mercredi 9 juin 2010






ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 7) - Two ISAF servicemembers died following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan today.

In a separate operation, one ISAF servicemember died as a result of small-arms fire in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



6/6/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office



For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 7) - An Afghan-international security force detained an individual suspected of insurgent activity in Kandahar Province today.

The combined force went to a compound in west Kandahar City, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity. The force detained the suspect for further questioning.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during the operation.

In another operation, Afghan National Army soldiers of the 205th Corps, supported by ISAF, discovered a weapons cache in Tarin Kot, Uruzgan district, yesterday.

The cache contained 88 grenades, eight containers of grenade fuses, three rocket propelled grenade fuel cells, three 82 mm mortars and seven electronic detonators. The mortars were destroyed and the grenades were removed for further investigation.



6/4/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 6) - A Taliban commander and multiple other insurgents were killed by coalition forces during an operation in Farah Province yesterday and last night.

Aircraft engaged insurgents with precision air strikes, killing several, in a rural area of Gulistan district after coalition forces observed armed individuals moving through a known insurgent safe haven.

A ground search team later approached the strike area and saw several heavily armed insurgents in a cave and shot and killed them. The search team found rocket propelled grenade (RPG) launchers with RPG rounds, heavy machine guns, automatic rifles and ammunition.

The insurgent commander, Mullah Akhtar, had close ties with Taliban and al-Qaeda senior leaders. He was responsible for arranging training for foreign fighters from Iran and helped resolve disputes between militant networks.

An Afghan-international security force captured a Haqqani network improvised explosive device (IED) cell leader and several other insurgents in Khost Province last night.

The combined force went to a compound north of Mehdi Kheyl, Khost district, after insurgents were seen implanting IEDs nearby. The assault force captured the targeted individual and other insurgents while searching the buildings.

The Haqqani network leader is responsible for emplacing IEDs, acquiring and distributing weapons, and coordinating suicide bombings.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during the operation.

Another Afghan-international security force killed and captured a number of insurgents while pursuing a Taliban IED cell commander in Logar Province last night.

The combined force moved on a compound in Nawshad, Charkh district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity.

As the assault force approached the compound they received hostile fire, and while clearing the compound, several insurgents were killed and several were captured. The team found a machine gun, multiple automatic rifles, grenades and ammunition.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 6) - Three ISAF servicemembers died today as a result of a vehicle accident in southern Afghanistan.

In a separate operation, one ISAF servicemember died today following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan.

Another ISAF servicemember died today as a result of an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



6/5/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 5) – An Afghan-international security force captured a Haqqani network facilitator and several other suspected insurgents in Khost Province last night.

The combined security force moved to a compound east of Langharah, Tanai district, after intelligence information verified militant activity. During a search of the buildings the assault force captured the Haqqani facilitator who is involved in the movement of foreign fighters and improvised explosive devices from Pakistan. He is well-connected to senior level Haqqani commanders in Khost and Paktiya and his efforts led to suicide bombings against civilians in Khost.

A number of individuals suspected of insurgent activities were detained by an Afghan-international security force in Farah Province last night.

The combined force detained the individuals while searching a series of buildings in a rural area of the Bala Boluk district after intelligence information discovered militant activity.

The search team found multiple rifles, ammunition casings and approximately 70 kilograms of wet opium.

Another Afghan-international security force detained an individual suspected of insurgent activity in Farah Province last night.

The suspected insurgent was detained while the combined force was searching buildings in the village of Gor Zanak, Gulistan district, after intelligence information confirmed insurgent activity.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed in any of these operations.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 5) - An additional ISAF servicemember died following a small-arms fire attack in southern Afghanistan yesterday.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



6/4/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 5) – A tip from a resident led Afghan National Security Forces and U.S. Special Operations Forces to a large weapons cache find in the Gizab district of Uruzgan Province recently.

The cache contained 10 rocket-propelled grenades, 12 SPG-9 recoilless rifle rounds, 200 7.62mm PKM machine-gun rounds and more than 20 107mm rockets and fuses. The combined force safely destroyed the rockets and recoilless rounds on site. The ANSF kept the RPGs and PKM ammunition.

The tip came following a weekly shura where village elders and combined force representatives discuss security issues.

“Afghans in Gizab district continue to reject insurgent influence, much like they did only weeks ago,” said Sgt. 1st Class Andrew Kosterman, a Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force – Afghanistan spokesperson. “Their stand against the insurgents is a reflection of their trust in GIRoA, and that trust is continuing to spread throughout southern Afghanistan.”



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 4) - An ISAF servicemember died today as a result of small-arms fire in southern Afghanistan.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.


Corporal Terry Webster and Lance Corporal Alan Cochran killed in Afghanistan

It is with regret that the Ministry of Defence must confirm the deaths of Corporal Terry Webster and Lance Corporal Alan Cochran, both of 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire), attached to the 1st Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles Battle Group, who were killed in Afghanistan on Friday 4 June 2010.

Corporal Terry Webster and Lance Corporal Alan Cochran deployed to Afghanistan with B (Malta) Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire), part of the 1st Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles Battle Group, which forms the Combined Force Nahr-e Saraj (South) in Helmand province, in March 2010.

B (Malta) Company has been providing much needed security and stability to the local population in the area through a mixture of joint patrols and operations with the Afghan National Security Forces.



Corporal Terry Webster and Lance Corporal Alan Cochran killed in Afghanistan


6 Jun 10

It is with regret that the Ministry of Defence must confirm the deaths of Corporal Terry Webster and Lance Corporal Alan Cochran, both of 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire), attached to the 1st Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles Battle Group, who were killed in Afghanistan on Friday 4 June 2010.

Corporal Terry Webster and Lance Corporal Alan Cochran deployed to Afghanistan with B (Malta) Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire), part of the 1st Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles Battle Group, which forms the Combined Force Nahr-e Saraj (South) in Helmand province, in March 2010.

B (Malta) Company has been providing much needed security and stability to the local population in the area through a mixture of joint patrols and operations with the Afghan National Security Forces.

They have improved the quality of the lives of hundreds of local nationals around the villages of Nahr-e Saraj by providing reassurance to the Afghans and improving local freedom of movement to promote Afghan economic development.

It was during a foot patrol aimed at dominating the ground around a known enemy movement corridor that Lance Corporal Cochran was killed in action during an exchange of fire with insurgent forces.

Corporal Webster was also injured, sustaining a gunshot wound. Despite immediate first aid, he later died of his injuries in the medical facility at Kandahar.

Corporal Terry Lee Webster

Corporal Terry Webster was 24 years old and born in Chester. He enlisted into the Army in 2002 and joined the Corps of Royal Signals in 2003. He transferred to the 1st Battalion The 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment in February 2006. He had previously served on operations in Northern Ireland and Iraq.

