mais c'est aussi un espion, un chasseur de primes et un terroriste. Artiste craint, entraîné à tuer de nombreuses manières, il joue de la mort comme d'un instrument. Si presque n'importe qui est capable de devenir un assassin, les roublards sont les plus à même de remplir ce rôle de par leurs compétences et leur vision des choses. Ce sont de précieux alliés au cœur de la mêlée, mais ils excellent surtout dans des situations plus clandestines.
Les meilleurs assassins sont ceux dont leurs victimes n'ont jamais soupçonné l'existence.
Rôle : les assassins sont souvent solitaires et considèrent leurs compagnons au mieux comme des débiteurs. Leurs missions les amènent parfois, et plus ou moins longtemps, à croiser la route d'aventuriers, mais rares sont ceux qui se sentent à l'aise quand un assassin professionnel surveille leurs arrières durant un combat. Ils préfèrent de loin laisser ce tueur froid partir en éclaireur ou préparer des embuscades.
Alignement : égoïste et indifférent par nécessité lorsqu'il s'agit de prendre des vies, l'assassin attire en majorité les alignements Mauvais.
Rôle : les assassins sont souvent solitaires et considèrent leurs compagnons au mieux comme des débiteurs. Leurs missions les amènent parfois, et plus ou moins longtemps, à croiser la route d'aventuriers, mais rares sont ceux qui se sentent à l'aise quand un assassin professionnel surveille leurs arrières durant un combat. Ils préfèrent de loin laisser ce tueur froid partir en éclaireur ou préparer des embuscades.
Alignement : égoïste et indifférent par nécessité lorsqu'il s'agit de prendre des vies, l'assassin attire en majorité les alignements Mauvais.
Parce que cette profession requiert une certaine discipline personnelle, les personnages Chaotiques s'adapteront mal à la vie d'un tueur.
Les quelques personnages Neutres qui choisissent cette voie se considèrent souvent comme de simples professionnels exécutant une tâche, mais la nature de cette tâche les poussera pourtant vers un alignement Mauvais.
Pour devenir un assassin, il faut satisfaire aux conditions suivantes.
•Alignement : mauvais
•Compétences : 2 rangs en Déguisement, 5 rangs en Discrétion.
•Spécial : le personnage doit seulement tuer quelqu'un, sans aucune autre raison que celle de devenir un assassin.
Pour devenir un assassin, il faut satisfaire aux conditions suivantes.
•Alignement : mauvais
•Compétences : 2 rangs en Déguisement, 5 rangs en Discrétion.
•Spécial : le personnage doit seulement tuer quelqu'un, sans aucune autre raison que celle de devenir un assassin.
mercredi 22 décembre 2010
Ordinateur complet pour l'écoute et l'apprentissage de tout le Coran - Menu arabe / français
Ordinateur complet pour l'écoute et l'apprentissage de tout le Coran - Menu arabe / français
Prix conseillé : 50.00 €
Notre prix (avec la remise -5%) : 47.50 €
Al-Huda 60 Hizb (Ordinateur complet pour l'écoute et l'apprentissage de tout le Coran - Menu arabe / français)
Le premier ordinateur permettant l'écoute et l'apprentissage de tout le Saint Coran (114 Sourates / 60 Hizb).
Orientica a le plaisir de vous présenter ce nouvel appareil lecteur de Coran interactif adapté aussi bien pour les enfants que pour les adultes. Il permet d’écouter et de mémoriser le Saint Coran.
Vu que le meilleur moyen de mémorisation du Saint Coran étant la répétition, cet appareil est muni de fonctions de répétition de versets ou de sourates. Il permet également la navigation simple entre les versets.
• Le Saint Coran complet en un seul appareil
• Tout le Coran complet : 60 Hizb - 114 Sourates par les cheikh Soudays et Shouraym
• Possibilité de répétition des versets ou des sourates
• Possibilité d’écouter verset par verset
• Possibilité de lancer l'écoute de tout le Coran
• Fonction Pause/Reprise de la lecture en cours
• Invocation de clôture du Coran (Du'â Khatm Al-Qur'ân)
• Fonctionne avec piles ou avec secteur (adaptateur fourni)
• Ecoute par haut parleur intégré et écouteurs fournis
• Fourni avec 3 menus autocollants (menu en langue française, menu en langue arabe et menu en phonétique + anglais)
• Un cadeau idéal pour vos proches et vos amis
• Pour mettre en marche ou arrêter l’appareil, utilisez les boutons situés en bas à droite.
