22 juillet 2009
Lors d'un incident distinct survenu une heure plus tard dans le district de Dand, trois policiers afghans ont été blessés par des tirs de soldats canadiens. Les militaires, qui inspectaient un possible engin explosif, ont ouvert le feu sur un véhicule qui s'approchait dans le noir, les phares éteints. Deux des policiers touchés ont été blessés légèrement tandis que le troisième a dû être hospitalisé.
La police nationale afghane et le service national des enquêtes des Forces canadiennes ont ouvert des enquêtes conjointes sur les événements.
Last Updated: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 6:31
About an hour later, in a separate incident, soldiers inspecting a suspected improvised explosive device on a road in neighbouring Dand district fired on a vehicle advancing on them in the dark with its lights out.
He said the soldiers used lights and a warning shot to try and stop the truck, but to no avail.
"A shot was fired like it normally is at the ground to get their attention," Couture said.
When that didn't work, soldiers fired on the vehicle, injuring three men inside. About 10 shots were fired. "They gave them first aid and evacuated them to the hospital [at the NATO base in Kandahar]."
Two Afghan National Policemen suffered minor injuries and were released, while the third remains in hospital.
Joint investigations of each incident are underway by the Afghan National Police and the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service.