Cpl Webster's wife Charlotte, and his children Jess and Liam said:

"Tez was passionate, loyal and determined. He enjoyed the role he had in the Mercians but he was a family man at heart. He was a fantastic Dad to Jess and Liam and he was the perfect soul mate to me. Although this is a very sad time, Tez would want us to be positive.

"Remember the good times, the happy times. A lot of people's lives will be deeply affected by Tez's all too early departure. Life will never be the same for us."

Cpl Webster's Mum, stepdad Andre and sister Tiggy said:

"Our Darling Son. Terry lived for his family and his friends but his passion was the Army. He has made his family extremely proud for the sacrifice he has made and will be missed every day. Terry has died a true hero and will be with us forever in our hearts. Love you loads."

Cpl Webster's wider family said:

"We are heartbroken by the tragic loss of our beloved Terry. He was such a caring young man who always put his family first. He touched the lives of all who had the privilege to know him. He died doing the job he loved. His dedication and professionalism will remain an inspiration to all."

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Hadfield, Commanding Officer 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"On the 4th of June, during an incident in the Nahr-e Saraj area of Helmand Province, Corporal Terry Webster was fatally wounded whilst leading his men.

"Despite fighting for his life for a number of hours, and receiving the best medical care, he eventually succumbed to his injuries. Terry Webster transferred into the 1st Battalion The 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment from the Royal Signals in 2006, wanting to serve with his local County Regiment and get closer to the action.

"He quickly proved himself to be a highly capable Infantry soldier and commander; possessing great determination and character and always leading from the front. Terry was totally committed to his profession and he was forging a strong career path: when others played football, he would put on his combats, boots and webbing and pound out the miles, encouraging others to come along with him.

"He died doing what he joined for and what he was so good at, leading his men in battle. Away from work, Terry will also be remembered for his great sense of humour and comradeship. He was a devoted father to Jessica and Liam, and talked endlessly about them.

"Our loss is as nothing compared to theirs, and our thoughts are with them, and all of his family and friends."

Lieutenant Colonel Gerald Strickland MBE, Commanding Officer 1St Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles Battlegroup, Combine Force Nahr-e Saraj (South) said:

"The loss of Corporal Terry Webster is felt deeply across the battlegroup. He died doing what he had been doing since the start of the tour – leading and inspiring his men in the daily battle for control of a highly volatile area.

"He faced daily threats with courage and humour and his contribution to his multiple, his company and his battlegroup was immense. He showed courage and determination on every single day of his time with us here in Afghanistan.

"To me, he embodied the spirit of pride and professionalism that is a mark of the Mercian Regiment, and I am proud to have had the privilege to have served with him."

Major Rich Grover, Officer Commanding B (Malta) Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"Corporal Terry Webster joined the 1st Battalion in 2006 following a transfer from the Royal Signals. A true Cheshire lad, he joined B (Malta) Company and immediately made his mark.

"His attitude, personality, fitness and soldiering skills quickly marked him out as one to watch, and it was not long before he was put on a cadre for promotion to lance corporal, a rank he gained with ease. He continued to show his professionalism, and it wasn't long before he went on to complete the Section Commanders' Battle Course and gained the rank of full corporal. Here he thrived. Commanding a section was where he excelled, and he showed from an early stage in Afghanistan that he was the right man for the job when the chips were down.

"He also had character. Always at the heart of the craich, he was adored by his fellow soldiers. They looked up to him, they wanted to be him and they followed him everywhere.

"He was funny and always at the centre of a good prank, but at the heart of everything he did, he was the consummate professional soldier. As a role model, the soldiers could not ask for any more.

"Corporal Webster is going to be sorely missed by everyone who had the fortune to meet him and as a person he will be irreplaceable. Our thoughts go out, at this difficult time, to his family and friends. Stand firm Mercian soldier, we will not forget you."

Major Chris Wood, Officer Commanding C Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"I have had the pleasure of having Corporal Terry Webster in my Company for the last year before his move to B (Malta) Company. He has been a figurehead amongst his peer group, a leader of men and a friend to all.

"Corporal Webster, or "Webby" as he is almost universally known, was your typical infantry Junior Non-Commissioned Officer; strong, dependable and totally dedicated to his work and those under his command. He was the consummate infantryman, always seeking to improve himself for the benefit of others.

"When the opportunity to deploy early to Afghanistan arose he was the first to volunteer. I am grateful for the opportunity to have met and worked with such a fine man. He is sorely missed and will never be forgotten. Our thoughts go to his family and particularly his two children Jessica and Liam."

Captain Andrew Raven, Fire Support Platoon Commander, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"Corporal Webster found his true calling as an Infantry soldier when he transferred to 1 MERCIAN. It was my absolute pleasure to have served with him in Iraq throughout Operation TELIC 11 and upon our return to the UK. A devoted father whose family was never far from his mind at any time. A Junior Non-Commissioned Officer who I was proud to have had in my platoon; I have worked with few better."

Warrant Officer Class 2 (Company Sergeant Major) Matty Henry, A Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"Such a sad loss that has left us all shocked and deeply saddened. Our thoughts are with your family, friends and the men of B Company 1 MERCIAN. Stand Firm, Strike Hard."

Corporal Robert Keane, B (Malta) Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"A brave man and a hero to us all. He wasn't just full of life, he was life. He was able to lift the spirits of everyone with only a few words. A prankster at every level but a truly professional soldier. In this family of brothers you'll never be forgotten."

Lance Corporal John Salem, C Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"You were a true friend to all, and especially to me. You were my Section Commander for so long; bringing me on, teaching me "the tricks of the trade". You were always on courses trying to better yourself and then taking the time to pass on your knowledge to me and all the other blokes – regardless of whether it was after work or during mealtimes. It was never too much effort…to be honest I think you got a buzz out of being the centre of attention!

"We served together in Iraq and on more exercises than I can remember, culminating in the pre-deployment training for Afghanistan. When the opportunity came to return to B Company you felt like you had gone "home". You loved B Company so much you even had the Maltese Cross tattooed on your back!

"You will never be forgotten, my friend, and I will always tell everyone about you and keep your memory alive."

Lance Corporal Mark Elliott, A Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"Terry you were a great friend and a brilliant soldier. I still remember when you transferred because you got tired of sitting at the back and decided to lead from the front. Sleep tight now mate, gone but never forgotten. A true hero who will be sorely missed by those lucky enough to have known you."

Private Christopher Boon, B (Malta) Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"To some it might come as a shock, but to me it was an inspiration. His death will not be in vain as I shall prosper through trying to be half the man he was and always will be.

"He was an inspiration to the junior ranks and played a big part in my success within the Army. Webby was one of the keenest soldiers I ever knew, he was a true example of ‘Army Barmy'.

"He loved his job to the max and those who knew him would say exactly the same thing. Webby your boots are very big ones to fill but I shall do my best to do so, you were one of the best corporals I knew and you were flying through the ranks. For this I'm going to take the reigns and continue your climb through the ranks. Webby I pray that you are watching us smoking your fags and drinking your ‘coffee two - a real man's drink' as you used to tell me and guiding us through the hard times as you always did.