• Les touches de 1 à 114 vous permettent de lancer l’écoute des 114 sourates du Coran (elles sont écrites en arabe et en français phonétique).
• La touche 115 : écouter l’invocation de clôture du Coran (Du’â khatmul-Qur’an).
• Possibilité de passer d’un verset à l’autre grâce aux deux boutons du bas “Verset Suivant” et “Verset Précédent”.
• Possibilité de répéter un verset grâce au bouton “Répéter le verset”
• Possibilité de répéter la sourate grâce au bouton “Répéter la sourate”
• A tout moment vous pouvez faire une pause ou reprendre la lecture grâce aux deux boutons “Pause” et “Reprise”.
• Pour lancer l’écoute en continu de tout le Coran, utilisez le bouton “Lire tout le Coran en continu”
• Vous pouvez utiliser les écouteurs fournis, cela désactive les hauts parleurs.
• Fonctionne avec 3 piles 1,5 v de type “AA” (non inclus).
• Ne pas mélanger des piles neuves avec des piles anciennes.
• N’utilisez l’appareil qu’avec des piles de même type.
• Si l’appareil ne marche pas, vérifier que les piles sont bien placées.
• Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 3 ans
• Ne pas laisser les piles à l’intérieur une longue durée sans utiliser l’appareil.
Notre prix (avec la remise -5%) : 47.50 €
Al-Huda 60 Hizb (Ordinateur complet pour l'écoute et l'apprentissage de tout le Coran - Menu arabe / français)
Le premier ordinateur permettant l'écoute et l'apprentissage de tout le Saint Coran (114 Sourates / 60 Hizb).
Orientica a le plaisir de vous présenter ce nouvel appareil lecteur de Coran interactif adapté aussi bien pour les enfants que pour les adultes. Il permet d’écouter et de mémoriser le Saint Coran.
Vu que le meilleur moyen de mémorisation du Saint Coran étant la répétition, cet appareil est muni de fonctions de répétition de versets ou de sourates. Il permet également la navigation simple entre les versets.
• Le Saint Coran complet en un seul appareil
• Tout le Coran complet : 60 Hizb - 114 Sourates par les cheikh Soudays et Shouraym
• Possibilité de répétition des versets ou des sourates
• Possibilité d’écouter verset par verset
• Possibilité de lancer l'écoute de tout le Coran
• Fonction Pause/Reprise de la lecture en cours
• Invocation de clôture du Coran (Du'â Khatm Al-Qur'ân)
• Fonctionne avec piles ou avec secteur (adaptateur fourni)
• Ecoute par haut parleur intégré et écouteurs fournis
• Fourni avec 3 menus autocollants (menu en langue française, menu en langue arabe et menu en phonétique + anglais)
• Un cadeau idéal pour vos proches et vos amis
• Pour mettre en marche ou arrêter l’appareil, utilisez les boutons situés en bas à droite.
• Les touches de 1 à 114 vous permettent de lancer l’écoute des 114 sourates du Coran (elles sont écrites en arabe et en français phonétique).
• La touche 115 : écouter l’invocation de clôture du Coran (Du’â khatmul-Qur’an).
• Possibilité de passer d’un verset à l’autre grâce aux deux boutons du bas “Verset Suivant” et “Verset Précédent”.
• Possibilité de répéter un verset grâce au bouton “Répéter le verset”
• Possibilité de répéter la sourate grâce au bouton “Répéter la sourate”
• A tout moment vous pouvez faire une pause ou reprendre la lecture grâce aux deux boutons “Pause” et “Reprise”.
• Pour lancer l’écoute en continu de tout le Coran, utilisez le bouton “Lire tout le Coran en continu”
• Vous pouvez utiliser les écouteurs fournis, cela désactive les hauts parleurs.
• Fonctionne avec 3 piles 1,5 v de type “AA” (non inclus).
• Ne pas mélanger des piles neuves avec des piles anciennes.
• N’utilisez l’appareil qu’avec des piles de même type.
• Si l’appareil ne marche pas, vérifier que les piles sont bien placées.
• Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 3 ans
• Ne pas laisser les piles à l’intérieur une longue durée sans utiliser l’appareil.
mardi 21 décembre 2010
Photo 1.
Pinceau geant : Une calligraphie géante de 20 mètres pour le nouvel an du boeuf
Le mot « calligraphie » est formé à partir des termes grecs « kallos » – la beauté et « graphein »- écrire. La calligraphie est donc l’art de la belle écriture.
