dimanche 1 mai 2011



Of course like all anti Conservative columnists this writer wants to hightlight all of the supposed shortcomings with no balance attempted.

No wonder the Conservatives are not interested in cooperating with the media and/or the opposition parties.

Recognizing the electorate is not paying attention and not interested in what they (the opposition) have to say they focus on trying to create scandal and creating dysfunction in the parliamentary process.

Fortunately the public isn't buying it even with these type of columns being written virtually everyday.

The latest Nanos poll should be a message to the Libs that in a campaign the government will have their side of the story to tell and at the end of the day the Libs will come out on the short end of the stick.


Let's face it. If the Liberals didn't have Dion before and Ignatief now the Conservatives would be out completely.

Harper is a joke and a complete embarrassment on the international stage.

The Alberta separatist's government is just as corrupt, maybe even more so, than the Liberals he so despised.


When Harper campaigned on moral issues he set himself up to a higher standard and Canadians bought it (well, 22% of eligible voters did anyway).

Unfortunately, after five years, we find that his regime is more rotten and contemptuous than anything Canadians have ever seen.

This cheating one-man dictator has traded his moral bank account for PR sound-bites and hate ads and we're not buying it any more.


Unless and until the Tories commit a breach of trust on the scale of the sponsorship scandal, or even HRDC or the Gun Registry's 2000% cost overrun, it won't persuade a whole lot of voters to switch sides.

The corruption in the Harper government is unacceptable as it is in all governments, but the degree of it still falls well short of that in the Chretien, Mulroney or Trudeau governments.

The only federalist parties that are truly clean are the NDP and Greens, and that's only because they haven't been in a position of power.

And their extremist [!] policies hold limited appeal to centrist Canadians.


Scandal? What happened? The fact the word "NOT" was inserted into a document is not a scandal.

As for the information provided on the F-35s and the crime bills the conservatives are saying they have provided everything they have!!!

So Im not really sure what is going on here. It is clearly a media attempt to distort the view of conservatives


Stephen Harper is just a Wall Street pon put in place to best serve their interests.

Just look at a the bailouts Harper has given out that's been mostly hushed by the Canadian media.

Billions of dollars, and in the case of Vale, they have taken the money and ran.

Check out


Your bang on when Harper has issues like these within his party he deals with it or gets rid of the cause, not like the Libs who lied and cheated and refused to own up to any mis doings.


Your comment is a perfect example of delusion.

Who has he gotten rid of?

Besides he is the cause of most of the problems. Harper is a big piece of american pie and baseball all rolled up in a christian pita and served cold. Give me a break.


Let's face it - Harper is a bigger control freak then Chretien, Mulroney and Trudeau ever was.

If the Liberals put their attack ads together the right way the Conservatives are toast.

Up to now the general public hasen't benn paying attention to Conservative misdeeds.


Harper always struck me as a political thug pretty much from his first months in office.

I wonder if the events of the past few months will open the electorate's eyes as to what kind of a man we voted into power.

I'm kind of surprised the opposition isn't making more of a fuss about the various scandals that the conservatives have been mired by in the past few months, particularly with how damaging they could be.

If it was the other way around and it was the Liberals caught violating election budget rules or having their party and its members seen to be in contempt of parliment, you can bet the Tories would (rightfully) be screaming blue bloody murder.


Bring on all the neo-con nut cases, who will not talk about the content of the article but will instead defer to AdScam. Yawn.

We need to be living in the present and talking about the government we have NOW!

Breaking News, Harper Government found in Contempt of Parliament!

This article is not about the merits of Harper, it is about if all the recent scandals will affect him or not.

Time will tell, judging by some of my more Conservative relatives I think it is. Headlines like Contempt of Parliament aren't going to help either.

The Prostitute story is likely beyond the pale for most Canadians.

All this stuff becomes fodder for any opposition parties.

People also remember the Conservatives promising that they would be different, transparent, accountable. We're waiting!


So many lieberals spewing the liberal lies.

Its simple, Harper is in because for the people he has done more than all the liberals.

To say he is a tyrant is liberal fodder from the early attempts by liberal supporters to scare us.

That train of thought is laughable as are anyone who buys it. What is best for the people is what is being done, and it isnt by the liberals. The people have spoken.

Rant all you want, you dont have points and try to make something from nothing. Canadians arent buying it anymore.


It really proves how naive these so-called Conservative supporters are.

They let Liberal [?] Klein take over the conservative party in Alberta, create a dictatorship, and destroy all that Lougheed created for us.

They let Reformer Harper take over the federal conservative party, create a dictatorship, and is desperately trying to win a majority so he can destroy us like Klein did.


How many more lies can Harper tell you or scandals can his party create before you finally wake up?

This Conservative certainly won't support him. There is nothing Conservative about him, or aren't you smart enough to know the difference?