"Webby you were a source of morale within the platoon and recognised through the Battalion as a strong section commander. I'm sorry that you cannot be there for the rest of the tour but in a few words I know you loved being here and you loved your job; you died the way you said you would like to, in the heat of battle fighting alongside your men and leading, as always, from the front.

"Webby I say goodbye to you now for a little while and I hope to see you again some day. ‘Till then we shall fight on for you and for all the lads we have lost. Standing firm and striking hard mate, the way you would have, and did. Rest in peace my idol, my friend and my brother in arms."

Mortar Platoon, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"Corporal Terry Webster you will always be remembered fondly by the 1 MERCIAN (CHESHIRE) family. Our thoughts and condolences go out to your family and loved ones at this dark time, but rest assured you will never be forgotten and your memory will live on in our hearts. Rest in peace Mercian brother."

Lance Corporal Alan David Cochran

Lance Corporal Alan Cochran was 23 years old and born in St Asaph, North Wales. He enlisted into the Army in 2006, was trained at the Infantry Training Centre, Catterick and posted to the 1st Battalion The 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment in 2007. He had previously served in Northern Ireland and on operations in Iraq.

LCpl Cochran's mother Mrs Shirley Jane Cochran & family said:

"Alan was a tremendous son. He was proud to be a soldier and died doing a job he loved. We are devastated by the loss of Alan who was a loving son, grand son and brother. We are proud of the fact that Alan was prepared to do his duty helping the people of Afghanistan."

LCpl Cochran's fiancée Claire Brookshaw said:

"I have known Alan for over 2 years. He was a fantastic fiancé. He has been a great part of my life and always will be. Sadly missed but never forgotten. Rest in peace Darlin, Love you always and forever."

LCpl Cochran's fiancée's parents Carol and Tony Lewis & family said:

"We have known Alan for 2 years. He was a very special individual and would have made a wonderful son in law. Sadly missed, sleep tight."

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Hadfield, Commanding Officer 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"Lance Corporal Alan Cochran, known to his friends in the Battalion as ‘Cockers', or ‘The Colonel', was serving with B Company when he died. He joined the 1st Battalion the 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment in 2007, and quickly established a reputation as a strong and committed Infantry soldier.

"It is no surprise to anyone who knew him that he was to the front when his patrol came into contact and, as was always his way, he was committed to the safety of others to the end. Alan had been in the Army for four years and had served in Northern Ireland, Iraq and Kenya prior to deploying to Afghanistan with the Battalion.

"A committed career soldier Alan loved the Army and his friends within it, and was probably the most selfless of men, always looking out for others and helping them to give their best. His friends described him as having a heart of gold, being totally unselfish, and having the worst dress sense in the Battalion.

"He had recently promoted to Lance Corporal following completion of a demanding qualification course conducted in the harsh British winter. When I gave him his chevron and asked him if he was ready to take responsibility for the lives of his fellow men, he looked me straight in the eye and answered ‘yes'. And he did, right up until the very last.

"There is no doubt that Alan had a successful career ahead of him, as a soldier and as a leader. He will be much missed by his friends and he has left a hole that will never be filled. He was engaged to be married to Claire, the sister of one of his friends in B Company, and our thoughts are with her, his mother Shirley and all his family and friends at this most difficult time."

Lieutenant Colonel Gerald Strickland MBE, Commanding Officer The 1st Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles Battlegroup, Combined Force NAHR-E SARAJ (SOUTH) said:

"Lance Corporal Alan Cochran was a tower of strength in a company notable for its courage, commitment and close bonds of friendship. He died leading his men in battle, from the front. His loss is felt deeply across the battlegroup.

"He rose to every demand placed on him in this difficult operation, stepping out of his base daily with the quiet confidence that so effectively inspires others.

"It was an honour to have served with him, and the reputation of his fine Regiment has been raised one notch higher by his example of personal commitment, bravery and sacrifice. We all mourn his loss."

Major Rich Grover, Officer Commanding B (Malta) Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"It is hard to put into words how the loss of Lance Corporal Cochran has affected everyone in Malta Company. Newly promoted following a recent Junior Non-Commissioned Officers' Cadre, Lance Corporal Cochran was thriving in his rank.

"He had an attitude that every commander wants in their team; you knew he would never give up no matter what the challenge. A harder worker would have been nigh on impossible to find. Naturally quiet, he let his actions speak louder than words. Always happiest when busy with the job in hand, he was a man who led from the front.

"Popular with all who knew him, he had a personality that endeared him to everyone, and he was trusted as a soldier who would break down a brick wall with his bare hands to help his mates.

"His loss is felt by us all, and it is with heavy hearts that we all wish his family and friends our deepest sympathy in these tragic times. We will not forget him, and his sacrifice will inspire us all to remember that what he died for was not in vain. Stand firm, we will remember."

Major Chris Wood, Officer Commanding C Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"I have known Lance Corporal Alan Cochran for almost 2 years whilst I have commanded C Company C Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire).

"He was always a key figure within the Company; a fine example to the junior soldiers and an enthusiastic and motivated junior commander. It is often said that fallen soldiers were of the highest calibre with a bright future ahead of them.

"This is especially true of Lance Corporal Alan Cochran. He had recently passed the Junior Non-Commissioned Officers' Cadre, something he had always strived for in the time that I had known him, and it was the start of a very promising career.

"He would have certainly been a star of the future. It is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of this fine man and outstanding soldier. Our thoughts are with his fiancée Claire and his family and friends back home."

Private Ian Brookshaw, brother of Lance Corporal Cochran's fiancée, B (Malta) Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) said:

"Alan, I remember the first time we met, I was in week 18 of training and you joined my platoon. Even though you were new you fitted in quickly and started taking control and leading from the front.

"We then left and joined the same platoon, 8 Platoon 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment, and we settled in easily together. A short time after that we were in Iraq and that is where you got the nickname ‘The Colonel' because you were giving out orders all the time.

"I remember the time you turned 21 and you were in a sangar and the platoon sang happy birthday on the company net and we all got creased by the Platoon Sergeant.

"When we got back in England, my mum and sister Claire picked us both up from the airport, you got in the back with Claire and you were chatting her up but I didn't mind because you were my best mate.

"Even though you were my best friend I couldn't get rid of you, I'd be at work with you and then at home with you as well because you would be with Claire, who is now your fiancée.

"I am proud you were going to be my brother-in-law and I am proud that I fought alongside you for four years. You died in the job you loved and helping another injured soldier. You're a kind hearted man and you'll never be forgotten. Love you Alan, Rest in Peace."

Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox said:

"I was deeply sorry to hear of the deaths of Corporal Terry Webster and Lance Corporal Alan Cochran, who were both committed soldiers and proud to serve their country.

