Iran's nuclear program is also under discussion at the three-day forum.
Last week, the UN's atomic watchdog agency said Iran was more than likely on the way to acquiring nuclear weapons.
the military [et les médias] are massaging this nuclear issue into the next 'weapons of mass destruction' fear mantra.
watch for false flages on the horizon forthcoming.
Brought to you from the military industrial complex and top arms sales nations
#1 USA
#2 UK ---
with our PM anf Defence minister lapdog yaping --- yes yes.
MacKay a man for himself on a continued mission to bankrupt Canada with multi years of accumulated debt, which has killed the EU economy's based ao junk buying of childrens military toys.
Terrorists are doing very well with their cellphones and toyotta trucks but our internal terrorist is doing very well on inherited off-shore swiss accounts according to wilileaks.
Yes, this guy brought down the conservative party because of his latency problems and is doing very well in the pockets of the taxpayer.
With known 73 trillion dollars in off-shore accounts and the names of conservatives the dominate reason - war will aways be their main financial means of support..
Source : 5826
Image. Image. http://www.sade-ecrivain.com/Dialogue-Between-a-Priest-and-a-Dying-Man.html