Photo. Scott Peterson/Getty Images
Iraqi Imams view the 605-page qur'an written using 24 litres of former dictator Saddam Hussein's own blood donated over a number of years.
Iraqi Imams view the 605-page qur'an written using 24 litres of former dictator Saddam Hussein's own blood donated over a number of years.
21 décembre 2010
C'est le quotidien britannique The Guardian qui a révélé l'information. En Irak, un débat fait rage au sujet des reliques de l'ex-dictateur Saddam Hussein, plus particulièrement au sujet du « Coran de sang ».
Il s'agit d'un exemplaire du livre sacré des musulmans écrit avec le sang de Saddam Hussein.
Durant deux années, 24 litres du sang de l'ex-dictateur ont été prélevés pour qu'un calligraphe les utilise comme encre pour reproduire un exemplaire du livre sacré.
Après la chute du régime irakien lors de l'invasion américaine en 2003, cette relique a été protégée contrairement aux multiples statues de l'ex-dictateur.
Actuellement le « Coran de sang » se trouve dans la grande mosquée de Bagdad protégé par un système sophistiqué qui nécessite la présence de plusieurs personnes possédant des clés différentes pour ouvrir le lieu où est cachée la relique.
Les autorités politiques et religieuses du pays font face à un sérieux casse-tête. Doivent-ils détruire ce coran à l'instar des statues et des tableaux de l'ex-dictateur ou pas?
En effet, la nature de la relique revêt une valeur qui dépasse la personne de Saddam Hussein.
Si certains veulent effacer les traces de l'ex-dictateur, d'autres voudraient exposer le « Coran de sang » pour montrer la folie de l'homme.
Pour le moment, c'est le statu quo, car aucun des camps n'ose franchir le pas, de crainte de provoquer de nouvelles violences. avec The Guardian
Martin Chulov in Baghdad
19 December 2010
As country debates whether to destroy everything connected to former dictator, Shia-led regime remains sensitive about relics
It was etched in the blood of a dictator in a ghoulish bid for piety.
Over the course of two painstaking years in the late 1990s, Saddam Hussein had sat regularly with a nurse and an Islamic calligrapher; the former drawing 27 litres of his blood and the latter using it as a macabre ink to transcribe a Qur'an.
But since the fall of Baghdad, almost eight years ago, it has stayed largely out of sight - locked away behind three vaulted doors.
It is the one part of the ousted tyrant's legacy that Iraq has simply not known what to do with.
The vault in the vast mosque in Baghdad has remained locked for the past three years, keeping the 114 chapters of the Muslim holy book out of sight - and mind - while those who run Iraq have painstakingly processed the other cultural remnants of 30 years of Saddam and the Ba'ath party.
"What is in here is priceless, worth absolutely millions of dollars,"
said Sheikh Ahmed al-Samarrai, head of Iraq's Sunni Endowment fund, standing near the towering minarets of the west Baghdad mosque that Saddam named "the Mother of All Battles".
Behind him is the infamous Blood Qur'an, written in Saddam's own blood.
Even to get to this point - the last step before entering the forbidden vault - has been a tortuous process.
On one flank had been the government, doing all it could to prevent access.
The Shia-led regime is highly sensitive to the re-emergence of any symbols that might lionise the remnants of the Ba'athist rank and file, which still orchestrates bombings and assassinations every few days.
And then there are the Sunnis themselves, who are fearful of government retribution if they open the doors and of divine disapproval if they treat this particularly gruesome volume of the Qur'an with the reverence of a holy book.
"It was wrong to do what he did, to write it in blood,"
says Sheikh Samarrai.
"It is haraam [forbidden]."
Despite this, Sammarie says he acted as the document's protector during the mayhem that followed the US-led invasion in 2003, hiding pages in his house and moving others among the homes of his relatives.
"I knew this would be much sought after and we made the decision to protect it. But to see this now is not easy. There are three keys and none of them are held in the one place. I have one, the police chief in the area has another and there is a third in another part of Baghdad. There has to be a decision of a committee to let you in."
Other relics have been much easier for the government to deal with, such as the Saddam statue that was toppled by US marines in April 2003, and copper busts of Ba'athist leaders that were erected all over the country.
Their removal was straightforward, like lancing boils, say the men who run the country now.
As Iraq slowly assembles its fourth government since the fall of Baghdad in 2003, attention is now turning to the more difficult issues - what to do with the landmarks and relics that are unique to the Saddam regime but which have also become synonymous with Iraq.
