Nate Jones
24 May 2011
Excited that the world didn't end this weekend?
Tough for you —it's still going to end in October!
Reverend Harold Camping spent years of his life predicting that the Rapture would happen on May 21, 2011, and you can't expect him to give up now that the date has passed without so much as one heavenly peep, can you?
So, one day after he said that he was disappointed and "looking for answers" in the wake of his continued existence, Camping is now singing a different tune:
The Rapture did happen — we just missed it — but the world is still going to end in October!
As Camping announced in his radio show last night:
We were convinced that on May 21, God would return in a very physical way by bringing in an earthquake and ushering the final five months of judgement.
When we look at it spiritually, we find that he did come. [...]
We're just learning we have to look at all of this more spiritually.
But it won't be spiritual on October 21.
This, of course, is a radical re-invention of the narrative that Camping spread before this weekend, in which the Godly would ascend into heaven while the rest of us who were left behind would face five months of terrifying earthquakes and volcanoes before the world ended in October.
But maybe this time he's right! (via NY Mag)