"It is clear from all accounts that Cpl Webster was a brave, enthusiastic and professional soldier who inspired those around him. Similarly, LCpl Cochran was courageous, selfless, and a respected junior commander who led from the front. Their deaths will be felt deeply by their families, friends and colleagues in B (Malta) Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire).

"My thoughts are with the families of both these young men, whose sacrifice will not be forgotten."



6/3/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 4) – A Taliban sub-commander and a suspected insurgent were captured by an Afghan-international security force in Logar Province last night.

The combined force captured the sub-commander, responsible for IED and small- arms attacks against coalition forces, while searching a compound in the village of Muchkeyl, Kharwar district, after intelligence information confirmed insurgent activity. When confronted, the Taliban commander, who has ties to the Haqqani network, immediately surrendered and identified himself as the targeted insurgent.

A separate Afghan-international security force detained several individuals suspected of insurgent activity in Ghazni Province last night.

The combined force detained the suspected insurgents while searching a compound in the village of Bar Nowruzk, Qarah Bagh district, after intelligence information confirmed insurgent activity.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during the above operations.

A coalition helicopter killed multiple insurgents as they were moving to a fighting position in Farah Province yesterday.

Aircraft were directed to a cave complex in a rural area of Gulistan district, after intelligence information verified insurgent activity. After observing widely separated groups of armed men moving to prepared fighting positions away from the caves, aircraft engaged a group, killing the insurgents.

A ground search force found two automatic rifles, ammunition and a grenade.



6/3/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 4) – Mullah Zergay, the top Taliban commander for the Kandahar City area, was killed by Afghan-international forces in an operation in Zharay district last week.

Zergay directed insurgent activities in the Arghandab and Zharay districts, including Kandahar City. He used explosives in nearly all of his operations and was directly responsible for multiple deaths in Kandahar city alone. He rose to power through violent intimidation campaigns against civilians and by leading kidnappings and executions of government employees and village elders.

After tracking his location for several weeks, an Afghan-international security force moved to capture Zergay in a Taliban safe haven area south of Kudeza’i in Zharay district. As the assault force approached, several armed insurgents fired on the approaching coalition forces with machine guns and rocket propelled grenades. The assault force returned fire, and during the ensuing firefight Zergay and several members of his security detachment were killed.

Zergay’s death is considered to be a major loss for the Taliban leadership in southern Afghanistan.

Editors Note: This operation was first reported in IJC news release 2010-05-CA-107: IJC Operational Update, May 29. Officials have now confirmed Zergay’s death.



UK Ministry of Defence

Senior British officers who were commanding troops in Afghanistan last winter have spoken of the progress made in key areas of Helmand Province despite the difficulties of tackling the insurgency in the Sangin area.

See the full article on UK Ministry of Defence's website.




4 Jun 10

A Military Operations news article

Senior British officers who were commanding troops in Afghanistan last winter have spoken of the progress made in key areas of Helmand province despite the difficulties of tackling the insurgency in the Sangin area. Report by Sharon Kean.

The Commanding Officers also spoke about the lack of trust of Afghan people in their local security forces, but added that significant progress was made during their six months in theatre in developing the Afghan security forces which has been helped by the opening of the new police training facility in Helmand province.

The officers were addressing the media at a briefing session in Pirbright yesterday.

Brigadier James Cowan, who led 11 Light Brigade through six tough months from October last year, spoke of a lack of trust in homegrown security forces, in particular the police. He said:

"Often captured Taliban would mention during interviews the police as a principal reason for having joined the insurgency in the first place."

Lieutenant Colonel Nick Kitson, the officer in charge of troops in the Sangin area of Helmand province, said he had heard 'anecdotal evidence of bad behaviour' among local police, adding:

"They were most often cited by people in shuras as the reason why there was a problem or why people joined the Taliban. I never personally witnessed anything I would say was bad policing but there was a body of anecdotal chat around the bazaar about how rotten these people were."

However, Taliban propaganda may have been to blame for much of the distrust, he said:

"We've heard reports that the Taliban were wearing police uniforms and mounting checkpoints, taking people's phones and money off them. If you're a little farmer in a remote village, then if he tells you he's a policeman you're going to believe him."

Brigadier Cowan said the situation had improved over 11 Light Brigade's six-month deployment, with the police now receiving better training at the Helmand Police Training College, where between 100 and 120 recruits are graduating every six weeks:

"We began to see some very reliable, very good policemen that were not only impressing us but also impressing the local people," he said.

"It will take time to get to the levels that we want. It is our aim to get to 600 every eight weeks and we've put a lot of time and effort into making sure that the right number of instructors and infrastructure is present to make it work."

Lt Col Kitson's 1,400-strong 3rd Battalion The Rifles Battle Group spent six months in Sangin, the most 'difficult' area where British troops operate in Helmand province. The Battle Group lost 30 men and had more than 100 injured.

The Royal Marines of 40 Commando are currently operating in Sangin.

Lt Col Kitson said the terrain and an 'industry of IED-laying' in Sangin were factors that made the remote area hard to operate in:

"It's in the middle of nowhere, further away from government control, meaning people were at the mercy of drugs barons," he said.

A change in military tactics had helped, he said, with the Battle Group being broken down into smaller units, allowing the British troops to live nearer the local people they were protecting:

"We needed to be in among the people, not commuting into our engagement with them," he said, "so that we didn't just disappear off and in our wake came the Taliban to cut off their ears and noses and give them a hard time for talking to us."

The new arrangement resulted in more patrol bases among the people and more patrols around local areas surrounding the district centre and bazaar. Lt Col Kitson added:

"These were a real thorn in the Taliban's side. They were permanently shooting them up. That's not much fun for the locals, but they were more grateful that the illegal checkpoints had gone on the route to and from the bazaar."


A member of the UK Combat Camera Team shows a group of Afghan children his video camera
[Picture: Staff Sergeant Mark Jones, Crown Copyright/MOD 2010]

The number of patrols by the Battle Group increased from eight to ten a day to almost 50 a day. And, whereas during the previous deployment there were just 800 patrols in six months, Lt Col Kitson's men were averaging 1,000 a month with the new configuration, living and working with the local security forces, fighting what he described as 'a different kind of fight'.

Progress in Sangin was also helped by the appointment of a new District Governor, Mohammad Sherrif. The number of stalls in the bazaar doubled from 500 to 1,000, there are now nearly 50 schools, and government-run health clinics are treating more than 100 people a day. Brigadier Cowan said:

"Whilst there were casualties, there began to be a sense of the futility of the struggle among the Sangin Taliban. There was a sense towards the end of the tour that while it was hard for us it was just as hard for them. Sangin has allowed progress to take root in the rest of Helmand."

Despite the heavy casualties, Brigadier Cowan said the focus was on the local people rather than fighting, using Operation MOSHTARAK as an example of how he tried to minimise the use of force, by persuading insurgents not to fight.

He described a 'war by mobile telephone' where his commanders would work with district governors to conduct 'precision influence operations', calling them to 'convince them of the inevitability of their own defeat'.