Some, like the crossed swords that bookend Saddam's former military parade ground in central Baghdad, are as identifiable to the capital as the Hagia Sophia Mosque is to Istanbul, or the Old City to Damascus.
Several prominent politicians, such as Ahmed Chalabi, one of the key opposition figures to Saddam, are adamant that anything connected to the executed dictator must go.
"The best talent in Iraq was ordered to produce monuments which are designed to suppress the people,"
says Chalabi, who headed the National Deba'athification Commission in the early years after Saddam's removal.
"This is very destructive for the psyche of the Iraqi population. This is a clear reminder of the consequences of totalitarianism and idealising a person that embodies evil. They have brought nothing to Iraq. They are not worth celebrating. They have nothing aesthetic to offer. I am for removing them."
Other men who also played a key role, first in Saddam's removal, then his trial and execution, are more sanguine.
"He was there and he ruled and he impacted on the world,"
said Mowaffak al-Rubaie, the former national security adviser who escorted Saddam to the gallows.
"But he was a part of our history. He was a bad part of our history, but he made a huge difference, whether we like it or not. We need not bury the legacy of that period. We need to remember it, all what is bad and what is good and learn lessons. And the most important lesson is that dictatorship should not return to Iraq."
In 2005, the government formed a committee to oversee the removal of symbols linked to Saddam.
Ali al-Moussawi, a spokesman for the prime minister, Nour al-Maliki, underscored the dilemna.
"Not everything built during this regime we should remove,"
he said from his office, which overlooks the crossed swords.
"There were some sculptures however that were solely about dictatorship and control over Iraq. Some spoke to dictators and battles and they should be removed. They have ethnic and sectarian meanings.
"The statues of Saddam have no place on the streets. It is not his privilege to keep them there. If they remain in the community they will provoke the people."
But Moussawi was more open to compromise over the Blood Qur'an:
"We should keep this as a document for the brutality of Saddam, because he should not have done this.
"It says a lot about him. It should never be put in a museum though, because no Iraqi wants to see it. Maybe in the future it could be sent to a private museum, like memorabilia from the Hitler and Stalin regimes."
In time, the legacy of Saddam Hussein and his 30 years of brutality is likely to become part of a more detached debate in Iraq's national consciousness, much like the discussions that took place in Germany in the late 1940s after the ousting of the Nazis.
For now, though, the soul searching is being left to those who made the disputed works, and those entrusted as their temporary caretakers.
Abbas Shakir Joody al-Baghdadi was the calligrapher commissioned to work on the Qur'an. He sat with Saddam for two years after receiving a phone call from the tyrant himself.
Saddam, at that point, had decided to re-embrace with his religion after his elder son, Uday, had survived an assassination attempt.
The result of Baghdadi's work was an exquisitely crafted book that would take its place in any art exhibition - if it wasn't for the fact that it was written in blood.
"I don't like to talk about this now," says Baghdadi, speaking by telephone from the US state of Virginia, where he now lives. "It was painful part of my life that I want to forget about."
Back at the mosque, Sheikh Samarrai is nervous. He fears the wrath that will descend on him - from the government definitely, and possibly from a much higher power - if he swings open the final door.
"Even if I let you in, you would need to stand 10 feet away from the pages and they are all behind glass cases," he said.
Then he makes his decision. "It is just not worth it for anyone. They will stir up too much trouble."
Some things in Iraq will take many more years to confront.
Built in the mid-80s as a symbol of victory in the war with Iran, even though the war still had two years to run and ended in a stalemate. They bookend what is now the Green Zone.
There are at least 300 scattered all over the country. Some have been taken over by government ministries, others remain derelict. Yet more are looming eyesores, especially in Saddam's hometown of Tikrit, where up to five could eventually be destroyed.
On the eastern side of one of Baghdad's main bridges – an archway built by a famous architect, Jawad Salem, to commemorate the ousting of Iraq's royal family in 1959. It became synonymous with Saddam and the Ba'athists.
Dozens once peppered the country, but the large green version in al-Firdous Square came to signify the end of Saddam when torn down by US marines in April 2003. The bust, right, is kept in the office of former national security adviser Mowafak al-Rubaie who led Saddam to the gallows.
By Stephanie Pappas
A Quran written in Saddam Hussein blood is a macabre reminder of the dictator's brutal reign. According to art experts, it's also both a continuation of — and a departure from — artistic tradition.
