That is the one thing that all these people who believe that the world can handle 12 billion never consider.
The world is more than just people and there are animals and plants to consider.
[Vous vous souvenez du film Soleil Vert. Soylent Green. 1973?]
There is no dispute that they are dwindling quickly and this is because they are being displaced by people.
finally, everybody talks about how the west uses up the most resources and that is true
but when you bring people out of poverty then they start consuming the same amount of resources as the west.
that is basic human nature.
Do you not think that if all the poor people in the world have money that they would not buy cars and eat meat?
The earth could survive much better with one tenth of the population than twice the population.
How could dispute that?.
They way we blindly reproduce, you'd think we were animals!
We are animals, and as with all animals, nature will find a way to correct overpopulation. .
[Nous faisons parti de la Nature. Nous ne sommes pas la Nature. Nous ne dirigeons pas la Nature. Même si dans la Bible, Dieu nous l’aurait donné (ou aux Juifs!). Les dinosaures sont disparus, bien plus gros et plus puissants que nous et qui ont vécu des centaines de millions d’années. Puis, la Nature, le hasard, la malchance, des événements «naturels» comme une gigantesque météorite est arrivé et a éliminé toute vie sur terre. Et cette malchance n'est pas qu'arrivée une fois mais au moins 3 ? ]
[Depuis quand existe notre ancêtre le plus récent? 50,000 ans?]
[Combien de temps nous reste-t-il avant la prochaine météorite?]
[Ou, puisque nous sommes la seule espèce animale capable d'un tex exploit, notre autodestruction par la pollution, la guerre, un virus? Peut-être fabriqué dans un de nos labos militaires secrets?]
We are animals ...and the worst kind..
we are animals, but technological ones, nature won't wipe us out, we'll do it and are having a great hand i that all by ourselves....
we are far from animals now, we use science to help us live longer and save lives,
animals only reproduce once a year, and they never eat more then they need.
Humans eat as much as they want no survival skills what so ever,
if we were struck with no energy we and fossil fuels we would be screwed.
Animals use natural selection but humans us science, way different.
[La Nature utilise la «sélection naturelle», forme d’eugénisme antique. Nous avons inventé la science pour pouvoir être spectateur du grand massacre universel.]
We are Animals,.
CBC News
Jul 10, 2011