So Peter MacKay thinks he will attack Syria and Iran.
Where is his head at?
This idiot has an ego that just does not stop.
Who is going to approve the attacks when Russia and China are standing in the way.
This is our Minister of Defense in the Harper Government., just goes to show how effective this government really is..
The fact that Russia and China are the primary investors in Syria is exactly the reason they want to destabalize it further.
The NATO/International Banking Cartel look to gain total control over the middle east and win the battle with China over control of northern Africas resources. .
"It is about the economy"; "Give me a majority"
The Harper government has their majority and the economy sucks.
What are they doing about it?
Playing war games in northern Africa! Now they are looking at Syria and Iran.
Harper must be really itching to bomb someone.
Where are those F-35s?
You know, those first strike stealth bombers that Harper is steadfastly determined to have?
He wants to defend Canada in northern Africa where that Islamic threat comes from. The Islam that conflicts with Harper's God!
Harper will bring the suicide bombers to Canada.
Harper wants a Crusade just like the Bible recounts; the Crusade the Europeans lost!
Starting to get the picture now? This is Harper's secret agenda.
The F-35 first strike bombers are making sense now; it is a good thing they don't work!.
I didn't want to be part of the Libya thing and I don't want to be part of the Syria thing and the Iranian thing either.
Unless any of them violate an international border.
That is what NATO is supposed to be about.
Helping out those nations in the agreement that have been attacked or who are under imminent threat from someone.
It is not to go putting democratic governments in around the Middle East which by the way is impossible in these types of countries.
You watch. Libya will have it's problems like Iraq has been having just because the islamists will gain footholds in them..
1. Gadhafi was a terrorist and OBL was a terrorist.
2. We must hunt down and kill terrorists.
Look; war is the one constant of humanity.
And that will never change.
Its an unfortunate reality.
The period from the end of WW2 until now is the longest the earth has gone without a "world war."
[Et on semble fatigué de cette interminable paix. Quelqu'un a déjà dit que la guerre était la santé des États. Et ne pas oublier: leurs industries.]
Today its regional conflicts with religion and territory being the most common cause.
These conflicts are unjust. They are not worth the cost in dollars and lives.
Some wars were necessary; The Napoleonic Wars [?] , The Seven Years War [?], and WW2 come to mind.
[Nécessaires pour qui?]
Those conflicts decided the fate of the world.
[La guerre est le père ou la mère de toutes choses disait un vieux philosophe. Regardez une carte géographique, un globe terrestre: aucune frontière actuelle n'est là naturellement. Une guerrre passée l`a tracée. Et cette frontière que nous croyons naturelle a remplacée une autre frontière tracée par une guerre oubliée.]
So, what's worse? Spending trillions, wasting lives, ruining infrastructures, and then pay more to rebuild or,
assembling a multi-national special operations unit to drop in the middle of the night and put a bullet behind someone's ear? .
What moral obligation and since when does MacKay know what morals are?
Bahrain or the eastern minority Shiites of Sunni Saudi Arabia under whose feet the oil sits?
"This observer, with his sandaled feet comfortably dug into the sand of a chilly Mediterranean beach and huddled next to a camp fire with a congenial and bright group of still heavily armed "NATO rebels," is learning that the past eight months' experiences for many Libyans who fought with or for NATO were rather different from what the western mainstream media portrayed".
"Samal readily admits that he, like many Libyans, was not as opposed to Muammar Gadhafi personally as they were to many of those around "the leader" who took advantage of their positions, connections and immunity and committed serial crimes against the public".
"Samal, added, "Yes but remember, and for sure we admit this, without NATO we would not have lasted one month.
Please don't think we are in love with NATO although many Libyans seem to want our country to join NATO ... some in NATO and our interim government wants this also.
NATO knows that our country could be a perfect AFCOM base to re-colonize Africa and end progressive projects..."
"Many Gadhafi loyalists in Tripoli and Western Libya who saw civilians killed by NATO bombs do not realize that NATO also killed plenty of us rebels, and civilians in our areas of Eastern Libya.
We are not allowed to mention it but NATO made many mistakes. We called them 'the gang that can't bomb straight' and many of our forces, a few hundred I would say, were bombed by NATO.
An even higher number of civilians were killed in our areas by NATO.
Often we feared NATO more than we feared the Gadhafi fighters".
i thought government was for the people, but now i really see it, for what it is.
corporate lapdogs who rob us blind an force us to fight wars so they can get richer.
you ain't go see politician's son's or daughter's dieing nor the elitist either..
Reading between the lines.
The ministry is planning military campaigns for both Syria and Iran.
And that the only thing they can tell us is that they will not be using the Libyan Template.
Will they be using the Afghanistan Template?
With a newly negotiated base in the United Arab Emirates?
Read between the lines my friends!.
Yes, I smell a rat, too.
His name is Peter MacKay.
We'll be doing whatever the 'States want us to do, as part of Harpo's Americanisation plan for Canada..