The "Blood Quran" is taking a toll on Islamic clerics uncertain of whether it's better to destroy the holy book or preserve it as a reminder of the dictator's brutality. Hussein likely knew the controversy his blood-inscribed Quran would create when he commission it, given common taboos surrounding human bodily fluids. But despite the shock value of a book written in human blood, animal blood has been a part of art for centuries.
"Blood is a common medium used in paint," Bruno Pouliot, an objects conservator at the Winterthur Museum in Delaware and a professor of art conservation at the University of Delaware, told LiveScience. "Ox blood is one of the oldest forms, and a very stable form, actually, of paint."
In the late 1990s, Hussein conscripted a calligrapher to copy the Quran in his blood. In what he reportedly described at the time as a gesture of "gratitude" to God, Hussein donated seven gallons (27 liters) of blood over the course of two years to be used as ink in the macabre volume, according to an article in The Guardian on Sunday (Dec. 19).
The Quran is now kept behind locked doors in a mosque in Baghdad, and officials are uncertain how to handle an object that is simultaneously sacred and profane.
"What's different about things that involve human remains is that they are always controversial," University of Delaware professor of art conservation Vicki Cassman told LiveScience. In the case of the Quran, Cassman said, "there is that symbolism — that is, who it represents and if this person's spirit lives on in the object."
While blood art may raise a host of ethical issues, the practical concerns aren't great, Pouliot said. As blood dries, it forms a solid film — think how difficult it is to get a bloodstain out of fabric.
"You have to process it a little bit to get it to have the exact properties that you need, but it's a relatively easy process that anybody who could search online or would have access to the historical recipe for oxblood paint could do," Pouliot said, minutes before pulling up an oxblood paint recipe online involving linseed oil and lime.
Should the Iraqis choose to preserve the Quran, they likely won't have to take many extra precautions in terms of preservation, Pouliot said. Regular book preservation should do.
"Climate control is the first step," said Jim Hinz, the director of book conservation at the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) in Philadelphia. Humidity and temperature are key, he said, with cooler temperatures being better. Books should also be kept out of direct light, he said.
Hinz said he had not worked with any artwork made with blood, but he did have a tip for anyone who bleeds on something important: Spit.
"The enzymes [in saliva] break down and essentially bleach out the blood," he told LiveScience.
The big questions that come up with the preservation of biological art aren't technical, Pouliot said. Instead, they're ethical. Conserving art sometimes involves applying stabilizing resins.
For blood, "there could be many reasons why it would not be desirable to change the composition of that material, in case it is useful for future studies," Pouliot said. "Often the cultural aspects of that object become important."
Human hair and even human skin show up in art throughout the ages, Pouliot said, but human blood has been much more rare. More recently, some modern artists have taken to including blood in their work, including British artist Marc Quinn, who sculpts his head out of about a gallon (4.5 liters) of his own frozen blood every five years.
Pouliot credits the relative lack of blood-containing artwork to cultural taboos around the liquid.
"These taboos are often related to actual risks involved in using these materials," he said.
Those risks include blood-borne diseases like Ebola, hepatitis B and HIV, said Celso Bianco, the executive vice president for America's Blood Centers, a network of nonprofit community blood donation centers. Hussein's calligrapher would have been at risk for contracting disease from the fresh blood, Bianco said, but that concern is long gone.
"The pathogens that can be carried with blood are many." Bianco told LiveScience. "But in general, when it's dried in the form of the written word, they would not be dangerous. They would not be infectious."
Perhaps the biggest health risk came for Hussein himself, whose 27-liter blood donations over two years would have been roughly five times the amount of blood in his body at any given time, Bianco said.
The amount of donation allowed for a blood donor in the United States is five or six pints over the course of a year, or less than a gallon, Bianco said. At that safe rate, it should have taken Hussein nine years to donate all that blood, not two.
"It's an incredible amount, if that [number] is correct," Bianco said. "That certainly would have made him anemic."
25 September, 2000
President Saddam Hussein has taken delivery of a copy of the Koran written using his own blood.
Iraqi TV and newspapers reported that the Iraqi leader had the volume produced in thanks to God for bringing him safely through many "conspiracies and dangers" in his long political career.
Saddam Hussein examines the special-edition holy book
"My life has been full of dangers in which I should have lost a lot of blood...but since I have bled only a little, I asked somebody to write God's words with my blood in gratitude,"
President Saddam Hussein said in a letter published in the official media.
The special-edition volume was handed over at a ceremony at the weekend.
The Iraqi leader commissioned the work three years ago on his 60th birthday.
Press and TV reports gave no indication of how much blood he had provided for the team of calligraphers who produced the work.