Lieutenant Colonel Roly Walker was in charge of the Battle Group based in the Nad 'Ali area, some 70km south of Sangin.

During the six-month tour his men were involved in more than 1,300 firefights, found more than 500 IEDs (62 of which detonated, mostly on vehicles) and built 20 new checkpoints.

Fifteen soldiers died and 69 were wounded, and just under a hundred went back to the UK with non-battle injuries:

"This gives you a sense of the scale of the effort that the soldiers went through," he said. "Our job was to be with the people, if we had to fight to be with the people then so be it."



6/3/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 3) - An Afghan-international security force searched and cleared three compounds and captured a Taliban facilitator in the Sayyidabad district of Wardak last night. Several militants were killed, and multiple suspects were also detained in the operation.

The Taliban facilitator, known to operate in the Khost and Wardak areas, buys and distributes rockets, ammunition and improvised explosive device (IED) materials to insurgent networks.

At the first compound north of Patan Kheyl, the assault force killed several individuals after coming under fire from in and near the compound.

At the second compound, the assault force came under fire before detaining a suspected insurgent. The force then found a rocket propelled grenade (RPG) launcher with rounds, a heavy machine gun, automatic rifles, multiple fragmentation grenades, small-arms ammunition and tactical vests in the compound.

In both compounds, the joint force received fire from mosques. Upon searching the mosques, an Afghan team found an RPG launcher and RPG rounds, multiple automatic rifles, and communications equipment. The security force also detained several individuals suspected of insurgent activities at a third compound.

A separate Afghan-international security force engaged insurgents and found weapons and IEDs in a multi-day clearing operation that ended this morning in Zharay district, Kandahar Province.

The two-day operation was designed to disrupt and deny a known safe haven area for the Taliban.

Based on intelligence information that confirmed militant activity, a large combined force searched for insurgents and their weapons in several compounds, buildings and open fields in an area south of the village of Khan Mohammad Khan.

The combined force was engaged and returned fire, killing several suspected insurgents, and a number of suspected insurgents were detained for further questioning.

A separate Afghan-international security force detained several individuals suspected of insurgent activity whilst searching a compound south of Khan Kalay, Nadir Shah Kot district, Khost Province, last night.

Automatic rifles and a large amount of foreign currency were found. No shots were fired and no one was harmed during this operation.

In another operation, several individuals were killed by an Afghan-international security force as they searched for a Taliban weapons facilitator in Zabul Province last night.

The combined force went to buildings in a rural area of Qalat district after intelligence information verified insurgent activities. As they approached the area, the security force came under fire. The joint force returned fire killing several assailants.

After the firefight a search team found multiple automatic rifles, ammunition and communications equipment.

Another Afghan-international patrol detained several suspected insurgents and seized drugs and ammonium nitrite in the Kandahar district of Kandahar Province yesterday.

The patrol followed a group of heavily armed insurgents into a compound where they found 300 pounds of hashish and several bags of the illegal fertilizer.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 3) - An ISAF servicemember died as a result of small-arms fire in southern Afghanistan Tuesday.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 2) - An ISAF servicemember died following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



6/2/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 2) - The newly appointed Taliban shadow governor of Baghlan Province was captured by an Afghan-international force as he prepared to leave for Pakistan Monday morning.

His predecessor was killed in a coalition airstrike the previous day, and this capture marks the third time in as many weeks that the Taliban have had to replace named shadow governors for Baghlan Province because of coalition operations.

An insurgent was killed and several other suspects were also detained by the assault force during the operation in Baghlan-e Jadid district after intelligence information revealed insurgent activity.

As the joint force prepared to transport troops from the completed operation, it was discovered that a helicopter's transmission and engines were irreparably damaged and it could not return to its base. Troops left using another helicopter after maintenance experts inspected the aircraft and decided to destroy it on site. The helicopter did not receive any enemy fire.

In another operation, Afghan National Army soldiers of the 207th Corps, supported by ISAF, discovered a weapons cache in Bala Murghab, Badghis Province, Monday after receiving a tip from civilians.

The cache contained 11 mortar rounds, eight heavy artillery rounds, a mine, 100 steel projectiles and several items suitable for the production of improvised explosive devices.

Afghanistan National Security Forces with ISAF partners conducted an operation early Sunday morning to disrupt Taliban command, control, and influence in the area, and to capture an insurgent who has supplied Taliban fighters with weapons and components for roadside bombs throughout northern Helmand Province.

The Afghan and ISAF combined force surrounded numerous compounds suspected of being hideouts for insurgents in the Baghran valley. After ensuring all residents exited the compounds safely, the combined force detained two men. Several women and children were protected in the operation, in which no shots were fired and no civilians were injured.



5/31/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 1) - Several Haqqani network commanders and other individuals were captured by an Afghan-international security force in Khost Province last night and early this morning.

The combined security force captured the targeted insurgents at several sites around the village of Nuri Kalay, Sabari district, after intelligence information confirmed insurgent activity.

The Haqqani network facilitators are responsible for planning and executing multiple improvised explosive device (IED) attacks and militant operations against coalition forces, supplying weapons and directing attacks in the Sabari and Yaqubi districts within Khost Province.

A separate Afghan-international security force detained several individuals suspected of militant activity in Gulistan district, Farah Province, yesterday.

Coalition forces captured the individuals in a vehicle in a rural area after intelligence information revealed insurgent activity.

A Taliban sub-commander was captured by an Afghan-international security force in Zabul Province last night.

The combined force went to a rural area in the Tarnek wa Jaldak district after intelligence information reported insurgent activity.

During a search of the area, the assault force captured the Taliban sub-commander responsible for planning, coordinating, and leading attacks against coalition forces in the Tarnek wa Jaldak and Qalat districts.

An Afghan-international patrol discovered a weapons cache in Murghab district, Badghis Province, yesterday.

The cache consisted of four 120mm mortars, several 82mm mortars and 107mm rockets, complete IEDs and IED making materials.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during any of the above operations.

In another security operation, several insurgents were killed by an Afghan-international force in Farah Province yesterday.

The security force interdicted a vehicle in Gulistan district after intelligence information confirmed insurgent activity. As the assault force approached the vehicle, they came under small-arms fire. The combined force returned fire killing the insurgents.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 1) - An ISAF servicemember died following an IED strike in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.




For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (June 01) - Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), aided by international troops, secured the Barg-e Matal district center in Nuristan Province last night. This operation is in response to the large amount of insurgent activity in the area during previous weeks.

A sizeable number of ANSF, assisted by a small contingent of coalition partners, is participating in the operation. ISAF units supported the ANSF operation by delivering the troops.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during this operation.

"This successful operation by Afghan forces will return governance to Barg-e Matal," said Zemarai Bashary, the Ministry of Interior spokesman. "This operation shows the improved planning and operational capabilities of our joint forces in response to serious incidents even in the most remote locations of Afghanistan."