Has Peter gone insane?
Discussing what template "we" should use if we attack Syria or Iran.
Canada mind your own business don't be taking sides in these civil wars that we have no interest in. .
"The minister said there was a 'moral obligation' to intervene in Libya"
And that moral obligation is a three letter word, OIL. .
[And GOLD]
leading the sheep to slaughter.... China and Russia warn the West..
some dictators have expiry dates and others don't.
It all depends on how much you do the bidding of UNCLE SAM and his corporate masters in the military industrial complex.
Not hearing any condemnation about other abusers of human rights such as Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc..
From article: 'Defense Minister Peter MacKay says Libya cannot be used as a blueprint for potential missions to Syria or Iran.'
That statement by MacKay says it all, thinly veiled wording for further wars are a forgone conclusion.
When a politician uses the word "potential" you can take it as meaning "eagerly awaiting." .
Moto of NATO" "Anytime anywhere just call 1-800-NATO WE LOVE WAR
All you need to know about Mackay and where his loyalty lies and his agenda.
eyes wide shut.
Take a look at them all, Carney, MacKay, Flaherty, Harper, Ignatieff, Bernanke, Obama, Wagoner, many at Goldman Sachs getting bailouts, all have either been confirmed masons members or in at least have legitimate photographs of the golden handshake.
Yet membership numbers strongly suggest they are far over represented in the government.
They are the NWO..
let freedom rule the roost !.
Lybia no template for Syria? Ok.
So we will go into Syria without a template... no probem for this government..
Lybia could act as a template for Syria but not for Iran.
Syria has a similar structure as Lybia in that it would be a low threat environment for bombing runs or air combat patrol.
Iran on the other hand would be a blood bath for any aircraft stepping over their borders. They are light years ahead of other middle eastern countries as far as self defence goes.
I'm not saying we should send F-18's to Syria but i am saying it is viable to use the Lybia mission as a template for succes if we did send them. .
Never having been one, I imagine that it's easy to be a bully when your victim has no friends.
Gadhafi had managed to alienate pretty much everybody.
Syria on the other hand has some rather large and robust "friends" including Russia.
So how about it lil' Petie?
Are you and dear Leader up for it now knowing that the Bear is not pleased?
When Russia says "NO" in its sphere of influence, you should take that as a loud, definitive "NO" and stay home lil' Petie.
It's way too big a game for you and dear Leader even to contemplate..
"Journalists are meshed in symbiotic relationships with the powerful. Instead of being independent and critical, journalists are dependent on policy makers and unwilling to raise the critical questions. Rather than monitoring the game of power, most journalists are part of the game." (Professor of Journalism Robert Jensen, University of Texas-Austin.)
Part of the problem is that if journalists ask hard questions they are cut off from further access to the leaders.
We must demand more from our media.
See the youtube documentary: Discovery: how media lies . . .
Another interesting fact is that we aided Libyan Al Qaida and radical Islamist in their fight against Gaddafi.....
who was their biggest enemy in Northern Africa.
A fact backed up by an easily available to read official West Point study
The "Rebels" were all from the anti-western suicide capital of the world.
in short we aided terrorists by our own definition for the past 20 years.
Gaddafi was about to start an African gold based currency.
NOT based on citizen debt like ours.
This was the "big threat".
Do you really think Mackay was appalled that Gaddafi was bombing the crap out of the Libyan Al Qaida? No it was an excuse.
And just what happened the the 6 billion in gold reserves Gaddafi had?
You can bet Canadian taxpayers will not see it.
Next time a suicide bomber hits us just remember how we helped it happen with this Libyan mission of aiding Libyan Al Qaida.
As bad as Gaddafi was, at least he was stopping radical Islamist from taking a foothold in North Africa and was enemy number 1 to Osama bin Laden.
Nothing Conservative about this Libyan mission at all.
We should stay out of Islamic countries, oil or not.
They are fighting internal religious wars and there can be no winner in those.
We have been at them since approx 1000AD and they are relatively unchanged.
Let them run their world their way and we'll run ours our way..
More Tory philosophy, the Blue Tory has spoken once again......
Riding the "Protestant Horse" is a less valiant horse than either He or Harper thought it would be,
They have taken their orders from the Americans and are riding the old war horse once again,
nothing like damning the world Middle East with the same brush they have used with Iraq and Afghanistan.......
Go get em"
It sounds like a re-run of the old dusters we used to watch, and with the same old lament,
war, war and more war.......
We need more and more oil and we are not afraid to find it so long as we have Israel on our side, and of course Canada, ( as an after- thought!)
Always makes things seem a little more legal and legit that way,
Our name Canada used to stand for something, now we stand for " War!"
Anything that moves, we are there to back the US and Israel ,
because Harper and his cohort MacKay says that is the thing we must do......
Does is sound like Bush and his cronies?
Why yes it does, because Harper has taken a page out of his old friends presidential page of how to illegally invade anthers country in one easy lesson and get away with it!