But a senior Iraqi official suggested the amount was considerable, given that the Muslim holy book comprises over 6,000 verses and some 336,000 words.
21 décembre 2010
C'est le quotidien britannique The Guardian qui a révélé l'information. En Irak, un débat fait rage au sujet des reliques de l'ex-dictateur Saddam Hussein, plus particulièrement au sujet du « Coran de sang ».
Il s'agit d'un exemplaire du livre sacré des musulmans écrit avec le sang de Saddam Hussein.
Durant deux années, 24 litres du sang de l'ex-dictateur ont été prélevés pour qu'un calligraphe les utilise comme encre pour reproduire un exemplaire du livre sacré.
Après la chute du régime irakien lors de l'invasion américaine en 2003, cette relique a été protégée contrairement aux multiples statues de l'ex-dictateur.
Actuellement le « Coran de sang » se trouve dans la grande mosquée de Bagdad protégé par un système sophistiqué qui nécessite la présence de plusieurs personnes possédant des clés différentes pour ouvrir le lieu où est cachée la relique.
Les autorités politiques et religieuses du pays font face à un sérieux casse-tête. Doivent-ils détruire ce coran à l'instar des statues et des tableaux de l'ex-dictateur ou pas?
En effet, la nature de la relique revêt une valeur qui dépasse la personne de Saddam Hussein.
Si certains veulent effacer les traces de l'ex-dictateur, d'autres voudraient exposer le « Coran de sang » pour montrer la folie de l'homme.
Pour le moment, c'est le statu quo, car aucun des camps n'ose franchir le pas, de crainte de provoquer de nouvelles violences. avec The Guardian
Martin Chulov in Baghdad
19 December 2010
As country debates whether to destroy everything connected to former dictator, Shia-led regime remains sensitive about relics
It was etched in the blood of a dictator in a ghoulish bid for piety.
Over the course of two painstaking years in the late 1990s, Saddam Hussein had sat regularly with a nurse and an Islamic calligrapher; the former drawing 27 litres of his blood and the latter using it as a macabre ink to transcribe a Qur'an.
But since the fall of Baghdad, almost eight years ago, it has stayed largely out of sight - locked away behind three vaulted doors.
It is the one part of the ousted tyrant's legacy that Iraq has simply not known what to do with.
The vault in the vast mosque in Baghdad has remained locked for the past three years, keeping the 114 chapters of the Muslim holy book out of sight - and mind - while those who run Iraq have painstakingly processed the other cultural remnants of 30 years of Saddam and the Ba'ath party.
"What is in here is priceless, worth absolutely millions of dollars,"
said Sheikh Ahmed al-Samarrai, head of Iraq's Sunni Endowment fund, standing near the towering minarets of the west Baghdad mosque that Saddam named "the Mother of All Battles".
Behind him is the infamous Blood Qur'an, written in Saddam's own blood.
Even to get to this point - the last step before entering the forbidden vault - has been a tortuous process.
On one flank had been the government, doing all it could to prevent access.
The Shia-led regime is highly sensitive to the re-emergence of any symbols that might lionise the remnants of the Ba'athist rank and file, which still orchestrates bombings and assassinations every few days.
And then there are the Sunnis themselves, who are fearful of government retribution if they open the doors and of divine disapproval if they treat this particularly gruesome volume of the Qur'an with the reverence of a holy book.
"It was wrong to do what he did, to write it in blood,"
says Sheikh Samarrai.
"It is haraam [forbidden]."
Despite this, Sammarie says he acted as the document's protector during the mayhem that followed the US-led invasion in 2003, hiding pages in his house and moving others among the homes of his relatives.
"I knew this would be much sought after and we made the decision to protect it. But to see this now is not easy. There are three keys and none of them are held in the one place. I have one, the police chief in the area has another and there is a third in another part of Baghdad. There has to be a decision of a committee to let you in."
Other relics have been much easier for the government to deal with, such as the Saddam statue that was toppled by US marines in April 2003, and copper busts of Ba'athist leaders that were erected all over the country.
Their removal was straightforward, like lancing boils, say the men who run the country now.
As Iraq slowly assembles its fourth government since the fall of Baghdad in 2003, attention is now turning to the more difficult issues - what to do with the landmarks and relics that are unique to the Saddam regime but which have also become synonymous with Iraq.
Some, like the crossed swords that bookend Saddam's former military parade ground in central Baghdad, are as identifiable to the capital as the Hagia Sophia Mosque is to Istanbul, or the Old City to Damascus.
