Chris Smith
December 17th 2009
TFTS – Technology, Gadgets & Curiosities
Have you been good or bad this year?
Either way Santa Claus is going to pay you a visit in just a few days. No matter if he’s bringing you a brand new toy to play with or a few pieces of coal, he still needs a powerful sleigh to carry all the gifts for all those kids of all ages on our overcrowded planet.
It looks like GE Global Research has decided to come up with a new sleigh for Santa and the machine they have designed is going to blow your mind.
As you can already see from the picture the reindeer are gone for a while and the sleigh itself looks pretty compact. Which makes me wonder as to where will Santa deposit all those gifts. Oh, and don’t worry, Santa will still rely on the reindeer to drive the sleigh.
GE’s Santa sleigh concept features 10 Global Research technologies that “could improve Santa’s experience.”
So let’s take a look at each of them:
•Icephobic Coatings – sprayed on the exterior will prevent ice buildup while travelling through new fallen snow
•Self-powered OLED lighting – these OLEDs do not require a power outlet thus Santa will have the best lighting conditions available
•Ceramic Matrix Composites – the sleigh blades are made of super durable CMC
•Carbon Fiber Composites – the sleigh will be easier to pull for the reindeer as it is made from a material lighter than metal but just as strong
•GE Sodium Batteries – the batteries will help Santa power the sleigh when the reindeers go on coffee breaks
•GE Trip Optimizer – cruise control is definitely something Santa needs in order to travel around the globe as efficiently as possible
•Wearable RFID Sensor – the sensor can check the freshness of the milk and the cookies in order for Santa not to get a bug while travelling around the world
•500GB Holographic Disc – what else should Santa use for storing all those Christmas wishes?
•Wireless Medical Sensor – the sensor monitors Santa’s heartbeats. Better have one on board although Santa will never be in any danger.
•Asset Intelligence Tracking Tech – the elves at the North Pole can keep an eye on things from the distance.
Santa’s new sleigh – interactive animation: Voir le site.
As you can see, GE has everything figured out for Santa. Although I bet Santa’s sleigh is already packed with a lot of high tech material we don’t even know about!