Why don't you tell us why the Liberals are such bad people when you likely supported Liberal Ralph Klein for 14 years?


It is becoming quite evident that Conservatives lack the ability to

1) Think for themselves

2) Think critically


You are 100% correct conservatives will talk about Adscam forever.

In ALberta they are still labelling the provincial Liberals with the Federal NEP that was kept in place by Mulroney for the first two years of his term.

Facts don't matter to conservative people they practice faith.

If you have enough faith even lies will eventually come true.


Remember, all these "scandals" and "outrages" are Liberal/media Seinfeld moments.

A lot about nothing, and Canadians are wise to this con.

Funny how the Opposition is trying to steer the election towards an ehics issue, and the latest poll has the Conservatives as the most ethical party.

That's what I mean about a lot about nothing.

Nobody is buying it, so the media can save themselves a lot of time and they can start to report some real news. can't make a doily out of a dish cloth.


Are you saying that Harper isn't a liar?

He is to this Conservative. Go ahead and add them up. Making up idiotic comments to try to hide the fact doesn't make you look very smart.

Don't forget that Harper tried to form his own coalition in 2004 when he lost to Martin.

His promises to the Bloc upset Belinda Stronach to a point where she crossed the floor to the Liberals.

Bet you conventiently forgot that. This Conservative didn't.

Frankly I don't want to see any one of these three stooges in power in this country, but you don't get rid of them by electing them.

Why aren't their supporters demanding that they all resign.


Liberals- Tax and Spend

Conservatives - Spend and Tax


The Conservatives have done one heck of a job managing the economy in tough times, despite the Libs, NDP and Bloc (heads) doing their level best to either blackmail the government to get the goodies they want (anyone remember WHO held the government's feet to the fire to get them to spend MORE on programs during the great recession??)

Our economy has survived the worst of the last few years without the help of the Libs and the NDP, both of whom will gladly jump into bed with the traitorous BQ.

It's time for a Conservative majority.


This government's time has come and it is sad to see people defend the complete lack of respect this government has for Canadians.

Stephen has lost his way and his ability to govern. This man used to have integrity but he quickly shuffled it out the door in the name of staying in power at all costs.

Well at least we can have our say now.


I think what bugs me the most about Mr Harper, is the Senate.

Before he was P M he was dead against the Senate. Now he is just putting as many Conservatives as he can. Even when one has just quit not a word from Harper.

Time to get rid of a useless part of our Gov.

Mr Duffy as a example was a reporter and is a person who has no favorites now a Harper man.


I'm glad to see that at least some conservatives have sense! This argument is not about whether you should be conservative or liberal.

The fact is, Harper is terrible, let's get him out of here!

Those of you who stand by your faith in Harper only because he is labelled conservative need to open your eyes. He's put us even farther in the hole.

Sure, the liberals are ridiculous too. Let's not even talk about the Bloc.

But Harper, he is no good. I couldn't believe it when he prorogued Parliament. Twice.

All he wants is power, money, power, power. I can't stand his face!


Be a swing voter, do not align with any party, keep the guessing and vote on policy and principle.

All parties do not like swing voters as they can not count on the support no matter what goofy things they do.

Unfortunately we have sheep mentallity and vote on our party lines no matter what and insist on calling the other party supports unfreindly names.

Just be thankful we do not get all the government we paid for.


Whatever is said about Harper. Ignateiff Liberal or Layton NDP if this is all they have to offer we as a nation are in big trouble.

Ever since day one they have tried every dirty trick instead or working together to unseat Harper.


My Conservative friends and I are sick and tired of these fools who go around calling themselves conservatives but support obvious dictatorships and are too dumb to know the difference.

Letting Klein and Harper take over Conservative Parties was a huge mistake.

Now we are all paying for their stupidity and will be for years to come.


Before we get carried away, does it not seem just too convenient that all these scandals are coming up just before the eletion.

There is no way Harpe or anyone else can be responsible for a silly old man who must be entering his second child hood gets hoodwinked by a pretty young thing. The old fool is just that an old fool but he never got any money from the Harper government and that is what is important.


I'm tired of voting for policy and principle, because they never live up to what they preach....

We get corrupt government after another, in a never ending cycle because we buy into these 'policies and principles' when all a politican cares about is your vote...

I'm going to vote against corruption, when the next guy becomes corrupt I will vote against him and keep doing that...

Maybe eventually the crooks and liars will see there is no money in politics and only those who really want to better society actually run...


There is NO PERFECT GOVERNMENT in the world.

BUT our Canadian Government is VERY REASONABLE, keep the promises they make (reduced 5% HST) and the VERY GOOD economy going in CANADA!


That is the ONLY WAY to go for all of Canadians!

Liberals are BAD FOR CANADA!

Iggy is out of touch with what the Canada needs!

He is just visiting!

Do not expect from him anything except HIGHER TAXES!



Kris Kotarski

March 21, 2011