Dec 01, 2011
Office of the President
Islamic Republic of Afhanistan
The meeting attended by Chief Justice Abdul Salam Azimi, Justice Minister Habibullah Ghalib, the Attorney General and Head of the Office of Administrative Affairs discussed the issue of rape and imprisonment of a girl named Gul Naz.
Justice Minister Ghalib briefed the meeting on the details of Ms. Gul Naz case and proposed that the remaining prison term for the girl be pardoned.
Following the briefing on the circumstances of the imprisonment, the judicial meeting decided that the remaining prison term for the convict be pardoned in the light of the country’s laws.
Taking into consideration the consent of both sides for a conditional wedlock, the meeting tasked the relevant authorities to take necessary actions as per Islamic Sharia law.
The President ordered the Office of Administrative Affairs to prepare a presidential decree on the release of the girl from prison.
The meeting also discussed a number of other cases including a foreign national sentenced to prison.