Sonnie Trotter
Do what you love. Love what you do.
Last month, I dropped $400 bucks (I don’t have) on my van all because a tiny little mouse chewed through my wires. Apparently, it was trying to burrow a nest and decided my car’s engine was as good a place as any. I may be to blame, I think I left an apple core in the cup holder over night, that was all it took. The next thing I know, I’m stalling my Safari in the driveway and I’ve got an important date with the Dairy Queen. Man that pissed me off. That little pecker of a mouse, ruined my whole month, I had to get it to the garage, illegally, then wait four days for a repair and then dish out three months worth of family guy DVD rentals to get it back again. I hope he enjoyed the wires, that was expensive dinning on his part and just think, I used to like mice. Screw em. Screw’em all and may they burn in the fiery depths of hell.