14 juin 2010
Une mère fait face à trois chefs d'accusation, dont celui de tentative de meurtre, sur sa fille de 19 ans. Selon la police, il pourrait s'agir d'un « crime d'honneur ».
Lors de sa brève comparution au palais de justice de Montréal, l'accusée a fondu en larmes, tandis que son époux clamait tout haut, en anglais, l'innocence de sa femme. Celle-ci sera transférée à l'Institut Pinel pour évaluation psychiatrique.
La femme de 38 ans aurait poignardé l'adolescente parce que cette dernière ne serait pas rentrée coucher à la maison dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche. L'agression est survenue peu après 8 heures, dimanche matin, dans la résidence familiale, à Dorval.
La victime a été blessée à la tête, à l'épaule et au bras. La mère a aussi été atteinte au bras.
Il y avait quatre autres personnes dans la demeure, soit le père et les trois soeurs de la victime. Les enfants auraient été confiés à la Direction de la protection de la jeunesse.
Radio-Canada.ca avec Presse canadienne
En profondeur
Crimes d'honneur: mythe et réalité
Pratique liée aux coutumes et aux codes sociaux de nombreux pays, le crime d'honneur fait 5000 victimes chaque année. Toutes des femmes.
Caroline Belley résume les circonstances de l'agression.
Le reportage d'Isabelle Richer
Les commentaires (37)
19 août 2010
Johra Kaleki est remise en liberté conditionnelle jusqu'à son procès, qui reprendra le 30 août. Elle ne pourra pas retourner chez elle et aura une nouvelle adresse.
Le juge Martin Vauclair a rendu sa décision jeudi matin au palais de justice de Montréal, infirmant la décision du 30 juillet dernier du juge de première instance Salvatore Mascia, de la Cour du Québec. Il a déclaré que l'accusée ne représentait pas un danger pour la société.
Mme Kaleki pourra entrer en contact avec ses enfants. La présence d'un employé de la Direction de la protection de la jeunesse sera pourtant nécessaire au cours des visites aux enfants mineurs, ainsi que celle d'un adulte responsable auprès de la fille aînée.
L'accusée dispose de 48 heures pour déposer son passeport. Elle ne pourra pas quitter le Québec et devra se présenter à la cour sur demande. Aucune demande de dépôt d'argent n'a été incluse dans les conditions, qui ne sont pas surprenantes selon un avocat expert en droit criminel, Me Conrad Lord.
Cette décision survient une semaine après que la fille aînée de Mme Kaleki, Bahar Ebrahimi, a témoigné en faveur de sa mère.
La femme de 39 ans est accusée de tentative de meurtre, de voies de fait graves et de voies de fait armées sur sa fille aînée, âgée de 19 ans.
Mme Kaleki aurait poignardé sa fille le 13 juin dernier, à Dorval. Bahar Ebrahimi serait rentrée à la maison après une soirée passée à l'extérieur de chez elle. Selon la police, c'est là que sa mère l'aurait agressée, avançant ainsi la thèse d'un crime d'honneur.
Johra Kaleki est libre, mais elle devra respecter certaines conditions, explique Anne Tessier-Bouchard
Jacques Bissonnet nous dit comment le juge justifie cette remise en liberté provisoire.
19 commentaires
David Santerre
19 août 2010
Après avoir été maintenue en détention dans l’attente de son procès par un juge de la Cour du Québec, Johra Kaleki, cette mère qui aurait tenté de poignarder à mort sa fille de 19 ans dans ce qui a les apparences d’un crime d’honneur, vient tout juste d’être libérée par un juge de la Cour supérieure.
Le juge de la Cour supérieure Martin Vauclair a décidé que le juge Salvatore Mascia avait erré en considérant que la remise en liberté de la mère minerait la confiance du public envers le système de justice.
On ne peut relater les faits de la cause, puisqu’une ordonnance de non-publication des faits de la preuve, usuelle à ce stade dans la quasi-totalité des procédures judiciaires, a été décrétée au début de l’enquête sur remise en liberté devant le juge Mascia.
La mère d’origine afghane est accusée d’avoir, le 13 juin dernier à Dorval, tenté de tuer sa fille de 19 ans, Bahar Ebrahimi. La police avait avancé la thèse du crime d’honneur pour expliquer son geste.
Sans entrer dans les détails de son récit, le juge Vauclair s’est appuyé en bonne partie sur le témoignage de la victime, qui a fait devant lui sa première sortie publique depuis le drame, la semaine dernières, et qui a parlé en faveur de sa mère, pour renverser la décision du juge Mascia.
Selon lui, un public bien informé comprendrait pourquoi il décide de libérer la femme. Le hic, c’est que l’ordonnance de non-publication empêche le public d’être bien informé.
Johra Kaleki, dans le box des accusés, et son mari, Ebrahim Ebrahimi, présent dans la salle d’audience, se sont regardés en souriant et en pleurant discrètement à l’annonce de sa libération.
La femme ne pourra toutefois rentrer vivre dans sa maison. Elle devra plutôt demeurer chez une amie d’ici à la fin des procédures, et ne pourra voir sa fille qu’en présence d’un adulte responsable. Quant à ses autres enfants, mineurs, elle pourra les voir sous la supervision d’un membre de la Direction de la protection de la jeunesse.
By Irwin Block,
August 19, 2010
The Gazette
The woman charged with trying to kill her eldest daughter wiped away tears Thursday as she learned she was to be released from prison.
Looking less gaunt than in previous court appearances, her black hair tied in a ponytail, Johra Kaleki nodded in agreement as Superior Court Justice Martin Vauclair set out her release conditions.
His lengthy decision was translated for her into Farsi.
