mercredi 2 janvier 2013
6094. LU
Kevin McKenna
December 20, 2012
Talesfromthelou's Blog
Warning: This site may contain conspiracies
These workshy aristos are costing us billions
If ‘intergenerational worklessness’ is indeed a myth, what do you think the affluent do?
The causes and effects of worklessness among Britain’s aristocrats paint a dire picture of neglect and dissolution, according to a leaked report seen by the Observer.
The findings of the report, commissioned by the thinktank Get Tae (Getting the Aristocracy off Their Arses), are believed to be so explosive that the government has decided to suppress full publication.
Among the report’s most stunning conclusions were:
1. In many of Britain’s most affluent areas, avoidance of work has permeated four generations.
2. Aristocratic children who have been forced to earn their own money have exhibited symptoms of severe depression and been signed off sick after two days.
3. Fathers are setting up offshore accounts to bribe some seaside universities into taking their delinquent offspring.
4. Aristocratic interbreeding is reaching levels not seen since the days of Edwardian royalty, because male heirs can’t make themselves understood to normal people.
5. Another banking crisis is imminent because the idiot offspring of these couplings will find jobs as fund managers.
The report highlighted examples of what they have called Aristocratic Recidivist Syndrome.
Among the most disturbing were internet pictures of affluent students of St Andrew’s University indulging in japery and malarkey around the Grey Toun, pouring bottles of champagne all over themselves.
At Oxford, affluent students held mock interviews in which they blackballed pupils from state schools.
In some rural areas police have reported a marked rise in agricultural incidents with farm animals.
The source added: “The saddest stories we uncovered were about the children of aristocrats who tried to do normal jobs. Many of them would suddenly stop work at 11am and ask when the chocolate biscuits would be handed round. Many were dismissed for mistaking their line managers for mendicant shoe-shine providers.
“It was clear from our research that they hadn’t had a male role model in the family who had ever done a day’s work in his life.
Many turned to drink and drugs or applied to St Andrews University or became researchers at Conservative central office.”
The report said intergenerational tax avoidance was ingrained in many of Britain’s richest families.
The Observer has seen dozens of interviews where, in response to the question: “What do you think taxes are for?”, the vast majority replied: “To pay for our shooting estates.”
Some said: “We don’t work, so why should we pay taxes?”
The authors have calculated that aggressive intergenerational aristocratic tax avoidance alone costs Britain £5bn a year.
The Get Tae authors recommend:
1. That the government takes over all production and management of Britain’s biggest country estates.
2. That aristocratic detention centres on the Sangatte model are established where these wretched people can be processed until they are fit to be re-introduced to society.
3. That specially trained social workers annex all offspring under the age of 10 and place them with an elite army of foster-carers.
Site. Ntersection. the Church, the State, and me
On se rappellera que lors des élections US, l'adversaire de monsieur Obama eut cette fine remarque. Selon lui, ceux qui votaient pour les Démocrates étaient des parasites d'assistés sociaux qui attendaient que l'État les fassent vivre. Selon lui, 47% de la population. À qui on devrait enlever le droit de vote pour que les chances soient égales. Ou quelque chose du genre. Alors que - sous-entendu- les Républicains les feraient travailler ou les tueraient, on ne sait pas. Mais, sûrement, cesseraient de les entretenir, pour les mettre en face de leur responsabilité puisqu'ils sont libres et que les Républicains sont avec le parti de la Liberté. Que les femmes enceintes monoparentales meurent de faim est la triste exigence de cette rude liberté si bénéfique à tous. Si le citoyen de base se doit d'affronter la liberté comme un Spartiate, ce n'est pas le cas de tout le monde et d'un certain nombre à qui on fournit de petits coussins. Dont les financiers qui ont plongé le pays et le monde dans le gouffre en 2008 et qui n'ont, à ce jour, jamais subi les conséquences de leurs actes. Sans compter, aussi, on évitera de le compter, tous ces assistés sociaux de militaires qui coûtent des milliards avec leurs gadgets fabriqués par des industries vivant au crochet de l'État. Donc se souvenir. C'est la faute de la négresse enceinte et non du nouvel avion d'1 milliard. Il y en a probablement. Et il flotte probablement aussi. Et avec une option sous-marin. Le professeur Bulle a parlé et se sent mieux.