It's the same old tune. I heard it back in 68 about how thw world will be overpopulated and how we will all starve etc. etc.
It looks like another promotion for big pharma and the pill,
while we, in the developed world, now have to figure out how to have sustainable pensions due to the demographic changes
[Oui, qui paiera nos pensions? Certainement pas les gens du Tiers-Monde. Après tout ce qu’on a fait peur eux?]
You do understand that 'back in 68' to the present day represents only a tiny fraction of the length of human history, right?
And that in that tiny slice of time the population has grown more than all the rest that came before.
Exactly how long do you think we can keep up exponential growth, when the signs are already here that we have overshot our carrying capacity?
So long as people have food on the table and water coming out of their taps they will turn a blind eye to what is happening to the ecosystems around them upon which they depend for that food and water, and to people experiencing environmental breakdown in other parts of the world.
They will dismiss those of us trying to give warning while there is still time to take effective action as a bunch of 'greenie, tree-hugging, socialists'.
[Et on les empêche de digérer. Après tout, ils ont travaillé fort pour gagner leur $ bien mérité. Et ils ont droit à une tondeuse à gazon moderne (avec batterie au lythium panneau solaire] ou moto marine (hybride) (ça n’existe pas encore mais ça viendra!]
Until the day when that food and water no longer miraculously appear.
Then they will say 'How did we come to this?
It must be the fault of the greenie tree-hugging socialists'.
[Ou les sorcières. Ou les juifs. Et on les mettra en prison. Ou les enverra à l'Est...]
The world is not over populated.
It is a myth that is perpetuated by the self serving UN.
In fact, every human being alive today could live in a house with a yard on a land mass the size of Texas.
World population is expected to peak in 30 years after which it will decline.
Do the math..
CBC News. Jul 10, 2011