MacKay and Harper are leading Canada into another war or two while the so-called opposition is sitting back with their fingers up their nose......hoping things will work out in the wash.......
How strong will we be at the end of the Harper era?.
Interesting fact
Canada is the 3rd largest foreign direct investor in Syria (behind Russia and China) due to oil and gas projects by Suncor and PetroCanada
Well, the biggest reason why Canada would not run interference there by doing no-fly zones and bombing raids!
Suncor and PetroCanada are big into activity in Libya as well, but Gadhafi was getting difficult to deal with so he got polished off.
Dead men don't tell tales.
They all hugged and kissed him, literally, when things were going good for the oil and gas even though they knew he was a badass.
It is always, about oil and gas. .
Syria and Iran are not templates to Libya because the elephant in the house is Russia.
Russia has made it abundantly clear that it does not want any interference with Syria because it is in their political and military interests to have things stay the same there with no change in the regime.
And then there are the rumors re:Russia helping Iran with their nuclear development.
Russia and China also abstained from the UN vote regarding doing no-fly zones and bombing raids on Libya.
It is a fine balancing act, for sure..
Dont forget the real elephant in the room. China.
They had invested billions into developing Libyas resources.
Theres a reason why China sent their navy to recover their oil and gas workers there.
And theres a reason why Canada just announced 30 billion dollars in naval contracts.
NATO and the banking cartels are moving to take control of african resources before China gets their hands on it all.
China is starving for resources and is expanding their empire.
They are converting all of their US dollars [Et les dettes US avec quoi les USA paie leurs marchandises] to gold, silver and foreign resource aquisitions.
Its all about putting a stop to this takeover.
Not a thing to do with liberating people.
None of them care about the peoples rights in these countries.
Libya and Iraq were also both in favor of creating a new gold standard currency and using it to trade resources.
[Et on se rappelle de ce qui leur est arrivé! Monsieur DSK partageait, paraît-il, cette idée. Et on sait ce qui lui est arrivé. Il suffisait d'utiliser contre lui ses défauts et il n'en manquait pas.]
Removing the manipulation control of oil prices. .
Get ready for some higher oil prices when they invade Iran to back Israel's pre-emptive attack.
More expense for the tanking USA economy?
It was bin Laden's goal to get the USA to spend themselves into oblivion.
One smart badass cookie..
[C'était l'idée de Reagan, dit-on, de ruiner l'URSS dans la course aux armements et dans leur guerre stupide en Afghanistan. 1989, exit URSS. En 2001, les USA l'ont remplacé. Et la nouvelle Russie observe le spectacle avec extase.]
"Notwithstanding the endless war mongering, most Israeli commentators claimed that the frenzy was no more than a "nuclear spin". The majority of political analysts tended to agree that the media campaign, which presented Israel as seriously preparing to attack Iran, was orchestrated just in order to pressure the international community to impose harsher sanctions against Iran. Channel Ten's Or Heller put it succinctly when he said: "It appears that neither Iran nor the Israeli public is the target of what is going on here, but first and foremost it is the international community, the Americans, the British."
The commentators also noted that there is wall-to-wall opposition to an Israeli assault, including the US, Europe, Russia and China.
[Rien de tout ça ne retiendrait Israël si elle pouvait attaquer. On sait bien qu'il n'y aura que dse mots et des lamentations. Quelque chose de plus effrayant l'empêche donc de céder à ses pulsions habituelles. Quoi?]
Alex Fishman summed up the international sentiment when he wrote:
"If someone in Israel thinks that there is a green or a yellow light coming from Washington for a military attack against Iran – this person has no inkling whatsoever of what is going on; the light remains the same, a glaring red."
Humanitarian interference by NATO was nothing but a cover.
Libya had just too much oil that the Western World wants to leave the country under the control of Gaddafi.
Why of all the countries in the Middle East is Libya the only one that NATO has interfered in.
If they really cared about the whole Middle East they would either not get involved at all or not pick and choose which countries need defending.
Many of these countries have dictators who kill their own citizens but alas the loss of Libyan oil was just too important.
Also, Israel also dictates to America, Canada, the UK and others what is the plan for the Middle East and tells us our foreign policy...
very sad, no independence in Canada anymore we just follow along like sheep. .
Iran is a big brick sitting between devastated Iraq and, as good as devastated, Afganistan
and to the North the oil rich Caspaian sea area countries.
Plus the bonus---the oil beneth the brick of Iran
Many in the west are lusting to knock over the Iran brick and suck out the Iranian oil while flexing the West's war machine
MacKay lusting with the rest.
Peacekeepers that Canada were is long lost.
What is the latest American war term for its soldiers.
Now they are called warriors'
Soon to come is a new war mindset to Canada with our PM and MacKay sitting among the US war hawks..
I don't see how there was any more "moral" obligation in Libya than there is now in Syria. .
Nov 19, 2011
CBC News