Several prominent politicians, such as Ahmed Chalabi, one of the key opposition figures to Saddam, are adamant that anything connected to the executed dictator must go.
"The best talent in Iraq was ordered to produce monuments which are designed to suppress the people,"
says Chalabi, who headed the National Deba'athification Commission in the early years after Saddam's removal.
"This is very destructive for the psyche of the Iraqi population. This is a clear reminder of the consequences of totalitarianism and idealising a person that embodies evil. They have brought nothing to Iraq. They are not worth celebrating. They have nothing aesthetic to offer. I am for removing them."
Other men who also played a key role, first in Saddam's removal, then his trial and execution, are more sanguine.
"He was there and he ruled and he impacted on the world,"
said Mowaffak al-Rubaie, the former national security adviser who escorted Saddam to the gallows.
"But he was a part of our history. He was a bad part of our history, but he made a huge difference, whether we like it or not. We need not bury the legacy of that period. We need to remember it, all what is bad and what is good and learn lessons. And the most important lesson is that dictatorship should not return to Iraq."
In 2005, the government formed a committee to oversee the removal of symbols linked to Saddam.
Ali al-Moussawi, a spokesman for the prime minister, Nour al-Maliki, underscored the dilemna.
"Not everything built during this regime we should remove,"
he said from his office, which overlooks the crossed swords.
"There were some sculptures however that were solely about dictatorship and control over Iraq. Some spoke to dictators and battles and they should be removed. They have ethnic and sectarian meanings.
"The statues of Saddam have no place on the streets. It is not his privilege to keep them there. If they remain in the community they will provoke the people."
But Moussawi was more open to compromise over the Blood Qur'an:
"We should keep this as a document for the brutality of Saddam, because he should not have done this.
"It says a lot about him. It should never be put in a museum though, because no Iraqi wants to see it. Maybe in the future it could be sent to a private museum, like memorabilia from the Hitler and Stalin regimes."
In time, the legacy of Saddam Hussein and his 30 years of brutality is likely to become part of a more detached debate in Iraq's national consciousness, much like the discussions that took place in Germany in the late 1940s after the ousting of the Nazis.
For now, though, the soul searching is being left to those who made the disputed works, and those entrusted as their temporary caretakers.
Abbas Shakir Joody al-Baghdadi was the calligrapher commissioned to work on the Qur'an. He sat with Saddam for two years after receiving a phone call from the tyrant himself.
Saddam, at that point, had decided to re-embrace with his religion after his elder son, Uday, had survived an assassination attempt.
The result of Baghdadi's work was an exquisitely crafted book that would take its place in any art exhibition - if it wasn't for the fact that it was written in blood.
"I don't like to talk about this now," says Baghdadi, speaking by telephone from the US state of Virginia, where he now lives. "It was painful part of my life that I want to forget about."
Back at the mosque, Sheikh Samarrai is nervous. He fears the wrath that will descend on him - from the government definitely, and possibly from a much higher power - if he swings open the final door.
"Even if I let you in, you would need to stand 10 feet away from the pages and they are all behind glass cases," he said.
Then he makes his decision. "It is just not worth it for anyone. They will stir up too much trouble."
Some things in Iraq will take many more years to confront.
Built in the mid-80s as a symbol of victory in the war with Iran, even though the war still had two years to run and ended in a stalemate. They bookend what is now the Green Zone.
There are at least 300 scattered all over the country. Some have been taken over by government ministries, others remain derelict. Yet more are looming eyesores, especially in Saddam's hometown of Tikrit, where up to five could eventually be destroyed.
On the eastern side of one of Baghdad's main bridges – an archway built by a famous architect, Jawad Salem, to commemorate the ousting of Iraq's royal family in 1959. It became synonymous with Saddam and the Ba'athists.
Dozens once peppered the country, but the large green version in al-Firdous Square came to signify the end of Saddam when torn down by US marines in April 2003. The bust, right, is kept in the office of former national security adviser Mowafak al-Rubaie who led Saddam to the gallows.
By Stephanie Pappas
A Quran written in Saddam Hussein blood is a macabre reminder of the dictator's brutal reign. According to art experts, it's also both a continuation of — and a departure from — artistic tradition.
The "Blood Quran" is taking a toll on Islamic clerics uncertain of whether it's better to destroy the holy book or preserve it as a reminder of the dictator's brutality. Hussein likely knew the controversy his blood-inscribed Quran would create when he commission it, given common taboos surrounding human bodily fluids. But despite the shock value of a book written in human blood, animal blood has been a part of art for centuries.