5/31/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 31) - An Afghan-international force used a precision air strike to kill Taliban commander Haji Amir, one of the two most senior Taliban leaders in Kandahar Province, and several of his fighters Sunday morning in Panjwa'i district.
Haji Amir and his fighters had been tracked for several days, and when they stopped at a small unoccupied mud hut in a farming area near the village of Zangabad, the combined force called in the air strike.

The Taliban leader operated throughout Dand, Zhari and Panjwa'i districts. He escaped from Sarposa Prison in a Taliban coordinated prison break in June, 2008.

Most recently Amir had been in Pakistan planning the Taliban's upcoming attacks, and he returned to Afghanistan in April to lead attacks against coalition and Afghan forces.

A separate Afghan-international security force detained multiple individuals while searching a series of compounds in Helmand Province last night.

The combined force went to compounds in a rural area north of Lashkar Gar, Nahr-e Saraj district, after intelligence information discovered insurgent activity.

Several of the suspects fled the compound areas but were quickly and safely caught. Weapons and approximately 30 kilograms of wet opium were seized during the search.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during this operation.



5/30/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 31) - ISAF supported Afghan National Security Force (ANSF) operations in Nuristan Province by delivering precision-guided airstrikes on known insurgent locations near Barg-e Matal early Monday.

The airstrikes were requested by local officials and ANSF commanders. Extreme care was given to validating the targets, which were under surveillance for an extended period of time.

The operation was launched in response to significant insurgent activity in the area during the previous week. The precision strikes were designed to degrade enemy positions, command and control, and staging/caches sites in the area.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 31) - An ISAF servicemember died following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan yesterday.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



5/30/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 30) - An Afghan-international security force detained several individuals suspected of insurgent activity in Helmand Province this morning.

The suspected insurgents were detained during a search of a compound in Bar Nowzad-e Gharbi, Now Zad district, after intelligence information indicated insurgent activity.

Another Afghan-international security force detained several individuals suspected of insurgent activities in Kandahar Province last night.

The combined force detained the suspected insurgents in a compound near Gondigan, west of Kandahar City, after intelligence information discovered militant activity. The search team found weapons and communications equipment in the compound.

No shots were fired and no Afghans were harmed in the above operations.

An insurgent mortar team was killed by a precision air strike in Paktiya Province yesterday.

The mortar team fired on coalition forces from a rural area in the Zormat district. As the mortar team attempted to drive away after the attack, coalition aircraft engaged the vehicle with a precision air strike, killing the insurgents.

A ground search team found a mortar system and mortar propellant in the vehicle.

Afghan and ISAF partners conducted a combined operation early Saturday morning near Sangbor, Helmand Province, to disrupt a criminal Taliban group responsible for supplying roadside bomb components.

As the combined force approached the compound of interest, several men were observed fleeing from the compound. One of the men presented a threat to the force and was killed, while the other men were detained. Several women and children were protected in this operation.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 30) - An ISAF servicemember died following a small-arms attack in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.



5/29/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 30) - An MI-8 contract helicopter made a hard landing in the Jaji district of Paktiya Province today.

A civilian on the ground was killed when he was struck by debris, and three crew members received minor injuries.

ISAF forces responded to the incident and secured the site.

There were no reports of insurgent involvement and the incident is currently under investigation.



5/29/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


Feature News Release

By USAF 2nd Lt. Christine Darius

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 30) - Farah Provincial Governor Rahool Amin and the Female Engagement Team (FET) assigned to Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) Farah met to develop a priority agenda for the women of province, Tuesday.

The engagement team is composed of a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) representative and four female military servicemembers assigned to PRT Farah. The team meets with Afghan women from all over the province and provides them an opportunity to address the concerns and issues of the women of Farah. After the FET gathers their assessments, they work closely with Afghan cooperatives on solutions to the women's problems.

"Even before getting to Afghanistan people would tell me it would be difficult to work with the women here because of cultural customs," said Marsha Michel, USAID field officer and FET coordinator for PRT Farah. "After only a few months of being here I realized that women here just need a little direction, and an opportunity to showcase their skills."

Issues such as job opportunities, literacy classes and health care were reoccurring themes in many of the women shuras. Based on feedback received, the engagement team has dedicated their efforts to establishing job opportunities, developing skills-enrichment programs to help women sustain their own businesses and creating preventive health training programs.

Their number one priority is establishing a venue in which women can receive health care.

"Ninety-eight percent of the women you see in Farah look healthy, but are really battling with some type of sickness," said Governor Amin.

The governor and the FET started the planning process for women's health days at Farah Hospital. The hospital is open to women from all over Farah two days a month to come and see a female health practitioner about health issues.

Ultimately, the FET would like the team to be comprised of Afghan women actively working with the governor and provincial leadership to find solutions to the problems facing the women of Farah.



5/29/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 29) - An Afghan-international security force used precision air strikes to kill the Taliban shadow governor of Baghlan Province and several of his fighters last night.

Aircraft were called to a rural area in Baghlan-e Jadid district after human intelligence sources confirmed two vehicles were transporting insurgents and weapons through the area. Before engaging, coalition forces waited until the vehicles were well clear of any structures to minimize the possibility of civilian casualties. When the armed passengers left the vehicles they were engaged and killed by aircraft.

A ground security force then entered the area and came under fire from insurgents in a nearby cave. The assault force returned fire, killing several insurgents who were heavily armed with a heavy machine gun, multiple rocket propelled grenades, automatic rifles, hand-grenades, ammunition and communications equipment.

The Taliban shadow governor was responsible for organizing and directing attacks against coalition forces. He was in constant contact with Kunduz and Pakistani Taliban senior leaders, providing updates and receiving guidance. Sources told coalition forces the Taliban forces had been planning an attack on a nearby Afghan National Police outpost.

An Afghan-international security force killed several insurgents and captured several others in Kandahar Province this morning.

The combined force moved to a compound and surrounding areas south of Kudeza'I, in the Zharay district, after intelligence information verified insurgent activity. As the assault force approached, several armed individuals took up fighting positions in a nearby wood line and orchard. The combined force called for the individuals to surrender, but the individuals began firing machine guns and rocket propelled grenades at the security force. The assault force returned fire and began clearing the compound and immediate area.

Several insurgents were killed and captured after the lengthy firefight. The combined force found several planted IEDs in the area, as well as rocket propelled grenades, heavy machine guns, multiple automatic rifles, hand-grenades, ammunition and communications equipment.

Another Afghan-international security force detained several individuals suspected of insurgent activity in Khost Province this morning.

The combined force went to a building in the village of Shegay, Musa Khel district, after intelligence information found insurgent activity. The men suspected of insurgent involvement were detained during a search of the building and the surrounding area.

The joint force found rocket propelled grenades and automatic rifles at the site.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed in the operation. A different Afghan-international security force captured a Taliban weapons facilitator and another militant in Wardak Province this morning.

