Looking back at human history, we see that we have come a long way to where we are today.
We have gone to war, entered into a time of peace, developed innovative new technologies, helped eachother, and our population has increased.
We're about to hit 7 billion. I'm not surprised.
In Africa, many of the poor families have many kids most will die of disease, hunger, dehydration or other health problems.
Kids in Africa and other poor countries go to work and earn very little. Usually about a dollar. More kids means more money.
What happens? Families decide to have more kids to be more prosperous.
In Africa, lack of education means people there are unaware of the consequences they cause as a result of this.
However, Africa is not the only country to blame.
There's the entire world as well. We are careless and we use far too much.
We're stripping our planet of its resources without thinking of tomorrow.
To make matters worse, few think of what we'll do after the vital natural resources we rely on such as gasoline, will be gone.
In North America in particular, people here eat far too much.
While in Africa; people there eat far too little.
The distribution of food should be pretty much even (since everyone has different needs for food).
We also pollute the air. Doing such acts will jeopardize our mission of survival.
Entire governments and countries MUST make their cities GREEN. We must use renewable resources such as wind and solar energy. Our demand of power is skyrocketing. Renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar should be the backbone of our power grids. It is cheaper, and better for the environment. It also helps with our health too.
We must also develop cities that can accommodate large amounts of people and meet their healthy eating needs..
The Green Agenda, is what will kill everyone..
In nations where peope live affluent and comfortable lives populations have actually started to decrase (Japan) or are being help at par thanks to immigration.
The answer is to get more third world countries into the first world and the education of women is a large part of that.
Of course, talk to any economist and they will tell you that unless a population is growing a specific country is in danger of economic collapse.
No matter what happens, most scientists say that the sustainability threshold for earth is 9 billion individuals and we are expected to hit that target in roughly 18 years at our current rate.
At that point, competition for food, water and other resources hit fever pitch and the world hunder problem becomes a truly global issues, as opposed to a third world issue.
Wars are currently being fought for oil and money, in the future it will be wars over water and food.
[Ce qui veut dire des guerres pour les terres cultivables. Ensuite, il faudra «déplacer» les populations qui y vivent puisqu’on n’a plus besoin d’esclaves comme dans les temps passés. Ou un petit nombre. Nous avons les machines pour cultiver «leur» terres. Pour «notre» nourriture. Le fait qu’une grande part de nos propres terres agricoles aient été rasées pour en faire des parking et des «développements» n’a rien à y voir. C’était la chose à faire à ce moment étant donné le progrès des choses. Le fait qu'une grande partie de leurs terres a été recyclée pour cultiver des produits de luxe à notre usage: café, chocolat, thé, coton, palmier à huile (pour l'essence «écologique» de nos autos pour les conducteurs soucieux de l'environnement. Le leur. Moins de pollution. Ici. Mais rien qui ne se mange là-bas. À une autre étape, il nous restera «leur» terre. Et nous avons les armes qu’il faut pour éliminer la population excédentaire parasite comme on fait déjà pour les insectes. Eux qui par leur appétit désordonnée et leur quantité menacerait «nos» approvisionnements. Il va de soi qu'étant donné notre niveau social, culturel, moral, nous les élimineront humainement et de façon éthique. Et moderne. Avec intelligence. ]
I'm very Glad I'll be long gone..
Do anyone really need to be educated to the fact that if they can't feed, clothe, and house the children they have now, if some of them are literally starving to death, they shouldn't be having more?
Shouldn't that fall under the category of common sense..
CBC News. Jul 10, 2011
Douteur je doute. On ne doute jamais assez. Tout ce qu'on vous dit est faux. Tout ce que vous savez est faux. Parce que tout ce qu'on vous dit est faux. Mais il se peut qu'une partie de ce que savez soit vraie mais laquelle? Le professeur Bulle a parlé. Ou pensé quelque chose. Ou eut une émotion quelconque. Le professeur Bulle pense quelques fois par année donc il lui arrive d'être. Mais pas souvent!