I listened to this story last night on the National, and brought back an incident that happened to me earlier on in my military career. I won't tell the story just because, but.....I have to say that although some doctor can say you're "cured".......you never are cured. The incident, or the gonglomeration of incidents that caused one's PTSD are a part of one for the rest of one's life. The "cure", if it can be called that, is the ability of the individual to come to terms with the cause(s) of their PTSD. Sometimes, and not that infrequently, one NEVER comes to terms with it. Ask any "old" soldier...or sailor...or airman..........especially those from WWII...Korea.......and those who were unlucky enough to play in Vietnam. The mind is a complicated thing, and unfortunately there is no hard, fast cure for PTSD. DND/CF
the old idea of "if you fall off your bike, you get right back up on it" may not be the best approach.
«They don't have PTSD, they just start throwing chairs and yelling.»
General of the Military..
Cheese, who would have ever thought going to a foreign country, and terrorizing the local population, killing innocents, looting the countries resources and wreaking carnage and destruction, would result in a guilty conscience?.
War certainly is a traumatic experience for soldiers, more so when we are the aggressors rather then acting in a self defense capacity..
[Ça dépend! Il faudrait le demander à une femme violée si elle pense que sa situation est plus traumatisante que celle du violeur. Bien sûr, c'est encore une question de point de vue.]
Jun 14, 2011
CBC News