The combined force went to a compound east of Soltan Kheyl, Sayyidabad district, after intelligence information confirmed insurgent activity. The assault force detained a suspected Taliban facilitator believed to be responsible for buying and distributing weapons to Taliban networks, and another suspected insurgent, while searching the buildings.

The security force came under fire from a sniper and returned fire, killing him.

The search team found multiple automatic rifles and ammunition.

A separate Afghan-international security force captured a Taliban commander and several individuals suspected of militant activity in Kandahar Province yesterday.
The Taliban commander was captured after the security team interdicted a vehicle in the Panjwa'i district after intelligence information confirmed militant activity. He is responsible for planning and executing attacks against coalition forces and was also involved in kidnappings and weapons facilitation.

The suspects were captured without incident.



5/29/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 29) – The day started early for Police Mentoring Team (PMT) 6 of the Military Police (MP) Training Command at Camp Marmal, Mazar-e-Sharif. At this early hour it was already evident that the temperatures would rise above 40 degrees celsius. The sun would be burning down again. It was good that the convoy started so early.

After the issuance of orders, Staff Sgt. André E’s team left the camp on time, 7 a.m., for the Dowlatabad District Hospital. The hospital, built in 2006 by the German Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ-German association for technical cooperation), has 30 beds, five doctors, and four nurses who provide care to about 250 patients a day. The town, about 45 kilometers northwest of the provincial capital Mazar-e-Sharif, has about 20,000 inhabitants.

The air conditioning in the hospital’s operating room has not worked for weeks making surgeries uncomfortable for the staff and patients.

Team 6 is accompanied by a Mobile Emergency Physician Team (MEPT), soldiers from the Camp Marmal engineer company’s NBC Defence Platoon, and two soldiers from the Technical Maintenance Service (TMS) team.

After a quick inspection, the TMS soldiers quickly determined what was wrong with the air conditioning (AC) units; they needed to be replaced.

In scorching heat, Staff Sgt. Frank E. and Sgt. Jörg S. chiselled shafts in the walls and installed the connection tubes and the power cables, also installing new AC units in the women’s and children’s sections of the hospital.

There is however a fly in the ointment, the hospital generator doesn’t provide enough power to run all the AC units at the same time. For now they will have to switch between the AC units as needed. The team is working with the GTZ to find a way to get more power for the hospital.

“The people in this town and the surrounding area know that the Germans are very committed. They have launched many projects and have gained a good reputation. We are very grateful for their support” said Dr. Mohammad Akbar, head of the District Hospital.

The partnership has also led to an agreement between the MEPT and Dr. Akbar's team to provide first aid training for members of the Afghan National Police in the future.



5/28/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 28) - Afghan and international partners discovered and destroyed two improvised explosive device (IED) factories in Kandahar Province recently.

An Afghan-international security force found insurgents, weapons, and IEDs, during a multi-day clearing operation in the Panjwa'i district, this week.

A large combined force searched several compounds, buildings and open fields for insurgents and their weapons after intelligence information verified militant activity in an area south of the village of Kudeza'i.

During the two-day operation, the security force found an IED factory with high explosives, mortar rounds, many active IEDs, including one planted inside a house, rocket propelled grenades and multiple automatic rifles and grenades. The illegal munitions were destroyed in place.

While conducting the search, individuals tried to engage the combined force and several were shot and killed. Several suspected insurgents were detained for questioning.

Many women and children were protected during the operation.

Afghan National Army Commandos, assisted by U.S. Special Operations Forces (USSOF), also destroyed a bomb factory in Kandahar Province Monday.

The Afghan-led force went to an area in Kandahar Province after intelligence information confirmed insurgent activity. As the combined force searched several compounds, they were engaged multiple times with small-arms, rocket and mortar fire during the 20-hour-mission. The combined force returned fire from their ground positions and from a supporting helicopter, killing several armed individuals.

During a search of the compounds, the combined force found two IEDs rigged to detonate, 16 anti-personnel mines, laboratory equipment and materials necessary for the construction of IEDs, approximately 138 kilograms of ammonium nitrate, as well as other fertilizer used in the construction of IEDs. The combined force also found numerous mines littered throughout a nearby poppy field.

The compound with the ammonium nitrate and anti-personnel mines was determined unsafe and coalition close air support was called in to destroy the materials in-place.

Afghan commandos cleared all areas of civilians before the IED factory was destroyed.

In a separate operation, an Afghan-international security force detained several individuals suspected of insurgent activity in Nimroz Province yesterday.

The security team intercepted the suspects in a vehicle in a rural area in the Kash Rod district, after intelligence information confirmed insurgent activity.



5/28/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 28) - Afghan soldiers, supported by ISAF troops have completed a clearing operation aimed at disrupting insurgent presence in and around Bala Murghab, Badghis Province, north of Herat.

After several days of fighting, Afghan National Army soldiers of the 207th Kandak, and their coalition partners, using close air support and mortar fire, removed insurgents from the southern edge of Bala Murghab during Operation 'Subh Bakhair' (Good Morning).

The increased security is allowing Afghan and international forces to distribute food and provide medical assistance to residents. It's also allowing long-term projects to begin, including the renovation of a bridge on the river Darya-Ye-Murghab, which will link several communities in the area.

Operation 'Sob Bakhair' is the first phase of operations to allow for the completion of Highway One in Badghis Province. The section running through Bala Murghab is unpaved, which greatly hinders travel and commerce in northwestern Afghanistan.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 28) - An ISAF servicemember died following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan today.

It is ISAF policy to defer identification procedures for casualties to the relevant national authorities.


5/28/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

Headquarters United States Forces Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 28) - US Forces-Afghanistan released its findings today from the investigation into the Feb. 21 civilian casualty incident that killed up to 23 Afghans and injured 12 others in Uruzgan Province.

The extensive investigation report submitted to Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Commander NATO ISAF/U.S. Forces-Afghanistan cites several shortcomings in training, communication and decision-making, and offered numerous recommendations.

Gen. McChrystal has directed that certain actions be pursued immediately. "Our most important mission here is to protect the Afghan people; inadvertently killing or injuring civilians is heartbreaking and undermines their trust and confidence in our mission. We will do all we can to regain that trust," he said.

The investigation, led by U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Timothy McHale, Deputy Commander for Support, U.S. Forces Afghanistan, reviewed the actions of a U.S. Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) unit and its higher headquarters, coalition aircraft, and support provided by U.S. Air Force Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) personnel. The report concluded that three vehicles carrying more than 30 civilians were mistaken for an insurgent convoy and engaged by coalition aircraft. The ODA ground force commander believed the vehicles contained a group of insurgents attempting to execute a flanking maneuver to reinforce insurgents in his area.

Gen. McChrystal, who offered a personal apology to the Afghan people and met with President Hamid Karzai immediately following the Feb. 21 incident, briefed President Karzai on the findings of the investigation earlier this week.