"Blood is a common medium used in paint," Bruno Pouliot, an objects conservator at the Winterthur Museum in Delaware and a professor of art conservation at the University of Delaware, told LiveScience. "Ox blood is one of the oldest forms, and a very stable form, actually, of paint."
In the late 1990s, Hussein conscripted a calligrapher to copy the Quran in his blood. In what he reportedly described at the time as a gesture of "gratitude" to God, Hussein donated seven gallons (27 liters) of blood over the course of two years to be used as ink in the macabre volume, according to an article in The Guardian on Sunday (Dec. 19).
The Quran is now kept behind locked doors in a mosque in Baghdad, and officials are uncertain how to handle an object that is simultaneously sacred and profane.
"What's different about things that involve human remains is that they are always controversial," University of Delaware professor of art conservation Vicki Cassman told LiveScience. In the case of the Quran, Cassman said, "there is that symbolism — that is, who it represents and if this person's spirit lives on in the object."
While blood art may raise a host of ethical issues, the practical concerns aren't great, Pouliot said. As blood dries, it forms a solid film — think how difficult it is to get a bloodstain out of fabric.
"You have to process it a little bit to get it to have the exact properties that you need, but it's a relatively easy process that anybody who could search online or would have access to the historical recipe for oxblood paint could do," Pouliot said, minutes before pulling up an oxblood paint recipe online involving linseed oil and lime.
Should the Iraqis choose to preserve the Quran, they likely won't have to take many extra precautions in terms of preservation, Pouliot said. Regular book preservation should do.
"Climate control is the first step," said Jim Hinz, the director of book conservation at the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) in Philadelphia. Humidity and temperature are key, he said, with cooler temperatures being better. Books should also be kept out of direct light, he said.
Hinz said he had not worked with any artwork made with blood, but he did have a tip for anyone who bleeds on something important: Spit.
"The enzymes [in saliva] break down and essentially bleach out the blood," he told LiveScience.
The big questions that come up with the preservation of biological art aren't technical, Pouliot said. Instead, they're ethical. Conserving art sometimes involves applying stabilizing resins.
For blood, "there could be many reasons why it would not be desirable to change the composition of that material, in case it is useful for future studies," Pouliot said. "Often the cultural aspects of that object become important."
Human hair and even human skin show up in art throughout the ages, Pouliot said, but human blood has been much more rare. More recently, some modern artists have taken to including blood in their work, including British artist Marc Quinn, who sculpts his head out of about a gallon (4.5 liters) of his own frozen blood every five years.
Pouliot credits the relative lack of blood-containing artwork to cultural taboos around the liquid.
"These taboos are often related to actual risks involved in using these materials," he said.
Those risks include blood-borne diseases like Ebola, hepatitis B and HIV, said Celso Bianco, the executive vice president for America's Blood Centers, a network of nonprofit community blood donation centers. Hussein's calligrapher would have been at risk for contracting disease from the fresh blood, Bianco said, but that concern is long gone.
"The pathogens that can be carried with blood are many." Bianco told LiveScience. "But in general, when it's dried in the form of the written word, they would not be dangerous. They would not be infectious."
Perhaps the biggest health risk came for Hussein himself, whose 27-liter blood donations over two years would have been roughly five times the amount of blood in his body at any given time, Bianco said.
The amount of donation allowed for a blood donor in the United States is five or six pints over the course of a year, or less than a gallon, Bianco said. At that safe rate, it should have taken Hussein nine years to donate all that blood, not two.
"It's an incredible amount, if that [number] is correct," Bianco said. "That certainly would have made him anemic."
25 September, 2000
President Saddam Hussein has taken delivery of a copy of the Koran written using his own blood.
Iraqi TV and newspapers reported that the Iraqi leader had the volume produced in thanks to God for bringing him safely through many "conspiracies and dangers" in his long political career.
Saddam Hussein examines the special-edition holy book
"My life has been full of dangers in which I should have lost a lot of blood...but since I have bled only a little, I asked somebody to write God's words with my blood in gratitude,"
President Saddam Hussein said in a letter published in the official media.
The special-edition volume was handed over at a ceremony at the weekend.
The Iraqi leader commissioned the work three years ago on his 60th birthday.
Press and TV reports gave no indication of how much blood he had provided for the team of calligraphers who produced the work.
But a senior Iraqi official suggested the amount was considerable, given that the Muslim holy book comprises over 6,000 verses and some 336,000 words.