If you think this guy died as a result of a sexcapade, you're a naive fool. .
Ever heard of a smear campaign? It works wonders during a cover-up
Do not hold your breath expecting any news to come out of M.I.6. It would be easier to get an honest answer from the Vatican or to spin gold from wheat stalks than get anything out of such an outfit. When they say "We may never know" what they mean exactly is "We will never tell so stop asking".
The Whompus cat
With all the comparatively modern-day forensic science technics and know-how, it is indeed doubtful that the authorities could not come up with anything better than ' we may never know what happened!'. Surely, they could dig deeper. Were there no 'hidden' cameras in Williams' apartment, or detective devices--something one might expect to be part of the total 'spy' surveillance network? Or, is the system so lax that the professional 'spy' at a high-risk category of employment has less protective surveillance than say a McDonald's worker.
In the case of Alexander Litvinenko they traced the poison to Russia.
In the case of Annie Machon and her whistle blowing associate in MI5 there is more still.
No one should be above the law, and the investigation should never cease.
As soon as secret police or star chambers are above the law, then you are talking complete fascism. We still have a facade of justice, but sometimes it seems intelligence may need a face transplant. A facade is better than nothing at all in the most serious cases.
It reminds me of the song, Eyes Without a Face. There is a movie of the same name I have never seen. If I had a request, I would like to see that movie, and also Pork Chop Hill again, the Korean War epic with Gregory Peck.
Annie Machon also has some clips on YouTube. It is nice to see spies that really do come in from the cold. Robert Baer is another good example, but it seems that some don't quite make it. And others make it but are only become the public relations face of the agency they once served, without really getting it that we all should see, and not just their iniquity, which may be incredibly hard to discover, but our own..
spies are like eyes. But for whose eyes only?
It is the extralegal deceit that rankles me, and it could be murder in this case. If the police are shutting their eyes, that is national insecurity, not security
There is no doubt in my mind that his agency knows the whole true story. But to expect such an agency to ever reveal to the public anything truthful is unfortunately wishful thinking. It's not going to happen for any number of reasons from maintaining their own elevated positions of power to at the bottom of the list, national security. The most likely scenario is that the circumstances surrounding Mr. Williams death were fabricated entirely by his own agency to tarnish his reputation.
Seems the death is meant to be symbolic - otherwise, why not just shoot him.
He's been made into a joke - and the sports bag quite a western symbol, especially given its location, being in the bath.
Despite his name, Gareth Williams, he could look middle eastern.
You wonder what draws a man into that line of work - because he looks rather sensitive, not how I would imagine an undercover investigator to be..
No doubt. That's it..nothing to see here folks...case closed...move along. The media will have us believe that the police do not know what happened to the man. The fact is that the police and MI6 do not want the media and the public to know that they know what happened. Any professional spy who works for MI6, CSIS or CIA and who takes his/her work seriously, would have his/her personal car, house or apartment fully wired with GPS, closed circuit or wireless TV and audio/video surveillance including recording of all telephone calls. Make no mistake, digital audio/visual recordings exist of the exterior and interior of the gentleman's home, his car and his telephone communications which show exactly who was in his house, who followed his car and who spoke to him. It appears that the police know exactly who killed him and why, they just don't want the public and media to know. They have their reasons! Perhaps the killer has already been dealt with. The folks in the spy world want to be certain that their murky activities are neither shaken nor stirred by media attention!.
Deep Cover
«...then it has to be either the USA's fault or Mossad.»
More like USA. Massad just shots you.
Lookup Ashley Turton and John Wheeler, about the time of Giffords shooting. Two often over looked tragedies. Odds of 3 in the know top level US people being attempted or dead inside of this time frame? Ya, possible but highly unlikely.
If they can know exactly what happened to a 5,000 year old Egyptian mummy even down to what diseases he had and what he ate and drank, they know what happened to Gareth Williams. C'mon now. We are not stupid. Just tell us you're not going to tell us.
Either he was killed by a spy agency - foreign or domestic - or he wasn't.
If he was killed by a spy agency, then surely they would have the resources to make him disappear completely or in the case of domestic agencies, have the wherewithal to make a good cover story and/or keep a police investigation at bay.
IF it was a spy agency, the blatant disposal of the body may represent a warning or message of some sort.
IF it was one of our own agencies, then the matter is even more disturbing as our governments are supposed to adhere to our laws, even though there are previous documentary evidence that they sometimes do not.
Et ce qui ne relève pas de l'espionnage (à première vue) ni du meutre (à première vue) fut l'exécution médiatique de DSK.
A. Candidat dangereux à l'élection du président de la France, hystérique premier. Avec de forte chance de gagner.
B. Comme messieurs Saddam Hussein, Komheiny avant lui, il parlait de remplacer le $ US comme monnaie internationale ce qui entraînerait instantanément la faillite du pays. Monsieur Hussein n'avait pas si gravement péché contre l'Église du monde actuel, il ne voulait qu'être payé en or ou en euro pour son pétrole.
Dans le vrai monde, on tue!
Ou comme dans le cas de DSK, si un «accident» arrivant si opportunément peut attirer l'attention des dormeurs sur le véritable état du monde et l'esprit de ceux qui le dirigent (en son nom ? dans une démocratie?). On s'est servi de ses propres péchés (comme bien des mâles Alpha, il se promenait continuellement la queue en l'air (voir les états de service de monsieur Berloscuni) avec la mentalité de cuissage de l'ancien régime. On l'a simplement attiré dans ce qu'on appelle un pot de miel, un piège spécialement préparé pour lui à son intention se servant de ses propre penchements pour qu'il se pende lui-même à sa propre corde. Que la «victime» ne soit pas blanche comme neige (elle est noire) n'est qu'une forme de double chantage. Immigrante illégale et, en plus, non pas blanche colombe, il était très facile de lui laisser le choix entre la déportation ou la carte verte de citoyenneté pour service rendu à sa nouvelle patrie. Trop con pour réaliser le danger dans lequel il se mettait lui et son parti. Dans un certain sens: bon débarras!
Du simple point de vue du spectateur, il y a peu de chose à faire sauf à jouir du spectacle. Comme dans une pièce d'un célèbre Aglais dont le nom commence par S, on s'asseoit dans un fauteuil confortable et on regarde les grands de ce monde s'égorger au nom des grands principes.
Pendant qu'ils s'entretuent, ils ne pensent pas à trucider les spectateurs.
On ne peut pas demander grand chose de plus dans cette vie!
May 2, 2012
The Associated Press