"This was a deeply regrettable incident and I share the sadness felt by the people of Afghanistan over this loss of innocent life," said President Karzai. "General McChrystal pledged to me that the most exhaustive investigation would be conducted to determine what happened and why, and I believe this has been done. I am also confident that appropriate actions are being taken with regard to those involved in the incident, and most importantly, to ensure measures are taken to prevent such accidents from happening again."

Investigation recommendations approved by Gen. McChrystal entail actions to be taken in pre-deployment training, as well as the conduct of operations in Afghanistan.

* U.S. Joint Forces Command (JFCOM), which is responsible for pre-deployment training at individuals' and units' home stations, will review and implement several changes in training. These include a rigorous series of challenging Counterinsurgency (COIN) training scenarios, use of case studies and vignettes to better educate and train for leading COIN operations, and standardization of terminology for use in the highly-stressed operational environment, which will be reinforced in pre-deployment training.

* ISAF Joint Command (IJC) and the U.S. Forces-Afghanistan J7 Training Directorate will develop a Mobile Training Team to evaluate and train unit command posts in the field on COIN operations, and develop an ongoing program to better educate and train for leading COIN operations. This will include intensive training on the process of identifying and engaging combatants in accordance with Rules of Engagement and Tactical Directives that govern operational conduct. * All units identified in the report are also directed to incorporate or retrain on the appropriate procedures for Civilian Casualty reporting.

"As partners with the Afghan people in our mission, we must always be honest with ourselves about what we do well and what we can do better," said Gen. McChrystal. "When we make a mistake, we must be forthright and we must do everything in our power to correct that mistake. I know our actions following this thorough investigation will help us to prevent mishaps that result in harm to the people we are sworn to protect."

The recommendations of the investigation report are responsive to findings of deficiencies that contributed to the accident. These included:

Although the ground force commander displayed tactical patience in letting the situation develop for several hours before the engagement, the UAV crew provided inaccurate reporting and in-country command posts failed to properly analyze the situation.

The ground force commander lacked a clear understanding of who was in the vehicles, the location, direction of travel and likely course of action of those vehicles.

Poorly functioning higher headquarters command posts failed to provide the ground force commander with the evidence and analysis that the vehicles were not a hostile threat.

Information that the convoy was anything other than an attacking force was ignored or downplayed by UAV personnel.

Following a review of Maj. Gen. McHale's investigation, Gen. McChrystal issued General Officer Memoranda of Reprimand (GOMOR) to four officers, including senior leaders at the Battalion and Brigade level. The GOMORs, while administrative in nature, may be placed in the official record of each of these officers once they have had a chance to respond. Gen. McChrystal also issued Memoranda of Admonishment to two junior officers involved, which will remain in their local file.

Also included among recommendations adopted by Gen. McChrystal is a request to Headquarters, U.S. Air Force to develop command level guidance on tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) regarding employment of Remote Pilot Vehicles. He also requested an Air Force investigation of the assessments made and actions taken by the specific UAV crew involved.

NOTE: Included are redacted copies of Maj. Gen. McHale's Executive Summary of his investigation and Gen. McChrystal's endorsement. The full investigation remains classified. U.S. Releases Uruzgan Investigation Findings



5/27/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 27) - An Afghan-international security force detained several individuals suspected of insurgent activity in Kandahar Province last night. The security force detained the individuals while searching a series of buildings south of Kudeza'I, Zharay district. Some of the suspects ran from the security force, but they were quickly and safely apprehended.
A separate Afghan-international security force detained an individual suspected of militant activity in Khost last night. The combined force detained the individual while searching a compound south of Kholbesat, Sabari district.

An ISAF patrol detained several individuals suspected of being weapons facilitators, improvised explosive device (IED) makers and IED emplacers, in three locations, during an operation in Nad 'Ali district, Helmand Province, yesterday.

The above operations were carried out after intelligence information revealed insurgent activity.
An Afghan-international patrol found a weapons cache In Arghandab district, Kandahar Province, yesterday. The cache contained two rocket propelled grenade launchers, 17 blasting caps, a propane tank, numerous AK-47 rounds, an instruction book on IED construction and other IED making components.

No shots were fired and no civilians were harmed during any of the above operations.



ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 27) - Adm. James Stavridis, the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR), concluded a two day visit to Afghanistan today.

During his visit, the admiral witnessed an Afghan National Army kandak undergoing training and spoke to its soldiers and their Canadian mentors. "I asked all of the Afghan soldiers I met why they joined the army. They all replied that they wanted to defend their country," said Admiral Stavridis.

Admiral Stavridis also met Lt. Gen. David Rodriguez, Commander of ISAF Joint Command, Col. Dimitrios Pantelatos, North Kabul International Airport commander, and Sgt. Maj. Darrin Bohn, IJC command sergeant major. The IJC leaders discussed progress of current operations in southern Afghanistan and Afghan-led preparations for the upcoming Consultative Peace Jirga.

"The Afghan flag flies in many provinces; last year that could not be said. General [Stanley] McChrystal and General Rodriguez are hard at work, planning joint operations day-by-day and step-by-step in complete partnership with, and respect for, the Afghan government." he said. Before departing Kabul, he met with Afghan media. The topics of discussion ranged from Afghan and ISAF operations for security of the people of Afghanistan to the progression of ongoing operations throughout the region, as well as upcoming plans.

"The most important thing I will say today is: we will not deliver peace and security from the barrel of a gun," he said. "I am not concerned with killing Taliban, but I am concerned with protecting the Afghan people." Admiral Stavridis is the 16th SACEUR and the first admiral to hold this title.



5/26/10 ISAF Public Affairs Office

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan


For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 26) - An Afghan-international security force captured a Taliban operations facilitator and other suspected militants in Zabul Province last night.

The facilitator and other militants were captured at a compound in Kaj Baz, Qalat district, after intelligence information verified insurgent activity. The facilitator has ties to several insurgent networks, is known to provide monetary support to the insurgency, and operates mainly in Zabul Province. When the security force confronted the Taliban leader he immediately surrendered and identified himself as the targeted insurgent.

No shots were fired and no one was harmed during this operation.

An Afghan-international patrol discovered numerous improvised explosive device (IED) making materials in Chorah district, Uruzgan Province, yesterday. The material included 50 military grade detonators, a 107mm mortar round, a 40mm diameter mortar fuse, detonation cord, ball bearings, pressure plates, a small bag of homemade explosives, an IED trigger used to detonate several charges simultaneously, and other IED making materials.

Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) with ISAF partners conducted a combined operation early Tuesday morning in Shurakay, Helmand Province. The intent of the operation was to arrest a Taliban insurgent responsible for supplying aid to insurgents in Helmand Province. As the combined force approached a compound where the Taliban commander was believed to be, they were attacked by insurgents with small arms and rocket propelled grenades. ANSF and ISAF responded in self-defense and killed several insurgents. The combined force then surrounded the compound, and Afghan Special Police ensured all residents exited the compound safely.

Several were detained, and multiple women and children were protected throughout this operation, in which no civilians were injured.