Kaleki, 39, has been held at the Tanguay prison for women in Ahuntsic since June 13, when she was arrested for allegedly attacking Bahar Ebrahimi, 19.
The attack came after Ebrahimi arrived at the family's Dorval home at 6:30 a.m. after spending the night elsewhere.
Kaleki allegedly flew into a rage and attacked the teen, leading to charges of attempted murder, assault causing bodily harm and assault with a weapon.
Vauclair outlined his reasons for overturning the original refusal by Quebec Court Judge Salvatore Mascia to release Kaleki on bail, which was appealed by defence lawyer Isabel Schurman.
The Crown had opposed her release, arguing she posed a risk to public safety and her detention was necessary to maintain confidence in the administration of justice.
Based in part on testimony that is covered by a publication ban, Vauclair said he had to look at all relevant circumstances and balance these with the rights of the accused in ordering her release on certain conditions.
Those conditions include residing elsewhere than the family home in Dorval, and not meeting with her eldest daughter except in the presence of another responsible adult.
A Youth Protection official will have to be present for Kaleki to meet her three other children.
She was ordered to hand in her passport, not apply for another one, and not to leave Quebec.
Other conditions include not having a weapon and showing up for her preliminary hearing, when a judge will determine whether there is sufficient evidence for the case to go to trial. That hearing is to begin Aug. 30.
By Paul Cherry
July 26, 2010
The Gazette Crime Reporter
A Quebec Court judge is expected to decide later this week whether a 38-year-old Dorval woman will be released on bail in a case where she is accused of attempting to kill her daughter in what police allege was possibly a so-called honour crime.
Johra Kaleki managed a quick smile when she first greeted her lawyers at the Montreal courthouse before her bail hearing Monday. But she also appeared to be emotionally drained soon after the hearing began.
After hearing evidence, which was placed under a publication ban, and arguments from both sides, Judge Salvatore Mascia told defence lawyer Isabel Sherman and prosecutor Anne Gauvin that he would render a decision sometime this week.
Kaleki faces three charges in all. Besides the attempted murder of her daughter, 19-year-old Bahar Ebrahimi, Kaleki is also charged with assault causing bodily harm and assault with a weapon.
Kaleki was arrested on June 13 after police found Ebrahimi injured and bloody inside the family’s home on Louise Lamy St.
Sherman called three witnesses, Kaleki’s husband, Ebrahim Ebrahimi, and two of the accused’s friends, to testify in the interest of obtaining a release for her client.
Gauvin said the Crown opposes Kaleki’s release based on two criteria: that she poses a risk to public safety, and that her detention is necessary in order to maintain confidence in the administration of justice.
July 13, 2010
The Gazette
A woman accused of stabbing her daughter multiple times with a kitchen knife after the 19-year-old came home late on June 13 has been found fit to stand trial after a psychiatric evaluation. Johra Kaleki, 38, is facing charges of attempted murder, aggravated assault and possession of a weapon.
Katherine Wilton
June 16, 2010
The Gazette;
Canwest News Service contributed to this report
The stabbing of a 19-year-old girl who was attacked after coming home late on the weekend was a "tragic accident," the girl's father says.
"Please, help me -I just want my family to be back together," a distraught Ebrahim Ebrahimi said during a telephone call from his Dorval home yesterday.
His daughter Bahar Ebrahimi was attacked with a kitchen knife early Sunday after she had stayed out all night.
Her mother, Johra Kaleki, 38, is facing charges of attempted murder, aggravated assault and possession of a weapon. She has been sent to the Phillipe Pinel Institute in Montreal for a psychiatric evaluation to see whether she is fit to stand trial.
In a brief telephone interview with The Gazette, Ebrahimi said he was outside having a smoke "for just a minute" when the incident happened just after 8 a.m. Sunday.
The attack on his eldest daughter is being investigated as a possible "honour" crime -an act of violence committed by someone who aims to protect the reputation of his or her family.
But Ebrahimi has said he doesn't believe honour was the issue. He told the National Post on Monday that he thinks his wife "has lost her mind."
Speaking to The Gazette yesterday, Ebrahimi described his daughter as "a very nice girl" and said it was the first time she had come home so late.
"I am very glad that she is in one piece," he said.
A Montreal psychiatrist who works extensively with immigrant families cautioned against labelling the case a crime of honour without knowing all the facts.
"Before thinking it is a cultural issue, we need to rule out that it is not simply a mental health issue," said Cecile Rousseau. "Otherwise, we may make it an immigrant issue when, in fact, Quebec and Canadian parents lose it as well, and no one says it is because of their culture."
Rousseau said she worries that the uproar over the case will have negative consequences for immigrants because "there is already huge discrimination toward Muslim immigrant families in Canada.
"Each time something happens, it is interpreted as proof that these people do not adjust, do not adapt or share our values," she said.
Rousseau said immigrant children usually have fewer behavioural and emotional problems than children born in North America or Britain.
"Migrant families actually do a very good job with their kids," she said.
Ebrahimi said he spoke to his injured daughter Monday night for 30 minutes on the telephone.
"She said: 'I love you Dad,' and said to take care of her mother."
Ebrahimi said he still hadn't seen his daughter as of yesterday morning, because he didn't know what hospital she is in. He has since learned her location.
Since the stabbing, the family has been separated and could be apart until legal proceedings against the mother come to an end, which could take several months.
Ebrahimi's three other children are in the custody of youth protection, his daughter is in a Montreal hospital and his wife will spend the next 30 days in a psychiatric hospital.
Photo. http://www.libertasoccidentalis.net/libertasoccidentalis09/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Crime-dhonneur-couteaux-008.jpg
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